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  1. judging an entire government by the actions of a few of it's members is not really a good way to go about it. It's the reason so many neocon types talk about 'nuking' Iran when most of it's population are just hardworking people trying to get by, a relatively small percentage that get all the media attention are extremists. Same goes for that execution. There are bad apples in every organization. Gotta think outside the box and look at the organzation as a whole. Using that beginning scene as reason to hate the empire is somewhat shortsighted in and of itself, not taking other reasoning into account.
  2. very nice... the motion blur with a lot of these ENBs seems to give that effect, but it's off while playing. Thanks for sharing your formula.
  3. legendary makes a decked out alchemy, enchanting, smithing build more fun. Letting people set legendary skills back to 15 and giving them perk points is overpowered though.. I got a lot of perk points back putting smithing to legendary, and put those points into illusion and restoration... on the other hand, it made the game quite enjoyable now. high sneak, conjuration, illusion, restoration, with highly enchanted gear and previously smithed legendary armor... that's what legendary difficulty is good for. Even then, without a high sneak and the ability to go invisible, there's still plenty of danger if you get ganged up enough on... there's ways around that too though.. the calm spell in the illusion tree for an illusion user.
  4. No.. I waste too much time playing the game as it is, I don't have time to watch other people play.
  5. breton who specialized in alchemy, enchanting, and smithing, heavy armor wearing tank/archer/conjurer at first... transitioned into a sneak dagger assassin... with 1.9 I set smithing to legendary and put the perks into restoration and illusion... now I'm a stealth illusing casting, conjuration, restoration magic type build playing on legendary difficulty. If I'm stupid I can get killed pretty fast on legendary even hitting the armor cap, but it's still not terribly hard... it's interesting and enjoyable with the array of mods installed. Enchanted gear reduces costs of conjuration and illusion by 87%, and restoration by 58%... so I took the restoration perks cutting spell cost in half. Throw around calm spells when I don't feel like fighting the random bear while traveling, or frenzy when I want to see bandits slaughter each other... good fun.
  6. works for me. At a reasonable distance away walking around skyrim enemies won't detect me while running... if I get close enough they will, unless I'm sneaking.. they will completely lose track of me instantly when I'm invisible and go into sneak mode, even at very close range. 146 sneak does that.
  7. this mod is by far the most interesting and entertaining mod I've come across. You could always inquire with them... it adds sidestories that are arguably better and more interesting than the game's. Interesting NPCs | A project to add characters with color and depth to Skyrim
  8. I'm sure this has been listed already: "Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities." Runa after you kill that old hag in the orphanage.
  9. the hearthfire houses are kind of nice, since I don't attack things that are not hostile to me, which means I don't attack giants. However they inevitably become hostile when they visit your house, giving you a reason to kill them. So then a giants toe can be had which is a nice pickup. In early levels I take advantage of giant camps by luring mobs toward them. Actually the best thing to do is get to places you want such as the steed stone right at level one, to take advantage of weak mobs. There are exceptions to the rule.. I killed that hag who ran the Riften orphanage and saved a file at that spot so I can do it again and again. So much satisfaction...
  10. I try not to even get a bounty on my character ever. With alchemy, there's nothing in the game world that is worth stealing.. at worst I've picked a few locks for quests at the moment. I'm a good character, a 'moral' one.. who uses dremora lords.. which I don't see as evil in and of themselves.. it's like any other tool.. how it's used.
  11. I admit, I don't even walk from riverwood to whiterun. I have also been known to use the console to give myself things like ebony ingots and then deduct money from my stash... as an adult with a full time job, it just saves minutes of time.. I accomplish the same thing, I just accomplish it faster in real life minutes. If I couldn't even fast travel or rest, the option to get the items I need would become so tedious I would stop playing.
  12. I'll wait until they are on sale for 5 bucks before buying. Already bought the game at full price on launch day. Not going to spend another 40 bucks.
  13. overclocking is free... just don't spend money upgrading your old rig.. buy a new one. Your graphics card is also a bottleneck though so if you couldn't put up the bucks for a 660ti or 670, you may not be able to afford a new rig when haswell comes out. Not trying to sound mean or anything, just saying. I probably do come off sounding mean though. Sorry. For those who want bang for the buck, the next gen consoles at 400-500 will give a great bang for the buck for the price just a little more than one mid-upper range video card. High end PCs can get pricy.
  14. from a gameplay standpoint there is no real difference other than how it looks.. heavy can be used for an agile character, light can be used for a front line masher if done properly. I went heavy, wish I would have went light. I still can in say 5-10 levels or so. Wearing daedric right now. I use bows and arrows at long range and if they see me before they are dead, sword and shield. If that doesn't work, dremora lords.
  15. I fired up the game after not playing it since january 2012 with Skyrim HD Lite textures and couldn't tell if it was working or not until I went into Riften, then I went and downloaded version 1.6 and much better! I never saw it with the vanilla textures so I never knew the difference. haha. Smooth as silk on a GTX 670. My main issue is that although I love the Climates of Tamriel mod I can't get the level 4 nights to stay level 4... they still seem to randomly go pitch black on me... and since Skyrim doesn't support illumination of grass with artificial light sources, I don't want dark nights. Skyrim never looked so beautiful though, wandering about collecting ingredients.
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