Hi, I am new here and planning to install some mods for the first time in my next playthrough of the ME trilogy (not planning to get Legendary Edition anytime soon). While checking out some mods I may install for ME3, I noticed one of the popular ones, "Urz on the Normandy" by moho25 (aka Giftfish), is now unavailable as of May 14th. moho25 says she has taken down all her mods and is stepping away from modding due to infringement concerns regarding Legendary Edition. From what I understand, mods for it will have to be made from the ground up, and there are basically no protections in place for the original mod creators against plagarism (moho25's post can be found here: https://thanemod.wordpress.com/ ). This has me panicked that other modders may follow suit (and I wouldnt blame them, as upset as I would be). I plan to download all the mods I want asap just in case. Is anyone else worried about this? Am I overreacting? If I knew this was going to happen, I wish Legendary Edition had never been released. I dont want years of hard work by passionate fans to be thrown out the window just because EA/BioWare wanted some more cash to make up for their recent failures.