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About Leovath

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  1. Hey guys ! First of all, AMAZING JOB GUYS KEEP IT UP !!! Please, tell me the project isn't dead ! ( sorry for my english mistake I'm a french guy ) these last few days i was searching as berserk mods that I can find, and I just find this... OMG guys it looks incredible ! I really really love Berserk, it's like, the thing I love the more in the universe ! I wish I could help you... The thing is, I'm going to begin a really good 3D animation/modelisation school in Paris. But right now I think I haven't enough skills to help you. But, maybe I can participate ? Just for a little task maybe ? Even if I fail, there are nothing too lose :) ( Hope may be :o) ) You project is soooo ambitious, don't give up ! When I see Zodd's Sword... OMG. If I can give you one or two tips, you've better do to use the already existing mods, like Zodd beast, sorry for the time you spend at it v3n0m23 but zodd beast from Bagserk's blog looks better... You will gain a lot of time with what was already made. In my save I have : Guts, Casca, Farnèse, Schierke, Griffith, Zodd Beast, Godo and his house, Rickert and Erika, Grunberd armor, Skullknight Armor ( with the création kit it become a real Skullknight at the end ) , I think I can even have Serpico and Wyald... A lot of time I said haha :p the main characters are here ! There are some what of puck, a hand cannon, i have a repeating crossbow spell ( if we can apply it on a one handed crossbow...<3 ) Anyway, I really really hope the project is still alive, and I'll make my possible to help you with my little skills :) Take your time guys, I'm ready to wait an entiere life for it, but please don't give up !
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