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Everything posted by outmoddedgamer

  1. Hi, i have a heavily modded version of original ME3. And for some reason the hairstyles of a few female NPC in the game are just ugly/ridiculous looking. And i think this is caused by the PV mod (though im not sure). Examples: https://imgur.com/a/zVNnXhS I mean, they just look awful. Is there any way to revert these NPCs w/o removing the mod altogether? Also, am i right in assuming it's the Project Variety mod causing these horrible hair changes? My Mod list: Content EGM Alliance Armor Pack Alliance Warpack Ark Mod Miranda Mod Tali Romance Mod Spectre Expansion Mod Aria Arena Mod Omega Hub Extended Final Anderson Conversation Allers Redone Better Journal Take Earth Back Project Variety Project Variety Extras Spectre Lore Project Variety Patches JohnP's Alternate MEHEM ALOV Texture ALOT Asari Remastered Reduced Lens Flares
  2. Ok yes I found them. Woohoo! It's these 3 files: krohub_bonusamb1_a_S_INT krohub_bonusamb2_a_S_INT krohub_bonusamb3_a_S_INT Only one left I can't find now. It's is the news reports on Omega that play where the 2 Salarians are standing (packages for Ish assignment). It's a woman's voice that's also present on the Citadel if you interact w/ the news terminals in the stairwells. I can't find them under either omghub or cithub. Oh well.
  3. Thanks so much. This helped a lot. I ultimately found another superior program to convert the .afc files here: http://dotwhat.net/file/extension/afc/10913 afc2ogg actually has a UI and does all the work for you. No need to create a .bat file or anything complicated like that. The only files I couldn't find are the Tuchanka ambient conversations. So i guess I'll live w/ the Krogan guard chatter all over that place. Thanks again. I really appreciate your help.
  4. I appreciate your advice. However, this forum is for ME2. Do you happen to know if there are similar files in ME2 I can remove and where they are located?
  5. Yeah these ads and other announcements (plus the uninitiated conversations) on hub worlds get old after half dozen playthroughs or so. I don't need to hear Krogan on Tuchanka for the hundredth time speculating about how Turians look w/o their armour. Nor do i need to hear the announcement about the plague being eradicated multiple times per playthrough on Omega. It would be awesome if someone could create a mod that either removes these convos and ads altogether, or at least makes them initialize on user input. Thanks.
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