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About dmtrigg6799

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. I'd like to ask again about this issue. The game only allows walking or running at full speed if the control stick is pushed forward in a specific position then pushed in. I recently played Demon's Souls on a PS3 emulator, and it had the same issue, suggesting it's more of an engine problem. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. A lot of people have reported an issue where the game isn't able to register full forward movement on the left stick, resulting in slow walking and the inability to run. Would anyone be able to make a fix for this issue? No one has reported a solution other than "use a different controller" My suggestion would be just to change the threshold for the full-forward movement to be less extreme.
  3. If possible, I think it'd be neat of there was a mod that makes it so that every time you load the title screen, it randomly selects a different background style (normal, voidheart, godmaster, endless ordeal, etc.) Don't know if it's possible or if anyone could do it, but I figured I'd ask.
  4. Howdy, Just requesting some means of making it so that in the Frozen Slider minigame, you can easily get to the treasures without needing to memorize their locations or use a guide. My suggestion would be modding the map to have trails on the ground leading to each treasure. Thoughts?
  5. I'm quite frustrated with trying to complete all of the special portals for the End of Pain Keyblade. There multiple special portals per world, and it's random which one will appear per drop. It's possible that when you drop, the portal that appears is one you've already completed. In order to complete them all, you have to drop over and over (100+ times in my case) until they appear. I'd like it if there was a mod that made it to where the game HAS to prioritize making incomplete special appear before allowing completed ones to respawn. That'd minimize the grind at the end of the game. Don't know if that's too complicated, but if it could be done, it'd be great.
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