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About sandman5

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  1. thanks Black Rampage, found the info i just didnt know where to put it.
  2. well i was going to put in a shameless plug here, but as i dont know what a gleam widget is, or how to use it, figured i needed to know that.
  3. missed the contest, but at least i now know i can now buy NV without steam, i hate steam and refuse to buy anything steam related. thanks for the info. :) cheers pal
  4. I wish there was a mod that let the bodies stay put for like a month or two and then replaced the humanoid ones with a skeleton. Heh, the "Properly Decaying Bodies" mod ;) there was, i dont know if it is still on nexus or not. i merged it with several other mods and i dont remember the name of it. but what it did was, after the first re-spawn time, it would replace the bodies with skeletons, then the next, it would remove the skeletons. i may still have it, but it may be one of those that the file name did not match the mod name on the page. that happens a lot.
  5. the first freaky WTF moment that i can recall, was one time i was looking at a dead NPC, and it blinked. i about jumped out of my chair & emptied another mag into the corpse just to be sure.
  6. Either it's an oversight by the designers, or they don't see her as an evil character. I think it was simply the latter. I don't see her as evil. Let me make some points in her favor: She couldn't escape from the Jefferson Memorial with you, She was under the power of The Enclave, Her colleague was shot because James wouldn't cooperate, so She knows her captors are willing to use any means necessary, Therefore, Her decision was coerced. Even if she could escape Raven Rock, - She's one woman far from home, - She'd be a fugitive with no nearby civilized places to beg for kindness from that wouldn't soon be controlled by The Enclave, - She has no supplies or funds to make a journey, and we can assume stockpiling to be problematic in her new home, - She doesn't even have a face-obscuring Enclave Scientist Outfit, which seems telling, - She'd have to travel in a land where danger is almost guaranteed, - Even if you helped her escape, she could still easily die. So what's the use in her condemning The Enclave with all her heart and mind for its evils—evils she might not even know the extent of—when she knows that she can't leave and expect any good to come of it? She might as well psych herself into thinking her captivity is a good thing, like all too many of us do in our lives. It makes no sense to hold people morally responsible for what they do under coercion. The shopkeeper who pays off the mafia works for them in a tangible way, but he's not an accomplice to their misdeeds. well she dont sound very coerced to me, she tells the LW that the tech is so much better than what Dr. Li had & so on. "She couldn't escape from the Jefferson Memorial with you" and why not, Dr, Li & the 3 dudes did? "Her colleague was shot because James wouldn't cooperate" how did she know this? when you speak to one of the guys in the escape tunnel, you find he had no clue about dear old dad or anything else that went on in that room. so how could she? granted she might have been a little intimidated at first, but by the time the LW got there, she was quite happy to be there. she evens tells the LW to leave. if she wanted to get out of there, she would ask the LW for help like so many others do. with the "slaves stick around" mod, i enslave her, she dont run to PF like the others, but you will find her in the slave pen after raven rock is destroyed. where she begs to be released, so i can tell her, she is a slave deal with it. lol
  7. wow, im getting old, i played a lot of these games listed here. reading through this makes me want to dust off my old floppys and see if any still work. lol, the good times of the old games.
  8. i played on most of the old stuff like atari games, wolfenstein on apple pc, but what really got me hooked was ultima 3 on a pc junior with 128k ram. i found i could mod games with programs like pctools. lets see, "wasteland" forerunner to the fallout series, duke, doom, civ 1,2,3, wolf3d, return to castle wolfenstein- "the first on-line one for me", star flight, mechwarrior, about 2/3s of what has been listed so far. yep, been at it a long time.
  9. well i dont buy EA or steam games. guess ill soon be left with just the old stuff to play. i refuse thier agreements and methods. i would rather play solitaire.
  10. hi, im having a prob viewing or adding comments, using win xp sp3 explorer 8, seems to work fine in fire fox
  11. well if enough folks said no to steam and didnt buy anything connected with it, they would soon change thier tune about using it
  12. well after reading this i have decided not to get fo-nv, i HATE STEAM, will not own a steam game. and i havent heard much positive for fo-nv anyway. i have all the copies of fallout, from wasteland on 3 1/2 disks to fo3, but after learning of the steam conection with fo-nv, it will not be among them. what a crappy idea to use steam.
  13. hi, just thought i would add my 2 cents worth. i've got around 50 mods merged into 1 file. most were no problem, those with dialog are a problem, dialog strings get lost in the merging. and sometime world spaces are a problem. what i've had to to to fix this is to load the file x im merging in 1 fo3edit window, then in anogher fo3edit window load joined mod & mod x, to make it easier to see what has been changed,cause it shows changes in color. and run down the tree fixing the errors. load x in its own window so you dont have to keep scrolling all the time. worldspaces, you might not know anything is wrong til something wierd happends, like dear old dad stoping at the top of the hill almost to rivetcity, turning around running down the hill & jumping in the water & swiming to RC, or an NPC just freezing somewhere. fo3edit showed me 3 mods besides joined mod encluded the same world space, as fo3edit always makes a backup when saving, i deleated it in joined mod and dear old dad compleated his journey. a little more testing & ill turn mine into an .esm. sense i did this my game has been running much smoother than the first few times i attempted this. hope this helps somebody. cheers pal
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