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Posts posted by grovermclurg

  1. I just took a look at Bilago's tool. Oh my :D

    It covers quite a few of the ini edits that I've scrounged around over the 'net. Very nice! Thanks for posting that, Gamewinner! :smile:


    I also recommend dropping it into your fallout folder as well. Mostly just for simplicity in finding it again, if you ever want/need to use it again.


    How does Bilagos tool compare/overlap with Bethini for FO4?

  2. Then again, if you kept the ENB field, it would allow you future, for instance to have a separate menu item called 'ENB Settings (alongside Mods and Plugins).


    Would allow people to switch between difference ENBs simply (enable one, disable the other).


    I know you can do this already, but having a separate tab feels right with the rest of the Vortex design philosophy (Plugin tab for ESPs, Mod tab for textures, BSAs, meshes...). In theory you could do it with tools as well allowing for easy updates.

  3. I was rather surprised that there wasn't an export/import function, so I tried to make an extension to add one myself. It's very simple and just a first beta version essentially, but you can download it here: Vortex-Modlist-Backup. You download that into a folder in the plugins folder for Vortex (I have it in %AppData%\Vortex\plugins\extension-backup), and then when you go to the Modlist in Vortex there's a Modlist dropdown with a Backup and a Restore button. Backup just creates a json file in the same directory as the plugin and Restore restores that list. Unfortunately you need to be Premium members to restore, but it ottherwise works.


    There's some features I still want to make (such as being able to choose where to back the files up to and where to restore them from), but for now it should work for keeping a back up for a large list of mods


    Nice, will try! In a world that now has Wabbajack, it would be great if Vortex users could share not only their modlists, but their complete installs along with conflict settings and everything. Import someone else's profile config file, make sure you're Nexus Premium and let Vortex handle the entire install.


    To me it seems like "killer app" level functionality, sorry for the hackneyed terminology!

  4. Hi all


    I'm unable to automatically download mods from Nexus to Vortex. Currently I've been manually downloading and adding which has worked just fine and Vortex is a fantastic bit of kit, but I'm starting to miss the ability to auto update.


    Things I've done to try and fix this issue:

    * Cleared browser cache and cookies

    * Confirmed that Handle is checked In Vortex Download Settings

    * Confirmed that browser is set-up to handle nxm links

    * Confirmed I'm logged in to nexus

    * Confirmed that Vortex is in my firewall rules

    * Shifted the Vortex download file outside program data

    * Vortex seems to be able to communicate to nexus when I use the Mod, description, guess Nexus mod id feature


    What happens when I try to download a link:

    * If Vortex isn't running, it launches when I click implying link handling is working

    * Firefox asks me if I want to use the default application for nxm links which is shown as vortex

    * The firewall log doesn't report any refused connections as far as I can tell

    * The Vortex log contains the following entry for each time I click (I'm using Cathedral Weathers and Seasons as my test example):

    Sat, 01 Jun 2019 11:06:57 GMT - debug: getting arguments from second instance 0=C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\Vortex.exe, 1=nxm://SkyrimSE/mods/24791/files/92410?key=JID7xacd4BKar6B2kbWWVQ&expires=1559559842&user_id= [XXXXXXXXX]


    Download then fails to spawn. Grateful for any help and apols if I'm missing something obvious!

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