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Everything posted by SteelPhoenix78

  1. Not sure if anyone's still reading/checking this, but the answer is that you need to downgrade the Creation Kit as well. Instructions for how to do this can be found at this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cdfe3j/how_do_you_rollback_the_update_to_fo4s_creation/ If you get some error message when launching the Creation Kit that mentions something about "register flowchart control," go to this link: https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutCK/comments/1038fe5/register_flowchart_control/
  2. Hi! I changed that Combined Arms esp in FOEdit to be flagged as esm, then made the changes in the CK, and it worked! Thanks very much for your help!
  3. Oh, okay... I've done stuff like this with other mods, but now that I think about it, it occurs to me that I was making changes directly to a mod's esp rather than creating a new esp. In any case, I'll try modifying the esp for Combined Arms to be an esm or esp, & see if that works. If not, I'll just try making changes to the Combined Arms esp directly. Thanks!
  4. I'm trying to use the Creation Kit to create an esp file that modifies the Combined Arms mod from Nova to have the ammo for the weapons craftable at the AWKCR ammo crafting workbench instead of the chemistry station (and to change the required materials to be more in line with the recipes for the vanilla game ammo types that are part of that ammo crafting bench's mod). However, every time I try, it won't actually save the changes, and instead creates a bunch of duplicate files like in the attached image. How do I fix this? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EFWtEXG_TbSqrLlvV51XBQwhdkw9EmnI/view?usp=sharing
  5. Has anyone run into instances of NPCs looking away from the player character during a conversation? For example: When I went to Abernathy Farm for the first time in my most recent playthrough & started the first conversation with Blake, he kept turning around & looking at Connie & Lucy as they walked around, rather than continuing to face me. After that conversation, Connie & Lucy behaved the same way. Not a massive deal, but kind of immersion-breaking. Have a feeling it might be mod related, but I've got a lot of mods, and I'm not sure which it could be. Here's a Google Doc of the mods I currently have installed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gvTKxt4FinvPG_YIi1WfcH0CFrGx59BvAByGDVYP7GY/edit?usp=sharing
  6. Has anyone run into instances of NPCs looking away from the player character during a conversation? For example: When I went to Abernathy Farm for the first time in my most recent playthrough & started the first conversation with Blake, he kept turning around & looking at Connie & Lucy as they walked around, rather than continuing to face me. After that conversation, Connie & Lucy behaved the same way. Not a massive deal, but kind of immersion-breaking. Have a feeling it might be mod related, but I've got a lot of mods, and I'm not sure which it could be. Here's a Google Doc of the mods I currently have installed: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gvTKxt4FinvPG_YIi1WfcH0CFrGx59BvAByGDVYP7GY/edit?usp=sharing
  7. I've been using SMR for a while now, and I've really enjoyed it, but I've run into a problem where Super Mutants are spawning with their face textures completely missing (as in this screenshot; you'll also notice that although the mutant is tagged as a Nightkin, the skin isn't the right color https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxOKrEk00AH3MqWja9yFSL4g2rUReJZr/view?usp=sharing). I'm currently back to using SMR version 1.4 because I'm not partial to the changes made to Behemoths in the most recent version (they default as friendly to the player to offset how much tougher they are, & won't aggro unless you attack them), or to Suiciders (they don't fully blow apart, which doesn't feel believable to me). I have started from fresh game saves, as well as a total reinstall of the game and all other mods (my full mod list is here - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gvTKxt4FinvPG_YIi1WfcH0CFrGx59BvAByGDVYP7GY/edit?usp=sharing). Any ideas on what, if anything, I can do to fix this? Thanks!
  8. I'm convinced it's an issue with F4SE, not with the FO4 executable. When I deleted my F4SE-dependent mods and launched the game with the regular "Launch Fallout 4" option in NMM, the save game files load just fine, including files that had been saved while I was using F4SE. I'm going to do a clean re-install of the game and all my non-F4SE-dependent mods, then try launching the game & loading saves with the normal Launch FO4 option in NMM. Then, I'll install F4SE & launch the game with it, but without F4SE-dependent mods installed. Finally - if the game launches with F4SE but no F4SE mods - I'll try adding F4SE dependent mods, one at a time.
  9. No, it's not necessarily the mods. I have the exact same problem. NMM warned me about two mods and I disabled them. The savegames still crashed. I then disabled ALL mods, and the game still crashes at the save game load. I can start the game and load saves in Steam but if I start the game with F4SE, with NO mods, the game still crashes with F4SE. So it's not a mod problem. Yeah, I'm seeing the same thing. Even when I delete all the mods I was using that required F4SE - including the only one of them that had just been updated this evening, after the F4SE update - the game still crashes at the save game load when I try to launch the game using F4SE. However, when I choose the normal Fallout 4 launch option in NMM, the save games load just fine. I'm going to delete the game & all my mods, and do a clean install of all of them, and then put F4SE back on to test it (with and without the one mod that required F4SE that also got an update), but I think that the F4SE team needs to go back to the drawing board with this release. Damn shame; I had found a really good key binding mod that requires F4SE which finally fixed an issue of me not being able to strafe left in settlement build mode (I've remapped Strafe Left to the Q key & Strafe Right to the E key).
  10. Well, I deleted Settler Sandbox Overhaul, but it didn't seem to help...I got one settler within a minute or two of powering up the beacon, but then nothing for the several in-game hours it took to patrol around Lexington a bit & fast travel back to Tenpines Bluff and then to Sanctuary. I then tried removing Workshop Framework (https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttps://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35004%26amp;sa%3DD%26amp;ust%3D1543457421363000&sa=D&ust=1543457421398000&usg=AFQjCNHuXVM51IY253UwKy683ta8A_HPiQ), since its most recent change log talks about supposedly fixing a bug it had created with Settler recruitment, but so far, still nothing. ð
  11. Cool, thanks! I'll try removing the Settler Sandbox mod next time I play & see if that changes anything. Thanks for the tip about the Airport & Mechanist workbenches as well! I'll definitely get rid of the Airport workbench mod, but I actually use the Mechanist/Home Plate workbench mod mainly for a secondary feature - it links the Home Plate workbench to Hangman's Alley, so you can effectively have Home Plate linked to your supply line network. Know of any other ways to accomplish that? Also, does my load order look alright? Thanks again!
  12. Hi...I know that there have been reports off & on ever since FO4 came out of people having issues with the settlement beacons not working properly. Specifically, that a beacon will only bring in one or two settlers, and then nothing. I've recently started seeing this myself on my most recent PC playthrough, though I didn't see it the first time I played through the game (both playthroughs have been modded). I have tried every suggested solution I've found (scrapping/storing settler recruitment beacons, switching the beacons on & off repeatedly, trying different settlements, and so on). Since I've never seen this issue before the last month or two, I'm wondering if one of the newer mods I've selected might be causing an issue ("We Are the Minutemen," for example). Below is a shareable link to a Google Doc of all the mods I have for the game as of right now...If anyone sees anything on my list that they think might be at the root of this sudden (for me) problem, could you let me know so I can try removing it & seeing if that helps? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gvTKxt4FinvPG_YIi1WfcH0CFrGx59BvAByGDVYP7GY/edit?usp=sharing Thanks!
  13. Hi...I just got back into my Skyrim SE playthrough for the first time in a few months, and at one point, I walked into the Bee & Barb in Riften, and *all* the NPCs in there started carrying on conversations with each other at once! I enjoy that part of the game where you can listen in on conversations, but this was deafening, and I couldn't zero in on any one conversation! Is there a mod that fixes this? Just in case this is an issue caused by one of the mods I already have, here's the list of the mods I use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/161Z4jwOfFzi8s3FEaKGN9K2slg7Yvq4MEMBQWLrMc5g/edit?usp=sharing Thanks very much!
  14. Hey, everybody! I've recently created a new mod for Fallout 4 that adds a new full-auto .45 receiver for Pipe Guns (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/35560), and I'd like to get it onto Bethesda.net so that console users can download it. Trouble is, when I click on File--->Upload Plugin and Archive to Bethesda.net, all the options are greyed out, and I can't click on any of them. What step am I missing?
  15. Thanks for the help! I've added the new receiver to the Pipe Gun Receivers modcol, and set it to start showing up at Level 16. I've also already set up a recipe for crafting at the workbench, and the gun receiver itself seems to work fine in every in-game test I've run, so unless I'm forgetting something, it should be g2g to upload! Thanks again for your help!
  16. Hi! I actually didn't create a new separate weapon; just a new receiver attachment entry in the Object Mod list (I did it by making a duplicate of the regular semi-auto .45 receiver, renaming it, and then changing the settings so it was full-auto, with damage that's roughly on par with the damage from the vanilla Submachine Gun). Also, I'm not sure I'm looking in the right place for adjusting the leveled lists so that pipe weapons have a chance to spawn with the mod already equipped (as in the inventory of a Raider or Super Mutant). Is this where I want to be? https://drive.google.com/file/d/155wVXl3rTHGER4IEe8dhjWxR3HdzDl44/view?usp=sharing
  17. Update: Realized what was giving the weapon greater range & accuracy than the Submachine Gun. I had keyed in all the numbers right for the different settings in the Creation Kit - it was the game's vanilla higher-end barrel mods that were making the big difference in accuracy & range. So, in other words, the only advantages that the vanilla Submachine Gun has over a Pipe Rifle modified with this attachment I've created, are greater maximum ammo capacity, and nicer-looking suppressor & tactical sight!
  18. Hey, everyone! Last night, I finally made my first, humble effort with the Creation Kit & created a mod that adds the option to modify Pipe weapons at the workbench to have a full auto .45 receiver. Works like a charm, though I need to fine-tune the settings in the CK a bit (as I have it now, it ends up having somewhat greater range & a slightly better accuracy rating than a maxed-out vanilla Submachine Gun, which to me, doesn't make sense for a Pipe weapon). What I wanted to know is, how do I make sure that full auto .45 versions of the Pipe weapons are incorporated into the leveled lists, so they start showing up in the inventories of Raiders, Super Mutants, etc., instead of just being an upgrade option for me? Thanks!
  19. Hi, folks...I've seen basic tutorials on how to create an NPC, so I don't really need help there, but I had wanted to create an NPC that would appear in Sovngarde after Alduin is defeated, and walk up to you after Tsun has finished talking to you. Can anyone point me in the direction of a tutorial that would cover something like that? Thanks!
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