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About Sharkbait1986

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    Fallout 3, Skyrim

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  1. I'm using a 360 controller when playing Skyrim but I can't use the controllers D-pad as hot-keys for swapping between groups in the favourites menu. I can't even designate item favourites on any D-pad button like in the vanilla. May I have done something wrong or is there a problem with this?
  2. I've found the problem, or atleast I've eliminated it, dunno which mod caused it. But Upon removing dual sheath redux, XP32Maximum skeleton - XPMS and ATAF one-handed-34950-v2-0 - the problem stopped. I don't know which one however and what I could have done wrong. I'll investigate it thou.
  3. After almost six months, I've decided to take up Skyrim once again. I began with installing the game, and then installing essential mods and some interesting mods like dual sheath redux and falskaar, along with some new model skeleton improvements (recommended by Dual sheath redux) I started the game and noticed that my point of view was almost twice as high, like I was double as tall as everybody else. When I began to move my view started to flip out by looking upp, sometimes down and at some points even viewed everything upside down. As I just put in these mods in one swoop I have no idea which mod could be the culprit, perhaps someone here knows what has happened? Here my list of mods: Pure watersUnique uniquesWet and coldStatic mesh improvementsSplash of rainFootprintsXP32Maximum skeleton - XPMSSkyUIImmersive HUDDual sheath reduxBetter messagebox controlsBetter dialogue controlsATAF one-handed-34950-v2-0A quality world mapRealistic needs and diseasesPlayer headtrackingimmersive settlementsFrostfallFalskaarProject realityClimates of tamriel
  4. Blender you say! Excellent I shall try to obtain it, hopefully There is some information to be found. Is that the only thing I need to be able to animate and make an item to fit in the hands or is there something else? Thanks for your reply.
  5. Hello! I was wondering what kind of programs that is needed to be able to create my own models, how to animate the models and then make them fit in the game. I also wonder if there is any web site where I could learn how these programs works. Take care! Flashy_Senap
  6. It could be that you haven't adapted the room marker to fit the added structure. If you're outside the room-marker, anything inside of it will disappear and all you see is a void. open "view" options at the left side of the window, and locate and press the "show/ hide window" option. A window of check-boxes will appear, check the portals and rooms and you will see blue boxes covering the areas. Adjust the room-markers size to fit the new added structure of yours. If you need more information about room markers and portals, There is a video tutorial that explain the usage of this tool and what it's for: I guess this might be the reason for your problem and I hope this will solve it. Good luck and take care! Regards, Flashy_Senap
  7. What a shame, It would be pretty neat if a human ghoul could act like a feral ghoul in terms of animation. Might there be any way that I could make this reality?
  8. Hello! I am at the moment trying to create a new type of creature. What I want really is simple, yet it seems like it's a very hard task to accomplish. I want a regular ghoul (like gob in appearence,) to act like a feral ghoul (in animation). I can't however understand how I can make this happen. Does anyone know how to do or is it an impossible task? I simply want a ghoul looking creature that acts like a feral ghoul in animation and behavior.
  9. This only occurs to Point lookout doors that are similar to the ones I gave as an example.
  10. Hello! In the DLC 4 (Point lookout,) I've noticed that the wooden doors (for example DLC04MDoorBig01 & DLC04MDoorSmL01,) don't make a sound when they are opened or closed. I've checked and they have valid sound files selected and when I try the sound files they work (Atleast in GECK,) but the doors won't use the sound files, any idea what the problem might be? I have tried the following: Listen to the actual sound file in the sound list inside GECK. The sounds work with no fuss. I've reselected the sound files to one of the doors, but in preview it still wont make a sound. In game I've never been able to hear the sound from these doors.
  11. Are you playing on hard mode? Because I encountered that when I played on easy or normal, On hard That all changed.
  12. Strings names are important how? Do you mean that I need to change the names so it isn't similar to other nif models? But the DWPPC Revolver is someones creation. I can't use it in Geck but Someone could so might it be an error somewhere else? All I have done is taking a Nif model and changed the texture paths so that I can place the items where I wish to place them, and a few weapons I've added a suppressor and only one item I've edit doesn't work. Someone created this and manage so what could be the problem? I've noticed a strange thing... I can add both models into the static category, but as soon as I'm gonna use them in the weapon category the Geck crashes. I don't think it's the nif but some error in the Geck. But what?
  13. I'm starting to get sick of the Geck crashing every-time I try to add a new mesh or double-click to fast at some menus. Why is this happening!? I built a stealth suit with a Ciras vest combo together with the HighRes stealth retexture. My Geck wont accept to open my nifmodel and it crashes at once. I manage to get it to work ONCE, but when I entered the game Nothing of the stuff I added in the Nif was added in the game. I tried to open up Dan wesson PPC with scope in mesh in the game and the game crashes again! Later I inserted alot of new weapons for my mod, but a weird crash accured... I had a M1911 and a M1911 with a suppressor. I added the unsuppressed version first, And when I tried to add the suppresssed version the Geck crashes. I restart and start to try adding the suppressed version... Works without a problem. But now I cant add the 1911 without the suppressor without the Geck crashing... Something I should know before I edit in Nif? Is there any option I don't know that I need modify to allow certain meshes to work?
  14. Hello! I'm working on a little personal mod and I am currently using Fallout3.esm as well as Anchorage.esm I would like to be able to use the textures from pointlookout.esm unfortunately Geck doesn't want me to load any more esm files. I have seen other mods using more than two esm files and I was wondering how I can manage to insert a third esm file to the parents list. (I had a problem adding the second esm as well but one time it just worked so I dunno what I should really do.) The biohazard redux mod has three esm files in the parents list. I can't however open up that mod and look at it. What do I need to be able to use more than one or two esm files? The message I get when I try to load the esm files together with the esp file is: "Title: Invalid file selection. Message: multiple master files selected for load. Load operation aborted."
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