I had previously installed Nifskope on my old laptop and it worked just fine to view Fallout 4 models with textures. After I bought a new laptop and reinstalled Steam and Fallout 4, Nifskope and BAE (and a number of other programs like Maya, Substance Painter, etc), it won't display textures at all. All I get is either white, pink, or a mix of colors. I have textures checked so it's on. I tried to go to settings/resources/paths but that didn't work either. I tried a few combinations of that as well; linking to the game's path in explorer, then I linked to the extracted files, then a separate texture file I made, but nothing is working. I need to view the textures since I'm making high-poly models and the texture maps have extra details like weld lines, rivets, screws etc that don't show up on the low-poly game asset.