Heya there I was quite long searching for a/some special magic mods. But unfortunately there are really many mods for that corner, I couldn't find any appropriate ones. So, I am searching for an enchamtment mod, that lets you enchant several Fortify Attribute/Skill -spells to one armor slot, as well as the acquivalent spell to cast upon yourself and others. For example I want to enchant a cuirass with +10 Strength, +10 Agility, +10 Blunt Weapons and +10 Blade Weapons. I hope such mods exist, though I can imagine that the game-design doesn't allow modders to enable these features. Besides another question, is it normal for vanilla and any other mod, that you just can enchant "resist fire" but nothing else like "resist frost"? Thanks for answering I wish you all a nice evening Star4ce