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Posts posted by dueldragon

  1. Anyone, per the title. That's the problem and I can't fix it, no matter how much I try, because it just makes 0 zense.


    I got a new computer and had to redownload Skyrim from Steam, which means i got that update nobody asked for and had to downgrade so I can use the mods I like. But the creation club mods are causing me issues. It seems like any patch made for certain creation club mods just causes the game to crash at the startup, ONLY patches, NOT the creations themselves. For example, I'm right now trying to use the Sirenroot patch for The Cause, which only replaces skeleton models with Ayleid skeleton models. But with that patch enabled, my game crashes at the loading screen, but it makes no sense, because that file hasn't been updated at all which means it doesn't even use the new 1.71 headers.

  2. I found a cool horse mod somewhere beyond the nexus and I decided I wanted Aeonbarr to look like those horses, and I managed to get the coat to work fine but the problem lies with that goddamn mane. I replaced every one of Aeonbarr's meshes, all of which are separated, eyes, body, and hair. The eyes and the body work fine, the mane mesh loads and loads its textures in the .nif file but not in game. By replacing existing mane textures with the new manes, Aeonbarr's mane remains pink. I don't even know how to describe the issue, if anyone gets me please help me

  3. I've been making armors from a dark souls armor mod i found awhile back craftable, and while I managed to get the crafting recipes to work and the armor model to appear in the inventory and in the world, equipping the now craftable items just make them invisible on my character, not invisible like missing meshes, but my character just appears naked but only when I equip the crafted ones. If I equip the normal ones from the mod they are visible.





    Edit: Fixed it, I saved the recips in the wrong file. Can be closed.


    I only want to port the weapons and armor from The Knights of The Garter mod to SE, It's for personal use and the author hasn't been active in a very long time. How could I do that?

    You don't need anyone's permission if it is for personal use.


    It is no one's business what you do with your game on your computer.


    I know, I meant how could I port only these specific parts?

  5. I've played Clockwork and I loved it , so I looked into the Quests category a bit more and there are some mods I wanna try. Can it ruin my game if I add too many?




    EDIT: Ignore the typo in the title, I'm kinda tired. And if there are other mistakes: Sorry, English is not my first language.

  6. Does anyone know/can create a mod that adds a simple action to clean your weapon? To make the character sit on the ground for a second or so and just do a sort of "wiping" animation (like he's using a napkin) and then when he gets up the blood is gone from the weapon? It just feels like it could be nice for using with campfire mod, and add a bit to immersion

  7. I've been messing around in Nifskope (trying it out, don't judge me) and looked at swords. Every file has its normal texture file (x.dds) and there's this x_m.dds, Now, this file makes swords look nice combined with cubemaps, turning it black and white, but I know it's not supposed to be used as such. Is there any risk in using this as the main texture file?


    Also, what does every file mean/do?


    I know _e is for cubemaps


    x.dds is for the textures


    I don't know what _n and _m do.


    nah, you put them in skyrim > data > meshes > weapons > whatever(iron/steel/etc). the loose files will overwrite whatever is in the archive.


    if you need a reference for which files are which without needing to extract the archive yourself, you can try this.

    Meshes are in, Thank you. But now I need the textures.. Soooo How do I do that (sorry) Same way as with the meshes?



    Steel sword has more files than the Baron.


    Edit: I've been editing the texture paths. Textures show up if Nifskope but not in game. How to do this?


    Theres this file called "baron_e.dds" I don't know where it belongs


    Okay I got it, Baron_e is the cubemap file. Just needed to make it "steelsword_e.dds" and I was fine.


    Managed to get it working, Changed texture paths. Thank you for your help.

  9. nah, you put them in skyrim > data > meshes > weapons > whatever(iron/steel/etc). the loose files will overwrite whatever is in the archive.


    if you need a reference for which files are which without needing to extract the archive yourself, you can try this.

    Meshes are in, Thank you. But now I need the textures.. Soooo How do I do that (sorry) Same way as with the meshes?


    Because I don't seem to be able to get them working. It's always purple

  10. i'm pretty sure the left comes from dual sheath redux, and steelsword.nif would be the one that actually exists packed in the vanilla archive. the greatsword would be steelgreatsword.nif.


    here is a bunch of patches that include left hand meshes for dsr, but i didn't see that sword in there. otherwise you can probably try and flip the mesh in nifskope. there are some instructions if you wanna' get into that in the dsr downloads.

    I know how to make DSR patches but that's not what i'm looking for, I use sword and shield anyway so as long as I use a DSR compatible shield I should be good to go. BUt steelsword.nif is not there. Where is the vanilla archive?


    the easiest way would be to just rename the meshes and textures and overwrite the vanilla assets.


    If he renames the textures then he would have to edit the texture paths inside the .nif files as well. Renaming the meshes will be sufficient in this case.




    my bad he right. leave them textures be.


    But which parts should I replace?


    The Baron has






    Steel has:

















    No mention of any 2 handed weapons, and as for the sword, I guess baron.nif goes for SteelSwordLeft.nif and 1personbaron.nif goes for SteelSwordSheath.nif?

  12. Some enemies don't have any weapons, not even in their inventory. They use their fists, bow, or a dagger.


    Town guards are missing their swords too, Only using daggers and bows.


    I know the mod that causes it, and I know it's probably a conflict with leveled lists.


    Immersive Weapons and Realistic Weapons Replacer


    My question is, what to do exactly? Those are both mods that I want to use. Is there a way to make them compatible?


    Not to mention Realistic Weapons replacer requires 13 mods because the author doesn't have permission to put them all in one pack, Those 14 mods probably cause it. I'll try to delete Realistic Weapons Replacer and see if it fixes anything


    Okay, so it's sort of "stuck" to the game. can't get rid of it.


    It could also be a problem with one of the requirements.


    The requirements for Realistic Weapon Replace are:


    I hate skimpy armor but don't get me wrong, I don't care if others like to use it, It's their game and their own right. But it's a bit annoying to look for non skimpy armors when a lot of the mods are, Sort of hides the good ones that are not skimpy.


    Please, No hate. This may already be possible but I'm just not aware of it.


    Hell I'm not even sure if this is the right forum.


    Go to the Skyrim mod page, any page.


    At the top of the page to the right will be dueldragon's account. LMC to open your account.


    In the drop down menu, LMC "Block content"


    In the category "Content and realism", LMC the block next to "Sexy/Skimpy".


    Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the green button "BLOCK THESE TAGS" and LMC on the button.


    It's already checked. I still see skimpy armors though

  14. I hate skimpy armor but don't get me wrong, I don't care if others like to use it, It's their game and their own right. But it's a bit annoying to look for non skimpy armors when a lot of the mods are, Sort of hides the good ones that are not skimpy.


    Please, No hate. This may already be possible but I'm just not aware of it.


    Hell I'm not even sure if this is the right forum.

  15. No not that kind of bounty collector where some random dude in unfitting armor comes up to you to claim the bounty on you. I'm talking about people who sit at a desk and collect your bounties, instead of going all the way to the Jarl's house just to speak with his steward. I think a bounty collector can save some time

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