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Everything posted by tinylampe
My 24th birthday is the 12th! Almost perfect, damm it! ;)
Doing a simple(?) retexture (GIMP-related)
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
No I did not retexture the helmet. I got this retexture from the bsa file of Martigen Monsters Mod. Of course one option would be to edit the cuirass, greaves etc until I get a result that is more or less similar to the helmet. However, succeeding would be at best unlikely since I'm not familiar with GIMP (or other similar programs) at all. That's why I was asking if there is a simple method to copy the color palette from the helmet and 'import' it to the cuirass. Does such method exist? Thanks. -
Hello there, I have found several helmets that have been retextured to look worn-out. I'd love to have a full armor set with the same rusty look but it seems that only the helmets were retextured. Coud it be possible with GIMP to somehow import to color palette from to retextured helmets and then use it to modifiy the color palette of the vanilla cuirasses, greaves etc? To clarify below I attach two pictures. The first one is a retexture of a mithril helmet. The second one is a vanilla miithril cuirass. I would like the cuirass to look like the helmet. Thanks for any advice!
Help making skeletons wear armor (blender-related)
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Wow, I think I got it right this time! My first armored skeleton as it appears in the rendering window of the CS: Time for making a mod! ^^ -
Help making skeletons wear armor (blender-related)
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Wow, what a noob mistake! 'Fortunately' there are still some problems left (and I say fortunately because it would be really embarrassing if they only problem had been the small cube in the blender window...) when I tried to equip the adapted cuirass using the CS the following message popped up (see attached pic) In order to fix that I tried two things: 1) Delete the skeleton using nifskope. Didn't work 2) In Blender, exporting the cuirass without selecting the skeleton. This didn't work either, but at least the CS rewarded me with a different message: "Could not find parent node extra data for 'Base/creatures/skeleton/skironcuirass" (skironcuirass is the name of the cuirass) Any other ideas? -
Hello there, As the title says, I'm trying to equip a piece of armor (more precisely a cuirass) to skeletons. After doing some research I learnt that this is not straighforward to do since armor is meant to be used with the skeleton.nif found in meshes/characters/_male and not with the skeleton.nif found in meshes/creatures/skeleton. So I need to adapt the mesh of the cuirass to the new skeleton and as far as I know, one can use blender to do that. Unfortunately I know nothing of Blender. Fortunately, I found a tutorial by LHammonds that guided me through the process quite nicely... until the exporting part, in which Blender started to complain. Link to the tutorial: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Blender_import_and_export_armor_for_Oblivion What I've done so far in Blender 2.49b: 1. Loaded the cuirass and got rid of the default skeleton 2. Imported the right skeleton 3. Added armature. This part was a bit confusing: in the tutorial LHammonds went to a menu to add armature and then he instructed us to type 'scene root'. However, in my version of blender (his was 2.46 when making the tutorial) this whole process seemed to be done by default. I attach a picture to illustrate. The picture shows how my blender window looked before starting to 'add armature'. Has blender become more automatic perhaps or amb I misunderstanding something? How can I check that the cuirass is indeed adapted to the new skeleton? Ignoring step 3 for a moment (I assumed that blender was indeed more automatic than before), the program complained when I tried to export my adapted armor. The message I received was this: "Non-UV texture in mesh 'Cube', matieral 'Material'. Either delete all non-UV textures, or in the Shading Panel, under Matieral Buttons, set texture 'Map Input' to 'UV'" Now I mentioned that I'm a complete noob at Blender right? So, exactly, this message was (is) confusing. The funny thing is that I went to the aforementioned shading Panel and the 'Map Inout' was ser to UV (and not to Orco). I tried to learnt a little bit more about UV maps (I found a video-tutorial also by LHammonds about this topic) but it didn't help much. Any kind soul who cares to enlighten me? (the skeletons from my game really want their cuirasses :biggrin: )
Trouble importing the face of CM partner
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
Thank you so much fg109; CTD's were indeed caused because the synx.esp was not included as a master. Everything running now! Tiny Lampe. -
Hello guys, As the titel says I tried to import the face of a CM partner I like (Isabel, from the recent Synx race) and I faced some unexpected problems. First of all, I do know how to import faces from NPC's. I used this tutorial and it worked very well: Second: when I try to do the same with Isabel, I still have no problem with the construction set part (that is, copying Isabel's face into the actor called "player"). Look at the attachment to see what I did (left face is the player's face, right face is Isabel's face). I think everything is OK but if you spot any mistake please do tell. After the construction set part is completed I save my work in a new .esp and, as the tutorial says, I start a new game. Here is when I have problems. When I click on "New Game" the loading window appears and, when the game finishes loading, bang! instant crash to desktop. After playing around a little bit I've realized that this only happens when trying to import the face of a non-vanilla race, which doesn't make much sense because I obviously have the non-vanilla race in question (the Synx) active in my load order. I also have the CMpartners.esm loaded so I really don't know why this crash to desktop keeps happening. Any ideas please? Thanks, Tiny Lampe.
Hello, I just read an old post from a user of the official forums saying " I use a geometry mod which makes hits in my back basically an instant kill" I don't know if this is a public or private mod and I also don't know if this system only affects you or both you and the NPC's. However, it sounds like a very neat addition to combat. Have anybody heard about this mod?
Some very interesting info about magic that I didn't see in the first post: "he put together a fire spell with an area-of-effect shockwave to add a fire effect to the radial blast. I didn't get a sense of how many different spells will be compatible with each other, but this looks like a pretty fun system to play around with". (source) "In one hand, he equipped the circle of protection, which warded off the undead foes; in the other, he equipped chain lighting, which blasted foes to pieces. Between how they looked and operated, the magical abilities in Skyrim reminded us of the plasmids in the BioShock series. One of the ways our character could learn new spells was by collecting magical tomes". (source)
Modded Oblivion can only look better than vanilla Skyrim in screenshots. If you install QTP3, 'weather - all natural', the newest OBGE, and unique landscapes, then yes, there are reasonable chances that Oblivion may look better than Skyrim...provided that no NPC's are around. However, if you compare how both games look in motion, then Skyrim wins hands down. As you said, just look at the trailer ;)
Thank you. I've done a little research and I've seen that ambient dungeons is compatible with darker dungeons (and perhaps with similar mods such as "let there be darkness"). With this in mind I now believe that the ambience from the video I posted may have darker dungeons (or similar) added as well. I'll try this combo as soon as I can.
Hello, I found this video: And I would like to know which graphic mods were used to create this fantastic ambience. My guess is that this is OBGE2 + ambient dungeons but I'm not sure. Opinions?
SPB Mercenary Armors Thanks!
Hello, Does anyone know where to find this outfit? Thanks in advance, Tiny Lampe.
Hello, I just found a 1st person casting animation that seems to be different from the vanilla animation. Please find a pic attached. Does anybody know where to find this animation? Thanks.
If it's dark NPC's shouldn't be able to spot you!
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
Insightful comment here. I didn't know that holes appear in our characters when casting chamaleon. I assume that the same happens when casting invisibility? About your other remark, yes, I know that if your sneak skill is high enough, you pretty much become invisible. This basically means that the chance of NPC's detecting you depends 100% on your skill and 0% on the environment (it doesn't matter if it's midday or midnight). And that's precisely what I wanted to address with my request. I know that I can always raise my sneak so that I can pretend that I'm using the shadows to move undetected. That's not the point though. The point is that the environment (lighting) should matter more. And now that we have mods that make dungeons darker, it would be a great addition if such darkness was more than mere 'decoration'. Judging by your last sentence I believe that you may well agree with all this. I just wanted to clarify that I didn't want a mod like this just to cheat but, rather, to make the game more...(yes, I'm gonna use THE INFAMOUS word)... immersive. Now all that is left is to see if it would be feasible (you gave me some hope ;)) Tiny Lampe. -
Consider the following scenario: you have 'weather - all natural' and 'cava obscura' in your load order. As a result, dungeons are very different from vanilla oblivion; they are darker, scarier and much more immersive. Right, that's wonderful. You know what it's not wonderful though? That the NPC's in those pitch black dungeons can spot you as well as if it was noon or you had a light spell permacast on yourself. Right. That's not cool. So I had an idea that may fix this issue: You know that all natural has an improved version of the "real lights" mod correct? What this mod does is to remove all fake lights in oblivion so that only the real light sources remain. Ok, that's important for my idea. The idea itself would be to make a script that checks the distance between the player and the nearest light source. Then, a chamaleon spell would be automatically cast on the player and its effectivity would depend on the distance between the player and the nearest light source. As a result, the further the player is for any light sources, the more effective would be the chamaleon spell and, hence, the less likely would be for NPC's to spot us. This would recreate the effect that the dark zones in dungeons should make us very difficult to detect. Now if you were to carry a torch you would basically be holding a light source so the chamaleon spell effectiveness would be 0 (i.e no chamaleon effect at all). Small Remark: ideally, the visual effect of the chamaleon spell (the player is close to being transparent) should not occur. The player should be invisible for the NPC's but not for us. That was the idea. It sounds good to me but since I know nothing of scripting I'm unaware of the feasibility of this idea. I would appreciate if you guys can give me some feedback on this. Thank you, Tiny Lampe.
Idea to overhaul Oblivion's magic system
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
Ah the irony! First thank you for your long and detailed reply Skevitj. I was about to redesign my idea to make it more simple when I run across this topic: My link It seems that a modder thought of overhauling the magic system too and, judging by the videos I've seen, he has accomplished what I only managed to imagine. In fact, he has done even more. Watch it and enjoy it ;) Tiny Lampe. PS: I believe this topic can be closed now. -
Not sure about its effect on clothes, but I did hear that wind will affect things ling the direction the trees blow, and the direction water ripples. Yep, that's what the French Official Playstation Magazine stated; aparently, the game looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and making waves No information about the effect on clothes.
Attention guys, I may have found some new info! Lurking animesuki I've found the following information. According to the poster, the source is the French Official Playstation Magazine. The poster allso mentioned that the information was extracted directly from the Besthesda forums. Here are the main pointers: - Some, apparently unique, enchanted weapons will have "concealed" effects. You won't know what those are until you try the weapon. - The Spell Shield effect returns. (If this indeed means that we can block magic then they made my day. I was just requesting a mod for Oblivion that allowed that!) - Several new spell effects, including "Ice Trap" (only triggered when an enemy walks over it), "Circle of Protection" (push the enemies in your vicinity away), "Fury" (make enemies fight each other), and so on. - The game apparently looks amazing in motion, with great environment effects such as the wind making the water swirl and making waves. - The game apparently includes 'meteorogical effects': clouds gathering around mountaintops, etcetera. - One of the cities in Skyrim will apparently be heavily inspired by the Dunmer (Dark Elves) - They're trying to go back to the "eccentricity" of Vvardenfell. Every Nord faction will have their own customs, colors, and so on. - The economy of the game is better developed than in Oblivion. If you destroy a city's means of income (for instance, their crops) they'll need to buy crops from another nearby city, and prices in the city will go up. (This seems to solve part of the uncertainty about cities having "different economic systems".) - Archers can 'hold their breath' while aiming. This consumes stamina, but gives the archer a better chance of hitting the enemy. The game is getting better and better. I'm excited! Tiny Lampe.
Idea to overhaul Oblivion's magic system
tinylampe replied to tinylampe's topic in Oblivion's Mod Ideas
Ah, thank you for replying documn. It's a pity you are not into oblivion modding right now but hey, this opens up an even more interesting possibility: if you get interested in skyrim and decide to make some mods for it, this one of blocking spells could be one of them assuming that the new bethesda game doesn't already include this feature. Actually, I believe that it may even be easier with the new magic system skyrim features; since we'll be able to equip spells in our hands as if they were weapons, perhaps one could mod a defensive spell that could consist, essentially, on some sort of 'barrier' between your character and any incoming spells. If the spell's level surpasses your expertise in the magic school the spell belongs to, the barrier would block it. If your expertise is just as good, the barrier would absorb it, and if your expertise is greater, the barrier would reflect it. I know it's maybe too soon to talk about skyrim mods but hey, I'm very fond of the idea of blocking spells, and seeing it in skyrim would be even better than seeing it in oblivion. -
I second that. They should have expected such problems. I think there are thousands of people refreshing that page right now. :biggrin: They did that on purpose, so everyone sees how popular their game is. Honestly, it just makes me think their server blows. Errr...guys, you do realize that I just posted the trailer in my previous post right? Pasting the link again just in case: http://uk.gamespot.c...m/video/6300570
found the trailer: http://uk.gamespot.com/ps3/rpg/elderscrollsvskyrim/video/6300570 EDIT: jo jo, it's SO awesome in SO many levels.
1. The complaint: I never understood why in Oblivion you can't block spells. I mean, if your character is a warrior or an assassin with 0 magic affinity, ok, in this context it makes sense. However, imagine now that you play as a pure, all-mighty mage. Why should you dodge spells by running away and hiding? Why can't you extend your hand and block that insolent fireball that a lesser wizard has thrown at you? And, similarly, why can't enemy mages do the same? And, YES, I know that the game offers two possibilities to nulify incoming spells: absorb spell and reflect spell. My problem with these two abillities is that they are passive, that is, you don't have to do anything special for them to work. And in my opinion, there is a lot of fun and immersion that is killed by turning absorb and reflect into passive abilities. Let me elaborate on an alternative: 2. The idea When an on-target spell (fireball etc) is approaching you or a NPC, both of you would have 1 of these 3 options: block the spell, absorb it and reflect it. To make things simple, these three actions will be performed by doing the same thing: pressing the block button when the spell is about to hit you (so, yes, timing is important). Now, a very valid question: if all 3 actions are performed the same, what do I do to absorb and not to block for instance? The explanation is simple: If you (or a NPC) are attacked by, say, a journeyman-level fireball and you (he) are apprentices in destruction or lower, you (he) will automatically block the fireball. If you (or a NPC) are attacked by, say, a journeyman-level fireball and you (he) are journeymen in destruction, you (he) will atuomatically absorb the fireball If you (or a NPC) are attacked by, say, a journeyman-level fireball and you (he) are experts in destruction or higher, you (he) will atuomatically reflect the fireball The main idea behind this system is then the following: the game would compare two things: 1) the level of the spell 2) how good you are at the magic school the spell belongs to. If you are not as good you will simply block (and this will punish your health and magicka a little), if you are equally good you will absorb the spell (and there will be no penalities in your health). Finally, if you are better, you will reflect the spell. Notice that this system prevents things like having a '25% chance of reflecting spells'. Now you will ALWAYS absorb and reflect IF your timing is right AND you have the school the incoming spell belongs to at the right level. One last but very important thing: by reflect a spell I actually mean "blocking it and sending it back to the original caster" (so that he can block it/absorb it/ or even reflect it back). Compared to the vanilla reflect spell in which you immediately receive the spell damage no matter what you do, this alternative reflect would make duels much more engaging and fun. And that was it! Let's see if you guys like it and, who knows, if some modder attempts to turn this idea into reality ;) Tiny Lampe.