After almost six months, I've decided to take up Skyrim once again. I began with installing the game, and then installing essential mods and some interesting mods like dual sheath redux and falskaar, along with some new model skeleton improvements (recommended by Dual sheath redux) I started the game and noticed that my point of view was almost twice as high, like I was double as tall as everybody else. When I began to move my view started to flip out by looking upp, sometimes down and at some points even viewed everything upside down. As I just put in these mods in one swoop I have no idea which mod could be the culprit, perhaps someone here knows what has happened? Here my list of mods: Pure watersUnique uniquesWet and coldStatic mesh improvementsSplash of rainFootprintsXP32Maximum skeleton - XPMSSkyUIImmersive HUDDual sheath reduxBetter messagebox controlsBetter dialogue controlsATAF one-handed-34950-v2-0A quality world mapRealistic needs and diseasesPlayer headtrackingimmersive settlementsFrostfallFalskaarProject realityClimates of tamriel