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About Riastarthe

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  1. There isn't already a spear mod. There are already spear requests, however. :wink:
  2. Please weapon modders - enough with the different colored short swords etc. Lets see some polearms ;)
  3. Yup, both Bethesda and Bioware, who had for the longest time created games with polearms, suddenly sold out in the past 4 years in favor of saving a wee bit of time. If you're going to drop a weapon type, drop the 2 Handed hammers - they're the slowest, clumsiest, and less used weapon types throughout the ages. I can't believe they would choose 2H Hammer over a Polearm. Are you KIDDING me?
  4. WRONG! There were spears and polearms in DAGGERFALL, MORROWIND, etc. Oblivion is where they dropped the ball...
  5. Yup - you ever see the Movie "DRAGONSLAYER"?
  6. Yes PLEASE. Add shafts to single-edged swords to make Glaives; Add shafts to single-bladed axes to make Bardiches or Halberds Add shafts to daggers to make Spears The first two would work fine with current animations if weapon was extended and it was made so the greater reach of the weapon was detected by the game to impact sooner with an enemy. The spear would be a little strange because its normally used to stab and not used as much to swing.
  7. That so sucks. I guess now I'm wondering if it is possible to somehow get some human male hair meshes, alter the size, and figure out how to raise them to the correct height elevation to fit where the qunari's head is. Either that, or find a way to increase the size of the human model - much like you could with NWN2 - increase the height/depth/width of the character until you achieved the results you were after.
  8. Hi, I was designing a face morph for Qunari, and when I went to click on the HAIR section, all I got was the blda_0 file, and in the dropdown for extras all there was were three versions of Sten's hair (total of 5 choices, 2 of which is spray painted on stubble). Am I right in saying that there is no way to add hair to Qunari like you can for humans? Is there a work-around? Thanks for any help anyone may have to offer.
  9. Hmmm, I never took any kind of illegal steroid or performance enhancing drug and I was WAY more muscular than the DA Male models when I was in my early 20s. If you're wearing heavy gear and running around, it's a lot like mixing weight lifting/anaerobic and light aerobic activity - you're going to put on some muscle. But hey, if you want your typical Jon Smith who barely eats all day and sits around playing video games, then that's your perogative. Hope someone gets a mod to help you out. =)
  10. ack, I meant to say, Qunari. Somehow I always manage to slip an "L" into the race name...
  11. It would be great to be able to play through DA or an expansion as the Qunlari race; larger and stronger than humans, and completely different culture.
  12. I thought it was pretty apparent as to why I was posting it on the Oblivion forums: Oblivion didn't have polearms, so some people made polearm mods, thus the same people could possibly help out in Dragon Age... I used the search function for polearm mods, but they all pointed toward different games, or people talking about using a smaller polearm for use in some crossbow. So I figured it would be faster to just ask, and then the people who made the mods could PM me, or respond here. I don't know WHO they are, it's been 3 years since I played oblivion... Thanks for the "help."
  13. ...who are planning on playing or are already playing Dragon Age. It's driving me crazy that Bioware, like ES, cut polearms from their latest game. For those of you who made the polearm mod for Oblivion, is there any chance you can attempt this for Dragon Age? Here's the post I made @ the Dragon Age request forums: Dragon Age Polearm mod request Thanks in advance.
  14. I'm praying for someone with great modding skills to work on this, as the major character I've been playing (since 1990), mainly uses a polearm, and until now, has used them in all medieval fantasy (BG/NWN) RPGs made by Bioware, and others. Some ideas (for starters): -2H Sword animation (unless someone is ambitious enough to work on animations from scratch). -This will most likely require creating brand new weapon models, unless it's possible to start by lengthening some of the Great Axes, hacking off one side of the blade, and going from there, OR adding a longer handle to one of the Longswords, Daggers, or 2H Sword models.-Weapon would be able to hit mods "two hexes" away. -5% slower than 2H sword due to the arc -Impact damage on an enemy 2hex away: +5, based on 2H sword equivalent, but bonus damage due to arc -Impact damage on an enemy 1hex away: -3, based on 2H sword equivalent, against foe that is actively engaged with the character because chances are only the pole will hit the enemy (think Mount & Blade). -Impace damage on an enemy 1hex away: Same as 2H sword against enemy not actively engaged with the character. -Weapon would fall into 2H weapon category The idea of this weapon type is a Glaive, Guan-Dao, Pudao or more of a hacking type of polearm, usually seen in Asia, and in europe to hack, at length, at enemies from a distance. I've seen plenty of occasions in-game so far where this would have helped a lot to stand slightly behind & to the side of an ally and hack away at his assailant. I'm not certain if the 2h sword has a stabbing animation, except when foe is on the ground - may have just not seen it yet. Polearm/2H Spear Mod: (temp fix until an expansion has them for Dragoon class [i hope] )
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