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  1. Ok, now I am just confused.. So I used the script you linked, and I tried finding out which .esp exactly is causing this.. I have a total of 3 plugins I am trying to merge, so I tried merging 2 of them with different variations, and I found that one combination didn't crash, even though I got the same error that was crashing it when I merge all 3, but in the merged plugin with only 2 of the 3, in the worldspace, the terrain was messed up, and was just completely flat. Also, for the script, I was reading the readme, and it said to check and fix any errors with the plugins, and all 3 had a lot of errors, especially in one where I had deleted a worldspace that was a duplicate, and in tes5edit, there was a huge wall of errors associated with the deleted world.. So I am not sure how to fix the errors, or if it is necessary. (which probably has something to do with another problem I am having, where one worldspace from a plugin that I want ends up being deleted in the newly merged.) I am pretty unfamiliar with tes5edit (just downloaded yesterday) and this technical side of modding in general, so I don't know where to begin in checking the record groups. So if you want to check out the files then that'd be great :D
  2. Hello, if I could get some help with this issue it'd be much appreciated :) I am having trouble with merging plugins following this tutorial. Basically my final merged plugin crashes when it loads, and I am not sure why. I'm on a mod team and to work on the mod we all have seperate plugins that we work on, and right now we are trying to merge them. The problem is, renumbering the form IDs within tes5edit seems to somehow bug the plugin, because when I load the newly merged plugin in the CK, i get an error that crashes it: assert file c:\_skyrim\code\tesv\bscore\bstarray.inl line 438 invalid index passed to operator[] I figure it has something to do with renumbering the IDs because if I don't renumber the IDs when I load the plugin, while i have to go through a ton of ID duplicate warnings, I never get the error that crashes it. Thanks, and great work though :)
  3. I am wondering too if this is still being updated. I need some way to merge .esps together for a mod that I am involved in. Also, the download page linked doesn't exist anymore. I searched google for a download but still couldn't find anything. Anyone have a link, or any info?
  4. It is still in production, although right now it is moving a bit slowly, and not many updates, since Jorhajak recently moved out of state. Although I am continuing to work on the art assets for the project. It will probably be a few months before it is ready to be released though, just so you know.
  5. Yup, I was one of the unfortunate ones, I think I got some ransomware from a download.. It took a picture of me and threw up an FBI warning type thing.. I shut down immediately, and restored my comp, it seems like that took care of it though, I should probably scan just in case.
  6. Check it out guys, we've updated the screenshots! :biggrin:
  7. They're called imagespaces, and there are also imagespace modifiers, I don't know too much about them though. It's all under the Special Effects tab. For the Sleeping Tree Sap, it looks like it applies the imagespace through a script that is attached to the magic effect associated with it. scriptName dunSleepingTreeSapDruggedEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect ; ; ;============================================================= imageSpaceModifier property dunSleepingTreeCampISMD auto event onEffectStart(actor akTarget, actor akCaster) if akTarget == game.GetPlayer() dunSleepingTreeCampISMD.applyCrossFade(2.0) endif EndEvent event onEffectFinish(actor akTarget, actor akCaster) if akTarget == game.GetPlayer() imageSpaceModifier.removeCrossFade(2.0) endif endEvent
  8. Hello, So basically I'm trying to make tall grass, and at first I thought that I could achieve that by increasing the Height Range of the grass in the CK, but it wasn't enough. So next option was to modify the .nif file, and so I scaled up the mesh to 2 in Nifskope, and saved it, but when trying to load it up in the CK, I got an error saying that it couldn't load the .nif All I changed in the .nif was the scale of the NiTriShape, and I'm wondering if that screwed anything up, or if there is some other value I have to change.
  9. Who knows, maybe they'll tie the giant mudcrab into the vampire questline somehow xD.
  10. Hi guys, So I am trying to figure out how to make the game add a hidden perk to the player right when you enter the game. I figure this would be done via quest script, but so far what I have is not working. So if I do it with a quest, how do I tell the game to start that quest immediately when the game starts? If I check "Start Game Enabled", should that be it? Also, as far as scripting goes, I think what I have is right, but maybe not: Scriptname mkAddperkQuestScript extends Quest Perk Property mkPerk Auto Event OnUpdate() Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(mkPerk) Debug.MessageBox("Update ran") endEvent Perhaps I shouldn't use the onUpdate Event? So what I am trying to figure out, is if the actual script is not working, or if the quest itself isn't working. Thanks!
  11. Thanks for pointing that tutorial out :). Although I guess we will just have to wait until Nifskope figures it out, because using convex shapes for static meshes like architecture isn't desirable, as far as I know.
  12. Ahh, ok.. I was looking at some example .nifs, and I couldn't actually see the collision mesh, but it had a "bhkCollisionObject".
  13. Hi everyone :) So I am trying to figure out how to get custom collision for a mesh I made in 3ds max, and import it into the Creation Kit as a static mesh. I managed to export the mesh without collision, and have it show up in the viewport and ingame with textures working and everything, but I can’t figure out how to use the collision model as collision data. I noticed in the 3ds max .nif exporter there is a checkbox next to collision, and I tried it, but I didn’t notice it doing anything when I checked it out in nifskope. Am I even going in the right direction? Does collision for .nifs in Skyrim work like they did for Oblivion, where you would have the mesh itself, and its collision mesh on top of it, or do you actually collide with the geometry of the mesh? Thanks!
  14. I haven't done the process myself, although I want to know how to too, but I think you will need to import one of the body .nifs (malebody_0, or malebody_1) and then export the armor with the body.
  15. Yup, _m as metal would be my guess. I see it on all of the Dwemer textures... And some ice uses cubemaps. Not sure how they work, but I suppose it's what gives it that illusion of depth
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