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Posts posted by omerion

  1. well hopefully somecares enough to listen to our request it cant be that hard

    if i remember correctly ur an excellant modder your self aleinslof

    mabe u could give it a shot

    till then ima keep bumping this thread to keep it alive

  2. wow u beat me to it

    i was gnna suggest the same exact thing

    can anyone plz make the elves taller im sick and tired of my main character lookig like a midget

    it takes me like an hour to find him in the middle of a big battle

    foreal tho some should make a mod that gives your a choice of having ur charachter human height or even better qunari height that would be awsome :wallbash:

  3. does any one know what those stupid rock swirling creature things are?

    where the hell did they come from because theyre nearly impossible to kill

    i mean seriously impossibe me and my fire drake and 3 other summoned creature with the backing

    of the companion aid spell couldnt defeat one of them and we went at it for a whole

    15 minutes and to make it worse three or four them spawn at the same time

    frikken ruined my gaming experiance

    did they come with a mod

    nd can i disable them somehow

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