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  1. Update: Ending the civil war and then use the removemusic command apparently solves it now. Just letting you know Star4ce
  2. Hey there Recently I encountered the same issue described by all of you people here (no music or only combat music etc.) and obviously I was relieved as I found this thread full of solutions. Sadly none of the described methods fixed this bug for me. The only console command that worked for a short time was removemusic xxx. Specifically removemusic MUSCombatCivilWar seemed to fix the issue. The combat music would slowly tune out and the normal ambient sounds returned. I cheered, until it went back to buggy. As soon I encountered the next fight, no matter if dragon, bandit or angry guard, the combat music wouldn't stop again. Same issue appears with and without my mods. Only my main save-file is afflicted with this. I used Civil war Overhaul (currently inactive due to its bugginess) and Warzones to alter things affiliated with the Skyrim civil war. I believe it first occured around the second city-siege of the Civil War Overhaul Questline, though I realised the bug too late and overwrote all my saves from before. Can someone think of any more reasons for this bug to keep occuring? Anything? Good day and thanks for your time Star4ce
  3. Hey there I'd really like to see such a mod happen, Ashara's Sirens and Tritons was one of my favourites in Oblivion and I'm kinda missing such in Skyrim. Are there any news yet if people started working on such a project? Anything?
  4. Well good morning everyone, I've seen a picture of a Draenei a while back, the only description attached to this picture was "Kaleen and Demon race". Now I've been trying for quite some time to get the hooves from the demon race combined with my Kaleen and the only result is the red hooves with the feather/hair/skull-accessoirs on a blue Kaleen. So I've not been really successful^^ What leads me to my question: Are hooves (without the acessoirs and in character skin-color) on other races even possible without re-modding the mod? If yes, could someone please tell me how? Thanks a lot and best regards Star4ce P.S.: I've found another topic in here in which someone was modding/scripting a Draenei, but I am no modder and don't even have any tools for that, neither I found any mods which would implement hooves as "footwear".
  5. Hm I think I know the problem now. The spells I had to fortify a skill were through a mod; as soon as I learned the great might - spell from a doomstone I could enchant every fortify skill to armor. So, my problem is completely solved now^^ Thanks for your help Have fun Star4ce
  6. The only other magic mods I use are: Midas Magic and Supreme Magicka Are there incompatibilities with these mods? best regards
  7. That may be, I could once have owned a ring or what. But I'm now curious about another thing: The enchantments with attributes work just fine, but although I got spells to fortify skills (In this case Mysticism and Destruction) I can't enchant items with that. But this feature is possible? Somehow it doesn't work. Best regards
  8. Ah thanks, AM was the kind of mod I was looking for. Well the second question may also be ignored^^ It may be because I haven't learned the spells, but then again, why do I have fire resist :blink:
  9. Heya there I was quite long searching for a/some special magic mods. But unfortunately there are really many mods for that corner, I couldn't find any appropriate ones. So, I am searching for an enchamtment mod, that lets you enchant several Fortify Attribute/Skill -spells to one armor slot, as well as the acquivalent spell to cast upon yourself and others. For example I want to enchant a cuirass with +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +10 Blunt Weapons and +10 Blade Weapons. I hope such mods exist, though I can imagine that the game-design doesn't allow modders to enable these features. Besides another question, is it normal for vanilla and any other mod, that you just can enchant "resist fire" but nothing else like "resist frost"? Thanks for answering I wish you all a nice evening Star4ce
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