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Nexus Mods Profile

About ruserious

  1. Thanks for all the help and files and a place to share my mods.... I've been away for some months and now see that there's some forced advertising before a download for those who won't/don't/can't pay for "membership".... Now that I see that the place I remember is gone and has been replaced with yet another site intent profits over community, all I can say is it's Lame, it really is. Don't bother with the excuses disguised as reasons, if the site isn't supported by the community then it needs to change to meet the needs of the community and when it does the community will support it, no need for greed. I hate greed and those that revel in it, excuse it or put up with it. I know this post won't be up long because it says things you don't like to read, especially because it's true but there it is... So long and thanks for all the fish....
  2. Hey All :) I started the Vault 3 quest for Diane to deliver the goods to Motor runner... After I pass through the first chamber with the entrance door I start getting random textures on the walls and floors. The textures change as I move and many are not for walls or floors so this seems extra weird to me. I removed all of my mods from FOMM and just ran the Fallout esm, still there.... Went in and out of the vault, still there... Anyone else have this issue and if so do you know how to fix it? I did use an HD texture pack but not sure what that changed... ( I didn't and don't want to re-install... I've already lost 12 hours of my life to that joy. I hope there's a special place for those at Steam and Bethesda in the afterlife)
  3. Hey y'all I did a re-texture of the pipboy 3000 and it went well except for the purple pixels that are included.These show up really well in direct light but they are still there all the time. I redid this twice to try and eliminate it but it's the same each time. My guess is this is the alpha or some other channel/ layer that I didn't deal with but this is my first re-tex so I don't know.:wacko: I flattened the pic then saved as BC3/DXT5 with mipmaps in .dds format.Everything else looks right. Does anyone know what it is and how to fix it? http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1177791-1293709282.jpg I'd really appreciate the help Thanks and happy modding :thumbsup:
  4. Hey All y'all:) I've looked around for a solution to this but I didn't find anything that actually fixes it so I ask for yet more help....:wallbash: I decided to try the Pipboy 5000 and I downloaded 4 files from here, no matter which ones I use I get the same results, the pipboy works but it is way off to the right. Changing the fPipboy1stPersonFOV=65.0 in the .ini file does make it visible, but by the time I can see the entire screen, it's too small for me to see well enough to use it, and it's still too far right. I wanted to be able to get this full screen and centered, is that possible? I'm using the fomod version of BEWARE OF GIRL Type 3 HiRez HiDetailed Replacer. And since the 5000 has a re-skin to match I figured they're compatible. I ran this with just the Pipboy 5000 and the BOG as the only mods and the results are the same. I did see something about the nodes in nifscope being turned on and or off but I don't know how to edit with that program so nada... Anyone else had this problem and know how to fix this problem? Alex are you supporting this mod for NV? I see it was ported by someone else so.... Anyway thanks y'all...
  5. Hey all, Does anyone KNOW what causes the error "cannot find central directory" and how to fix it? The other issue is "File Broken", these are some split files that it wont open, maybe it doesn't like that they are in multiple parts or? Anyway thanks for any help! :thumbsup:
  6. Yes it is. I have ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa and the ini files have been edited accordingly...As I typed in the first post, when I toggle ArchiveInvalidation on or off in NVMM the vanilla underwear comes and goes as it should, but when it's on I get the brown panties.I had it right from the start but somewhere it got changed and I can't fix it...
  7. I keep getting this problem, had it in FO3 as well. I did a re-install and put in the FOMOD version of BOG and all seemed to go well. Then as I modded along, all the while wearing clothes /armor I didn't notice when this problem came back but it's back. Hopefully here is a screen shot of what is going on now. If I turn off ArchiveInvalidation she goes back to vanilla, wearing the white and gray underwear and it all looks fine. When I turn A.I. back on then when she's supposed to be nude, she has that ill fitting skin and brown panties/bikini bottom.(the black one is so I can put the pic up to show what's wrong!!) I have saved games from where it was right but those were 40+hours ago and when I load them now they inherit the same problem. I tried going back with no mods at all and then it looked vanilla as it should, then I add the BOG back as the one and only mod and it messed it all up again.Now I have tried going back and putting in the type 3 files from Diamond999 and then the others but it's still messed up... Has anyone had this and KNOWS how to fix it WITHOUT a re-install???? I'd REALLY like to learn what the problem is and be able to avoid or fix it now and in the future... THANKS.... http://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1177791-1291432767.jpghttp://www.newvegasnexus.com/imageshare/images/1177791-1291432767.jpg
  8. Great, just a edit then accepting new form did the trick, thanks again... the mod will be up shortly!
  9. Ok Thanks for the info u2...I'll give it a go and see what happens... bfn
  10. Hey all I want to add some MISC item into my mod for recipes, they are variants of existing items so I was hoping there was a way to copy a MISC item and then edit it to my liking and then add it to a recipe. But if I have to create it from a NEW form and fill it all in that's ok but I cant locate the MODEL and the INVENTORY images for the ITEM. Doing a system search for: Interface\Icons\PipboyImages\Items\ yields nothing. The file item_junk.dds can't be found when I try to put it into the field for the INVNTORY IMAGE...after hitting the EDIT button... Same with the MODEL file Clutter\Junk\RobotThing.NIF... Any help would be appreciated...
  11. I would like to see someone come up with a simple way to put multiple mods together. No I'm not talking about a load order issue here, so I haven't been able to find anything in FOEdit for this. There is supposed to be a (GECK) plug-in for FO3 that makes this happen but not for FNV, at least not so far. All I want is to be able to take 2 mods that don't have any conflicts or any problems getting along and make them into one and then go back and edit the new one to suit my purposes. If you're asking why would we do this: I don't want to learn how to script + use all or most of the features of FOEdit and the Geck to do something that should be so simple, and has already been done by some else. l know most of us would benefit from an Object Oriented Programming approach. OOP is modular, and the game uses mod(ule)s, seems to fit. So if you liked parts of different mods you could make a single one from them, add your own stuff/ ideas and go from there, just like JAVA or any other OOP. This approach saves A LOT of time and energy that is otherwise spent by hundreds of people learning and creating the same thing over and over, not sweet... Plus you'd be able to get mods that were done right, really reducing the conflicts that we all get and hate. I just had to do a delete/reinstall because something got corrupted and the game wouldn't run with or without any mods! Another 3 hours of my life I'm not getting back and for now good purpose... So can anyone out there make this happen?:blink:
  12. I'm not sure if it works right, or at all, but I did notice that there's an auto save feature in the FONV Geck. I found it under the File / Preferences../ Misc(tab) / there's a check box to enable the feature and a field to input a number of minutes to wait between auto saves... again I haven't used it so I don't KNOW if it works...:unsure: I've seen many complaints about this very problem so hopefully it does...
  13. I'm with you, if it's not ready to go, then push the release back until it is... I see others trying to the typical excuse argument that this is just the way its always been and will always be, and for those people I hope it continues. We the consumer can do something about it and complaining to the right people is one thing, better is to tell all your friends as soon as possible that the game is buggier than an entomologists nightmare and not to buy it. No matter where you live, money talks and B.S. walks.. As long as the profits are good, this ( and all other) industries won't change. I'll bet that most people here are too young to remember the Coca-Cola protests. The American public "en mass" said "We're not gonna take this "New Coke" and didn't buy it, publicly putting it down, causing a stir in the entire country, but more importantly with the Coca-Cola Corp. The "new" formula stayed around for a while but it faded away because the sales weren't high enough and the bad publicity was hurting the price of their stock! Those that would tell you that we can't change this are wrong, stop buying their product until they fix them, take a wait and see approach before you buy and make sure there aren't significant issues with their product, software/ hardware, whatever. I too am severely disappointed at this LAME attempt at a follow up to Fallout 3, they showed no real improvement from the previous games as far as taking the data about their software and applying what they should have learned from what essentially was a 3rd (that I know of) generation game that released with many of the same problems as the ones before. I believe it is understandable if there were new problems that they could not foresee, but not more of the same, that's just the very definition of lame. One of my definitions for stupid is: doing the same thing and expecting different results. It's not smart to think that if the problems you had in a previous game, Fallout 3 /Oblivion... went without correction, that they would not be present in the next generation utilizing the same core"engine" components. Having 2 years to come up with new Fallout and doing nothing more than what several others(amateurs) have done in a few months is nothing to get excited about, but the bug fixes from the originals definitely should have been included in this version. Vote with your wallet, the only vote that counts!!!
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