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Everything posted by dingoPboy

  1. Kinda old bump. Just to add to this because i was thinking of cleaning my files again after a 16+ hours of modding FO3 before i played it. Over the last 7 years i have FNV, oblivion and skyrim EVERY TIME i ever cleaned files with FO3edit it set me back to the start of modding the entire game from scratch because it broke something in the game files that brought the whole game to a halt. Ive never had good luck with cleaning files and silly me i almost tried again just now after reading loot. FYI
  2. Found it i just downloaded ATI tool trays recently only thing new played the game a few minutes then the crash started up, after playing with tray tools it i found the FPS counter will crash skyrim before it even starts up. I got the ideal to look around after i disabled tool tray same answer was on the interwebs. I have two 6970's dont know why i typed it all backwards. :happy:
  3. Same here after the last patch black screen crash with pure vanilla when i start skyrim worked with 62+ mods previously with my current setup. Reinstalled windows a week ago everything worked. crossfire -AMD 7690s 8gb ram driver 12.3 - worked fine before patch havent tried a earlier driver just yet.
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