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Everything posted by Niss

  1. I occasionally CTD'd even though the game was working fine 10 seconds earlier. I open up the Config Tool and change nothing, just save, and then my game suddenly works again. This stopped for me after I changed Virtual Install folders. Some of you say mod files aren't loading from the Data folder and cause a CTD except assumingly exe/esm/esp filetypes. Do you have NMM installed on a different harddrive then the where the games installation is? If so keep reading otherwise the following probably won't help you. NMM has been updated recently to install your mods into the VirtualMods folder within the mod managers installation. For me this was D:\Games\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout4\Mods\Virtualinstall. Then it places symbolic links to the mod file locations inside your Fallout 4 data folder, which I had moved to my SSD located at C:\Games\Fallout 4. If the game and mods are on different drives it will not be able to load them, you'll get blank 0kb files IE: Missing meshes, textures, sounds etc. Open NMM and select tools, change virtual folders and enable multi-hd install mode. Alternatively use the tool to move the Virtual Install folder path to be on the same harddrive as your fallout 4 installation. (WARNING: This reinstalls all your mods so if you personalised any .esp files after NMM installed them: BACK THEM UP!) That's what I did since I wanted my mods to load from an SSD not a HDD. Certain files such as .exe, .esm and .esp cannot be symlinked and need to physically be located within the data folder that's why you've been able to load those.
  2. Looks like it's not a mod error at all it's a bug within the original game. Try opening the console and typing in: player.equipitem 21b3b Besides that It could fix by re-entering power armor, using any crafting station, or switching your camera from first to third person and back. Try all of those. If none of those fix your game you'll have to google if there is a fix for pipboy + arm vanishing or load an earlier save.
  3. Afaik only surefire way to fix this is NMM needs to be installed onto the same disk, that or the temporary Mod Directory/Install Info path does. Haven't tried that yet but I can see why placing Mod Directory onto the same disk would work. The problem here is permissions and I haven't found any way to make it fully work yet. Admin mode doesn't work for un/installing mods. As long as NMM tries to do something to my game while It's on another drive it either doesn't write or breaks the files giving purple textures. What I do now is keep FO4 and NMM attached to it on my harddrive like it was. Copy over the FO4 folder to my SSD including all mods, manually installed more mods. None with an .esp, textures only in this case that cripple my HDD load times but not my SSD. And now I start up FO4 from my SSD just by hitting Fallout4.exe on that disk directly. The plugins will load because they're enabled on my FO4 installation that's on my HDD. To activate plugins manually you need to edit the files that are in C:/users/Username/Appdata/Local/Fallout4/ note that the Appdata folder is hidden. While you're not installing new .esp you can make the file Read-Only, If you do install new .esp you may add them yourself and keep the files Read-Only all the way. Installing mods with NMM on your old drive and then manually transferring them to your new installation location lets them load properly. When I load up FO4 after I've played other games on my SSD I just transfer my current installation over and dump my SSD-Only Textures folder over it for now. I'm pressed for SSD space.
  4. There's not supposed to be any .ini in your data folder at all. Only in your Fallout 4 installation directory there may be a folder called \Fallout4\ that contains another Fallout4Prefs.ini. As far as I know that fallout4.ini is what it's supposed to load when you start in safemode.
  5. The original textures that came with the game are inside Fallout 4 - Textures#.ba2 you may savely delete the folder. Default unmodded /Fallout 4/Data/ folder only has 2 folders in it: Strings and Video. Then there is 1 .csg 1 .cdx and 1 .esm with a lot of .ba2 files.
  6. Wierd. Can't really think of anything else. You're not booting from Fallout4launcher.exe are you? With the latest beta patch that thing breaks stuff. Only other things I can think of are to double check spelling in .ini files and try starting the mod manager and game in admin mode.
  7. Did you add bEnableFileSelection=1 under the [Launcher] compartment of Fallout4Prefs.ini? Sounds like plugins are working but individual files aren't. So I think that's the problem. Should look like this: [Launcher] uLastAspectRatio=1 bEnableFileSelection=1
  8. I guess it was just DLC content. http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/3481/da...00119210131.jpg That screenshot is from my first playthrough, I have not once touched a mod on it and all of them including my override folder was emptied before loading it. Perhaps it is just Cailan's shield, I can enchant it all I like like I ever could but the bulwark no longer allows it. Should have paid more attention I guess. :P
  9. Hmmm nevermind PAR. Not sure if there's a standalone for it, only found Summoned pets, Blood magic and Berserk so far in standalones.
  10. I would just like to add that the Earthheart's runeslots aren't from a mod, if that is what you are implying. They're real and can be used for Physical or Spell Resistance Runes. What TGBlank means is that there are mods which puts a damage modifier on your shield, for when you use shield talents, this will enable +damage runes when using it during a skill attack such as shield bash.
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