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  1. No, why would they? They'd probably cause slightly longer loading screens (and MAYBE a shortage of RAM if NV loads all models/textures on startup, but I don't think it does), but I can't see any reason the game would render nonexistent models and such. Though if you have too many .esp files enabled, it can cause some problems regardless. Though the mysterious limit on .esp files is usually 100-300, so you're probably fine in that regard anyway. Edit: Oh, right, as Gribbleshnibit mentioned, if there's any scripting involved in the mods, then they would definitely have a performance impact, just probably not even remotely noticeable.
  2. EDIT: Now that this is on page four/five, I'm not going to bother actually going ahead with making this. It's a ton of work, and if I'm the only one who will use it, then it's hardly worth it, as much as I'd like to see it done. So guys, I've been out of the modding loop for a while, but I've come back in order to try my hand at making a mod which I've desperately wanted since I first played New Vegas: A mod that makes it so you have to load loose rounds into a magazine, and then fire magazines of rounds instead of having them magically appear pre-loaded for you to fire. I was inspired by the magazine loading mod for STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl, which is incorporated into the Zone of Alienation mod by FatalFunnel. http://i.cubeupload.com/nDUwXp.jpg Above image is taken from the Zone of Alienation mod for STALKER SoC, showcasing some magazines for specific weapons. I'll most likely have it (script wise) so that magazine-fed weapons no longer accept loose rounds. Instead, they'll fire only rounds marked as being in a magazine. To load a magazine, you just need the right amount of loose rounds, then "consume" an empty magazine to get a full magazine and less loose rounds. Since most people have a problem with loading taking time (and it would take more code to do it), it could be an instant-load, like eating/drinking in vanilla (Click, boom, filled magazine) or it could be some sort of sub-menu where you click each round to load it, meaning you could partially load a magazine. Traders will sell both loose rounds and empty magazines, and you'll find both empty and full magazines on most enemies. Poor enemies will have an empty magazine and a chance for a full one, richer/better equipped NPCs with multiple loaded mags. The problem here is that I'm not terribly familiar with Gambryo script coding (I've only done a couple minor scripts for Oblivion and Fallout 3, and only for myself). Anybody here know some rough pointers on how I could accomplish this dream mod of mine? Just some ideas on how I could do the things I want to do, specifically how I could "mark" rounds that are in a magazine so the game only loads them into a gun, and how would I separate multiple magazines full of rounds. Or if it'd be hard as hell, just let me know before I waste a ton of time on something like this. I've seen small talks of this in other forums, but most people were hostile to the idea because "it would take too long" and "it would be boring". Well, to be frank, I'm not making this for those people. I want to make a mod for people into incredible immersion, and for people who know firearms and get annoyed by the magical ammo pools nearly every game has. However, if I DO make this, it probably won't be quite as slow-going as the STALKER magazine mod, as Fallout is typically more fast-paced, gameplay-wise. For an amusing reference, somebody made this video showcasing a ton of reloading and how much fun it can or can't be: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfPpwoEYelY
  3. Seems we're stuck until Bethesda supplies a patch for it. I even tried updating my audio drivers, but found out that somehow I have them updated past the latest update I could find. Could be part of the problem. Once I manage to scrounge up enough money to get that 560 for my other computer, I'm going to get win7 on it and try it there. Also, just curious, but how many XP users with the same problem are using a Creative Sound Blaster card and drivers?
  4. As Seelord mentioned, there any way to do the same on XP? For the moment all I have is XP, and there's no option anywhere that's at all similar to the Vista/7 audio option. I'll try simply reducing/increasing hardware acceleration, but I doubt it'll work. EDIT: As I had assumed, it didn't do anything. So again, I plead, is there any way to do this from XP? It may be somewhere in the driver settings.
  5. Hmm, yes it seems it has died, unless there was another topic made and I just haven't been paying enough attention. Jamisicus6, are you still around? I haven't been on these forums in a while, as I've been busy with work and exams coming up, but I still want to see this mod done.
  6. All you need to texture is either Gimp, Paint.net, or Photoshop. Make/change a texture file, and save it as a .DDS file. Then just use NIFSkope to open up the model you want to retexture, and choose the texture file (must be .dds) that you want to use for that model. You will also usually need to make normal maps and light maps. Link to a (rather complex) tutorial: http://www.bencloward.com/tutorials_normal_maps1.shtml http://www.bencloward.com/tutorials_normal_maps9.shtml For modelling, I would suggest using Blender, but an older version, as the newer versions don't work well with the NIF script plugin. Make a model, export it as a .nif (need the nifscript plugin) and put it in your Oblivion/Data/Meshes folder. Then just open up the Construction Set and make an item/armor/weapon, set the stats, choose your model, and place it in-game. Fairly simple, although time-wasting.
  7. IF possible, would you be able to send me the model and textures of some of the swords/weapons you're using? I enjoy retexturing things, and if you retexture properly it seems like a whole new weapon. This could add a lot of diversity to the world, even if there's only maybe three or four new models.
  8. Just take the spectator models and replace them with two 2D models each with a sword and shield (2D also) who alternate attacking each other, one textured to look like an imperial soldier, the other as a surdan/varden soldier. Then just take that model and make hundreds of them in an open area, and make close proximity fog of war, so the player only sees a small area of the battlefield at a certain time (which would reduce lag). Also, if you need some neat little retextures/models, I did some for kieranfoy a little while back. They're still on the nexus. The pearl-white tower may be perfect for either Teirm or Farthen Dur (probably farthen dur, as teirm doesn't really specify whether or not it's made of white or dark stone). Links: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33312 http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33394 Also check out my profile for some other things. Every once in a while I do requests for people on the forums. Some turn out pretty well, some refuse to work no matter what I do (namely my awesome looking zealot robe texture, which refuses to acknowledge my normal maps, so it shows up as black in-game). Also also, I find that if you simply retexture a vanilla model, it looks much better, especially for people who get bored of vanilla oblivion. So, we should retexture as many resources that we're using as possible, to make it look as original as possible. Plus, retexturing is fun, unlike modelling (for me anyway), and it's relatively easy to make it look really good. IF you need something retextured but don't have the time/don't want to do it/don't know what to make it look like, let me know. I love doing stuff like that :D
  9. For huge fights you could simply play a movie. IT would be much easier, to say the least. You would simply need to somehow (through an animation program, or possibly within the oblivion engine if you have a fast computer) make an animation of many many people advancing on each other and fighting, and have Eragon join in the fighting, then at one point have Murtagh (or whoever eragon's going to fight in that battle) show up, at which point the movie ends, and it's you and the other rider fighting above either clouds or a field covered in small 2 dimensional images of soldiers and such, which from that altitude would look semi-realistic. I've actually seen this, and done this, in many games before. Mostly RPGs and JRPGs, but still, it should work well for this. We could do the same sort of thing for every battle, and every important scene that we can't do in the oblivion engine (i.e. smashing the ceiling of a building you're inside, which I faintly remember happening quite a lot whenever saphira was around. Also, there are existing animated waterfall meshes that you could use for the surface entrance to farthen dur. Also also, if you plan on making every city in the inheritance world, we DEFINETELY need a much larger team. Plus remember, interiors don't matter, so we should make the exteriors look as good as possible (i.e. tronjheim with huge marble pillars and such (I can, and have, retextured various meshes with marble and pearl textures), coastal cities with sprawling docks, everything dwarven-related has to be absolutely massive, and the elven cities comprised completely of tree houses as far as the eye can see (which would be easy since we can use the same model many many times).).
  10. I've noticed the CS really doesn't like it when you have multiple master files, or change cells multiple times, or do any sort of world/dialogue editing, or really anything aside from editing weapon stats. It frequently crashes on me, especially if I'm trying to compile a script. OH, and Clev, the oblivion combat system is already fairly annoying for range. Fighting on a dragon would be near impossible, never mind getting the ability to fight mounted anyway (vanilla oblivion has no mounted combat, and all attempts to make mounted melee combat have failed more or less). The melee combat range problem comes from every sword having a fixed range (say, 1 sword length). This means essentially your character is swinging the sword without the arm length affecting anything. Picture having a sword fight with 10 inch arms. On a dragon, even with the weapon range increased, it would look ridiculous, as the sword would swing right in from of the character, and a guy 10 feet away would suddenly get damaged. In real life, most attacks with a sword would be lunges forward, making your range be weapon length+arm length. In oblivion pretty much all attacks are slashes that would only hit people about a foot away from you. So, useless on a dragon. Oops. sorry, seems I'm rambling. Anyway, keep up the (probably) good work, Jamisicus6! Also, are you going to use a static model for helgrind or make it from the landscape? (if landscape it would look funny when far away :P).
  11. Sorry I've been gone for a while. Hmm, seems as though the entire base of the mod has changed... Haha, ah well. :P I'm still here if you need anything done. Just PM me. I can model somewhat, though I rarely get the time to, I can texture well, I can decorate and design towns and such, but I can't make dialogue if my life depended on it. Also, I don't think he was talking to you. The quote is of jamiscus6, so I'm guessing he was talking to him.
  12. I guess it depends on your hardware. If you have a lower-end cpu, then the AI will lag, and npcs and scripts and creatures will cause lag. If your graphics card is low-end then trees, water reflections, distant LOD and fancy armor will cause extreme lag. Me it's a little of both on my good computer, and a LOT of both on my laptop.
  13. I'm assuming this is simply a bad attempt at sarcasm. If that is indeed the case, I would suggest you stop attempting to be humorous and/or sarcastic. It's really not working for you. Also, I'm fairly sure this has been requested many times before. The Last Istari is completely correct. You just ruined your chances of this being made.
  14. Not quite sure what to make of this. I've heard Elfen Lied is a bit weird, but I guess this closes the matter. Anyway, this could prove amusing if it is made. I hope it does.
  15. I agree with the majority of this, repairing items after every fight (especially with modded npcs and weapons to do huge damage per hit to make fights shorter). I have next to no scripting experience, so sadly I probably won't be able to help you, but I'm sure somebody here might be able to do this. And I hope somebody does.
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