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  1. Having the same issue. Simply can't connect.
  2. FadingSignal seems like a good guy and has contributed a lot to the community. I haven't dived into Fallout 4 yet but will be looking for some of his mods when I do. Enjoyed reading through it. Thanks for posting.
  3. Nice to see this article...GamerPoets made a video for my mod a couple years back. Quality stuff and I could tell then he was dedicated towards making the best videos he could. Was cool to read a bit more about him... Favorite part and what I resonated with the most: Some will say, “It’s the internet. It’s expected. It’s not real life. Deal with it” ..and other unpleasant variations of those statements on this subject… but no. It is reality. When people are online they are more true to who they really are than when you encounter them in person. Scum gets bleached. I don't bathe in a dirty tub. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the feedback and ideas guys. I believe I solved the problem...but not convinced entirely on the solution even so. I had multiple portal rooms in my hideout and removing some portal rooms and ensuring all linked chests were in the same portal has it working perfectly for me. The other option that works is to ensure the actual container is visible through portals. Also an example of the minor script change thanks to Lisselli looks like this: Scriptname RE_LinkedChestAlchemyScript extends ObjectReference EVENT onActivate(objectReference akActionRef) ; debug.trace("Sending "+getLInkedRef()+" an activate from "+akActionRef) getLinkedRef().activate(akActionRef) endEVENT...should anyone ever need.
  5. Simply sharing the same storage from different locations. i.e. can put alchemy ingredients in a barrel next to the garden that will also be in the alchemy ingredients containers at the alchemy station. I wonder if portal rooms or occlusion planes are a problem... I moved the activators to a different location and they seem to be working better. Strange.
  6. Thanks, will experiment. To clarify they are renamed duplicates in my cell only...not renamed vanilla containers. Curious if it's better to just create/re-name the default activatelinkedchestdummyscript? EDIT: Tried rewriting and renaming the script using akActionRef and still having the problem. Strangest thing...I click on the activator and wait...nothing. Spin 180 degrees with my character and the inventory opens up. Bizarre
  7. In my released mod I and others are experiencing delays or strange responses to the linked chest activators. 1. Sometimes it won't respond for a few seconds. 2. Sometimes it won't appear until I rotate my character (seems fluky but is somewhat consistent) 3. Consistently the two activators that are furthest away from the actual container are having the most problems. (again might just be coincidence) Example of how one set of them is set up: 1. Container with renamed ID as the primary storage: RE_ContainerCookingIngredientsCloudStorage 2. 2 activators with renamed IDs: RE_CookingIngredients01 and RE_CookingIngredients02 3. Both activators with unique REF IDs 4. Both activators Linked REF to primary storage container: RE_ContainerCookingIngredientsCloudStorage 5. Both activators 3D data are slightly adjusted to not be at 0's across the board 6. This is all occurring in the same cell 7. Both activators are using the following default script (name unchanged) Scriptname ActivateLinkedChestDummyScript extends ObjectReference EVENT onActivate(objectReference actronaut) ; debug.trace("Sending "+getLInkedRef()+" an activate from "+actronaut) getLinkedRef().activate(actronaut) endEVENT Again, it works...just no response or lag upon opening them (empty or with a few items) My mod has a fair amount of scripts and custom mesh/textures in it...could it just be too much going on? Appreciate any insight or help if anyone has ideas. It all looks technically correct on my end.
  8. Is your cell checked to 'have water'? Right click on the name of your cell and under common data there should be a box you can check called Has Water. Might be the issue...
  9. This actually works great...for almost everything. Oddly enough one of the items I'm using it for DLCCraftingStaffWorkbench will not fade...while everything else I've tested does. It insists on popping. Figures. Makes me wonder if there is a .nif property or a setting that doesn't allow it to fade...Might be because it has a 2nd Marker Model attached. Thanks again @IsharaMeradin EDIT: For the record it is the extra Marker Model that was added that made it unable to fade. I just created a static in the exact same location, nulled all textures but the marker for the DLCCraftingStaffWOrkbench (renamed of course) and added the static to to script...fade is now intact.
  10. Nice...will give it a shot. Thanks @IsharaMeradin and again @Masterofnet
  11. As an addition...is there a way to make that spell fade away instead of 'Pop' when it disappears after the wait time is ended? I'm guessing no as I've been looking for the last 30m or so...
  12. Thanks @Lisselli and @Masterofnet. Ahhh...I need to stop looking for help by typing Creation Kit only. @Masterofnet Yes, that works exactly how I was hoping. I appreciate the references for the information as well...learning to fish as opposed to just being handed a fish. I know it's not much but I will include you guys in the credits of my mod as a lil thank you if you don't mind.
  13. I'm trying to enable a spell effect (The animated static)...but only for a couple of seconds every time the activator is selected. I have the basic enable script (below) but I am unclear on how to add the StartTimer Function: Scriptname RE_EnableTimerScript extends ObjectReference ObjectReference Property SpellEffect Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() SpellEffect.Enable() Endif EndeventAny help is appreciated. Since a timer would be added...will it just re-start the effect/timer each time the activator is clicked? Thanks.
  14. Not sure if this hits exactly what you're looking for...but this shows how to start a quest via reading a book/note. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h13b7vGVXtA&t=1842s
  15. Good tips. I have everything in place now and am fine tuning...reducing script size is next on the list. Thanks again guys. I've learned a lot along the way as well as am nearing completion of my player home. 2 birds...1 stone.
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