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Status Updates posted by brothershogo

  1. Stay blessed my...
  2. Still taking a break from modding.... (not like that anyone in the universe reads this s*** LOL) anyways, poop.
    1. kowalski99


      Same here.Hope you doing well.
    2. brothershogo


      haha wow someone in the universe actually responded to some obscure mod profile pages' status.... Life is amazing. And I hope you're doing well too Mr. Kowalski99 :)
  3. Still taking a break from modding.... (not that anyone in the unierse reads this s*** LOL)
    1. kowalski99


      Sorry for reading this:)
  4. Taking a break from modding. Too much personal s*** going on atm. So everything is on hold.
  5. Nothing.
    1. kowalski99


      ...but games and girls.Sweet dreams,bro.;D
  6. I wont be able to work on my mod for a while, Shogo Heavy Industries is currently on hold. So there won't be anymore updates. Need to take care of a couple things happening in my life right now...
  7. Modding: 1% Creativity/Skill, 99% Debugging/Screaming "FVCK YOU!!!" at the GECK.
  8. Hey sorry I just vanished and went MIA on you and the Epoch team.... Been going through some s*** in my life right now. Just wanted to let you know I'm still alive and that I truly apologize. Hope you understand.
  9. You still around? Working on any new projects? Hope all is well man.
    1. TheOutlander


      Yep still around more as a player than a poster / uploader. Keeping to the Skyrim section more than the New Vegas one.
  10. Yea I took it down. I might upload it again. Gonna have to rummage through all my external hard drives tho...
  11. Hey all. Still taking a break from modding. Have a lot going on in my life right now. Anyways just wanted to give an update so you know I'm still alive. Also, add me on FB, I would like to get to know my fellow video gamers and modders. Andrew Shimasaki
  12. Hey sorry for the late reply. Sure you can use my stuff as long as you credit me.



  13. Sure, you have my permission to upload my 50 cal SMG mod.
  14. Sure you have my permission. Can you send me a link when your done?
  15. Sure, you can translate it. :)
  16. Thank you, its good to be back.
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