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Everything posted by roostr18

  1. THe answe is "nothing"
  2. I ban everyone who is not chuck norris for not being chuck norris! :verymad:
  3. Bob crosby foo fighters 30 seconds to mars modest mouse
  4. no A star wars:republic commando book?
  5. My favourite classics are: -Tes 1 -Tes 2 -space invaders -starfox 64 -orcarina odf time -paperboy -and rampart
  6. I think the cake is,in fact , a lie! You never actually get the cake when it is promised to you. At a more technical point of veiw, if you spawn the cake anywhere else its a ghost item, you just walk throug the cake!! So i think the ghost-cake is a lie.
  7. IS there a chuck norris character or companion mod. I looked but i did'nt find much. :thanks:
  8. I reccomend adding an ADULT-ONLY section. I hate accidentely opening an adult mod when kids are around :wallbash:
  9. i would take all 250 people (any race),Teach Them to cook, Open a resturaunt chain, Make billions of dollars and rule the world while sitting comfortableby with my cat,Whom i named fluffy.
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