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Everything posted by Sardonnicus

  1. I have an awesome radio voice. I did radio in college, It was going to be a career, until I got kicked out for bad grades. I have done voice work for a local pod cast. Feel free to drop me a PM or email. I have access to a very good quality sound studio.
  2. Ok... so how do I get the bandits to spawn with the correct leveled gear for my level? All my mods have the correct wyrebash tags.
  3. So I am level 36 and 95% of the groups of bandits that I encounter are all wearing Fur armor. The other 5% seem to be wearing scaled and leather armor. Occasionally some will be wearing a mixture of leather and fur classed modded gear from several of the mods I have installed. This doesn't seem normal to me. I was thinking that as I leveled up, so would the opponents and the gear they are wearing/using. I'm getting bored of fighting bandits who are attacking me with wood clubs.
  4. Is there any specific place within the .ini I should put that info? Or can it be added anywhere?
  5. For some reason I cannot seem to change the resolution that the game is being played at. If I open the vanilla skyrim launcher, it says the resolution is set to 1920x1080. If I open the "Skyrim Configureator" utility, it says my resolution is set to 1920x1080. However, when I am playing the game the resolution is 1680x1050. All the screen shots come out with the lower resolution. I am trying to pin down what is overriding the vanilla launcher and the configurator utility. Could it be the ENB i'm using?? Doubtful. Could it be a line in the .ini file? Could it be SKYSE? Could it be the radeon Pro utility I am using? I have looked at the settings and there is nothing in there that sets the resolution. Any ideas?
  6. So I go to play skyrim today and I notice that several different kinds of items have missing meshes/textures... or some kind of issue. They appear all whitish/purpleish. This seems to be affecting random items of the vanilla game and of mods. Screen shot. below... I first noticed it when I installed the "Coldharbor Armor" mod. All of the pieces of that armor looked this way. Yet there were no conflicts appearing in BOSS. Then I noticed that some other armors had this bug as well. Some also look all black in my inventory screen. And there are some items that seem to be dissappearing... as in the game recognizes the item, but there is no mesh or texture, so it comes out as invisible.
  7. So after several months of CTD free playing using MO, TES5Edit, Boss to manage my mods, I developed CTD's last night that have stalled my playing. I was able to load up a previous save in Solstheim and play, but as soon as I tried to travel to Skyrim, Boom! CTD. If I tried to load up a game where my character was in Skyrim, it would load but as soon as the loading screen would dissappear, the CTD would occur. I am not sure what changed to cause these CTD's. I am going back over everything and disabling mods to try and find the culprit. In doing so I noticed something about the MO program I have never noticed before... at the bottom there is the word "overwrite" in red at the bottom. There are some .ESP's and .BSA's that show that they are pointing to mods that are in the "overwrite" section. There are also .ESP's and .BSA's that active for mods I have deleted - the MO says their source is "DATA" or "Overwrite." I suspect that my very recent CTD's are coming from this. What is the "overwrite" section? And how do I remove mods that are listed under it? Also, if I have .ESP's and .BSA's files from mods I have removed that are saying they are part of "DATA" or "Overwrite" how do I get rid of these? For example... I have realistic lighting overhaul installed and activated. Over in the .ESP window, it shows one complete set of RLO .ESP's that are from the RLO mod, and then there is a second set of RLO .ESP's and the MO is saying they are coming from "DATA." I am not sure where this duplicate set of .ESP's is coming from.
  8. I have actually used that in the past I may have it still installed. I'll have to see if I still have it. Is this a better tool than the vanilla skyrim config menu for setting things like screen res, brightness and other graphical options?
  9. So can anyone talk to me about shadows? My shadows are all blocky. I have seen screen shots were peoples shadows are nice and smooth. How is this accomplished? I am using Sharpsooters ENB running at 1620x1080 res. I have nice smooth Frame rates that I have set to be maxed out at 59fps. I have a mod called "shadow striping fix" or something similar. I do not know if this fixes "blocky shadows" or not. Is this fix done through a mod, or a graphic tweak in the vanilla skyrim settings or an .ini tweak? I am not a stranger to .ini tweaks, but not an expert. So if you guys toss some .ini edits at me, I should be able to add them, or adjust the values with no issues. I'm also running the radeon pro utility. Can this shadow issue be corrected within that program?
  10. Thanks for the info. I will try the first one you mentioned first. I have already tried the Elysium estate. It was close but not exactly what I was looking for. I think it only had one labeled area for armor storage, one for weapon storage. When lots of items get put into a container, it starts to make the game lag when I am browsing through the items, which is why I prefer item specific labeled storage.. ie: daggers, swords, war axes, light armor, heavy armor etc.
  11. So after trying many different home mods on the nexus... I am still looking for that "perfect" home for my Dovah. I wanted to reach out and try and find out what you guys think the best home mod is. For me, the perfect home mod is not to big, not to small. With auto storage that displays (ala Berts Breezehome) and everything laid out in an easy to navigate, uncluttered way. I like the way BBH autosorts the items, and then displays them in logical ways around the home. It gives it a natural, lived in and functional appearance. I am not interested in naked chicks or dudes in my Dovah's house, or an over abundance of mannequins/display plaques/cases. I would prefer labeled chests, pots, chests and closets over display cases any day. Which home mods do you guys like? I have sampled just about all of the top 10 houisng mods and some lesser known ones in both housing categories here. So far, the 2 that come the closest to meeting my needs are Berts Breeze Home remodeled and Candle Pond Ranch. Anyone know of similar mods out there to recommend? BBHR has 2 navmesh errors that I cannot seem to figure out how to fix. I have read the tutiorial in Boss and tried it, but cannot get everything to load up properly. So... your recommended housing mods??
  12. Yeah, the game is unrealistic, but there are realism mods out there. There are lots of people who use them. I hope folks weren't taking my post to serious. PS. I would think that a Mod would remain somewhat neutral on topics... :biggrin:
  13. Yeah, I'm thinking of all the chain mail thong bikini wearing players out there. Your "sexy" armor will get your lady killed!!!! http://www.tor.com/blogs/2013/05/boob-plate-armor-would-kill-you
  14. Can anyone offer some advice. I went through the steps outlined on page 1. Didn't seem to have any trouble. Created my new "compilation mod" and activated it. The game crashed when I started it with this new "compilation" mod I created. No sweat, I just disabled it, and looks like I did something wrong and need to try again. I think my error was in the step where you have to go and remove the "masters from the new plugin you create." So let me ask... do you remove all the entries under that plugin's header section or do you need to leave something in the header section? Also... should this new "compilation" plug-in have the main skyrim.esm included in it's header info? The one I created didn't. The header info just pointed to the mods I wanted to merge... and then I removed all the header info from per the instructions.
  15. Ahh a new young Dovahkiin... Your life must be blessed and hectic at the same time! My sister just had her 2nd boy last week. Cheers!
  16. Checking back in after a month or so... Can't wait for it to released.... CAN NO ONE SPOT GHOSU $10 SO HE CAN GET THE DLC HE NEEDS TO GET THIS FINISHED?! LOL... If I can toss a few suggestions into the mix... If you are making a glow map, might I suggest the color to be a dark red or blue. I find if the color is too bright on the glowing elven gear mod, it kind of makes it look fake. Also... from the latest screen shots, it looks like the sword (especially the 2 handed version) might take up a lot of screen real estate when viewed in the 1st-person view. Maybe, i'm wrong... but would there be a way to keep the hilt on the small size? I am not a big fan of the "larger" weapons. I find it can be a little distracting. But seriously... can't wait for this to hit the nexus. PS. Why would Bethesda leave one of the coolest unique weapons out of the Dragonborn DLC?? Makes zero sense to me. It seems to me Dragonborn was being worked on and then there was a "abandon everything still in progress and release it as-is" command.
  17. I don't dislike the concept of a nude mod as much as I dislike the "trend" of the way they are being used. Posting images of nude or skimpy ladies in thongs, bikini's and high heels fighting snow trolls in sub-zero conditions is absurd to me. Where does this trend come from? Is it an age thing? Is it an Anime thing? Almost all of the "top downloaded" content on the nexus fits into that category. We have an endless library of mods and endless possibilities out there of mods yet to be created and it makes me disappointed when I see so many people blindly following these trends and mostly ignoring everything else out there. I'll be a happy person if I never see a "jiggling butt" or "cat walk" mod in the nexus "top mods" section. Yeah, I see your character is Skyrim is naked,,, so what... Ive seen naked people before. Are you 5 years old or something? It's like musicians who write songs about getting high.... yeah I get it... you're high, you like weed... big deal. What else do you have to say?
  18. I w9uod much rather see Fallout 4 than A remake of an earlier ES game. My experience with the ES series starts with Skyrim.
  19. Ok, so I have been thinking of this for a while. Now I ask if it's do-able and is there anyone out there to undertake this... I think it would be relatively simple... After killing a room full of bandits, beasts or what-have-you's... I would like to be able to douse their bodies with fire either via a torch, or a fire spell and have the bodies catch fire after a few minutes watch the bodies turn to ashes. For me... that's realism. Dead bodies need to be burned/removed, or they will poison your environment. Maybe even add an extra level of realism... if they are not burned - after a period time - anyone who wanders near by or is in the general area, gets sick and any food/water/plants nearby develop poisonous properties - until the bodies are removed. The second part would be optional though and really just an idea I had while typing this.
  20. I have played many hours with this character. I have completed the main quest, College of Winterhold quests, Reunification of Skyrim quests, half the Daedric quests. I have lots more to do, but I should be seeing much better loot than what I am seeing. PS. 450 hours... yeah... I know it's nothing compared to others around here.
  21. And i find it very hard to find a decent armor for my female character. Jeez the amount of skimpy and semi nude mods is around what...95% now? sure, playing as a female character has big advantages in skyrim (speech, more damage etc), but it does not mean i enjoy staring at my character's ass in 3rd person. The max i would go is the acient nord armor (alea the huntress), that is the max in terms of exposure i would go. I just want a nice barbarian armor for my girl, something that would match her huge two handed battleaxe, do not give me a nice top and a thong, or a top that barely covers her nipples and covered legs and what not. Give me a proper female armor, light, barbaric and suiting skyrim's atmosphere. Those undies, bras and bikinis are better left to the real world, not in game. WORD!! Exactly. The few times I considered making a Female character in Skyrim, I looked at the available clothing/armor mods for Female characters and 95% or more fell into the skimpy-thong/spiky bikini or Skimpy Anime genres. It's obvious that many people are drawn towards very specific and revealing content. One of the few female clothing mods that stood out as being almost perfect was that one ranger outfit that was from Witcher 2. I forget what it's called but it's very popular on the nexus. I always wanted something similar for a male ranger type of character. Don't get me wrong... I like thongs and bikini's and all that, but just not when i'm playing Skyrim I swear there is a College thesis somewhere in this debate. I can see the title now... "Gender Role reversals in Role playing games and what it reveals about the Participant."
  22. I play male characters. I am male. I tend to see aspects of myself, or aspects of my "ideal" self in the characters I create. Never once have I ever desired to be some buxom thong swallowing strumpet within a video game. I have tried the occasional female character for story or immersion, but it starts to feel strange very quickly and I end up switching back to a Male character. Games like Tomb Raider are different. There is no character creation there. It's like i'm reading a book. I don't identify with the character like I do in a game where I create the main character. To the individuals who play girl characters just to stare at an ass or breast... grow up. Go get your ass and breast watching done separately like everyone else. I find it bizarre that people work so hard to combine the two. Nudity mods are ok IMO for immersion (removing the default small clothes of the NPCS for example) but I have seen countless mods here that are just way way over the top with the nudity and the warping of the female body. Seriously... it's absurd. I also find all the countless screen shots of all the bikini/thong clad female warriors trudging through the harsh climes of Skyrim battling dragons clad only in their high heels and thongs to be incredibly silly. I also don't get the Anime/Manga/Hentai injection into Skyrim that goes on. Why go out of your way to bring that into Skyrim, when it already exists elsewhere? I am not trying to hate, just trying to understand. I see these trends and so many people blindly follow them. I like to think that there are others like me out there that do not follow trends as easily as so many others seem to do, but I don't think there are.
  23. You know nothing gsmanners... I've got over 450 hours in Skyrim... I've played much more than 5 minutes. Do I have to post a screen shot from within Steam?
  24. So after playing several different types of characters, I wanted to bend the rules a bit and play a character that had all the perks for all the trees. Kind of like my "Jack of all trades" character from the game "Kingdoms Of Amalur." I started a new character and then used some bat files to max out my levels and perks. The description said that the bat file I used would not "break" the game. The game recognizes my level 81 status, but it seems all the leveled lists are stuck at either level 1 or really low. It seems that 95% of the enemies I encounter are wearing fur armor and wielding iron weapons. All the loot chests/jars have level 1-3 potions and common gems and usually 10-45 gold. Can Anyone tell me how I can get the leveled lists to match my characters level??
  25. Anyone want to make or know of an existing mod that lets you pick up books with only 1 click? I kind of get annoyed with watching the book "come into view" each time to try and loot a book, and then have the hit the button again to put it into my inventory. You can already do this with spell tomes. I just want the same "one-click behavior" applied to all books.
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