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Posts posted by Ulfur92

  1. Hi everyone! Not sure if this counts as solictition (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong)


    I am the Site Owner of Mortori Studios, who are working on a Total Conversion Mod of Oblivion. There are a few members already on the development team; but I need help from a lot of people.


    The Mod takes place in the four worlds of Medius, Heaven, Hell and Purgatory; A quick calculation turns out that Medius is roughly around of 50x40 to 88x60 cells; so its big.


    Rambling aside. I am looking for the following people

    • 3d Modellers for weapons, armour, clutter and races
    • Scripters (Basic and Advanced)
    • AI and Pathgrids
    • Authors for books and notes
    • Exterior / Interior
    • Landscape
    • World Builders.
    • Generalized Modding
    • Anyone to give constructive criticism

    I am the primary world builder for this mod, as well as doing a bit of everything else minus Modelling and scripting.


    Mod uses the following

    • Cobl v13.5
    • Mr Siikas Farm animals v1.4
    • Meo300 Room Dividers, Labryinth and elements of the Settlement Resources
    • Pen's Lights on a Rope Resource
    • Book Jackets: Oblivion Standard Resolution
    • ObliviMonks Nordish Architecture

    Mod Site Any questions, please let me know.

  2. I had a bandit follow me from Anvil to Dive Rock, I jumped and he did as well. half way down he landed on a rokc and I land further down. He jumped over and died stuck in the side of a tree.


    Two months on and he is still there

  3. TES4Edit v3.0.15 Loading Oblivion.esm, Cobl v13.5, SD Mod v.0.2.6Jacket.esm and SD Mod v.0.2.6esp


    [00:13] Background Loader: Fatal: <Exception: "Cobl Main.esm" requires master "Oblivion.esm" to be loaded before it.>

  4. Found another problem with CS and the mod


    If I merge a plugin of the mod to the master file (SD Mod v0.2.6.esm) it causes the Worldspaces to duplicate. with the duplicate copy have the newer content. How do I go about fixing this?

  5. I am working on a mod, that uses a mix of default and custom AI; but everytime I go to edit my custom AI packages, the Construction Set crashes.


    I am using the current version of Oblivion and the Construction Set; My operating system is Vista.

  6. I have looked for any wagon and caravan mods, and only found two. But I am looing for a custom mesh.


    I am working on a mod, thats will make use of a wagon. I have some diagrams if anyone is interested.


    The mod that i am working is here www.sdodt.webs.com ( I have permission to work on this, so I'm not breaching copyright)

    I don't have any experience in making models or textures. But I am not sure if monentry incentives would help (Just a suggestion).


    Please, even if someone recommeds a modeller to me.

    It would a great help.

  7. Ok,


    Anyone who has read the webcomic 'Slightly Damned' or knows of it; I started making this mod a few days ago, and already I have run into a few obsticles regard meshes, textures and scripts.


    I have permission from the creator of Slightly Damned, to work on this; so if there is anyone who has some ability in creating charater and race meshes and textures (of Jakkai, demons, Angels etc) , it would be a great help if i could get some aststance on this.


    If anyone is interested with this, PM me; or needs any background information, the webcomic's URL is www.sdamned.com


    Kind regards,

  8. I was in a random cave, and all the bandits were wearing glass armour, considering who the heck would wear glow-in-the-dark armour in a cave. I sniped one, he flies across the room, killing three others then ends up with his head in a wall with the three dead bandits in an akward posistion. :blink:


    I hear the bandit boss next to me say " I warned them not to do that, but do they listen. Nooo." *Casts Auora* bandit bursts into iridesent fire

  9. I've got some good ones


    Boethia: Beyond this gate is my Argonian challenger. She is a clever thing, and eager for your blood.

    Me: I thought she was eager for something else.


    Arrive at Argonia challenger

    Me: She looks like a hooker! WTF?


    Fighters' Guild Imperial to Orc in Leyawiin Tavern: Go root in the mud, pig man!

    Fighters' Guild Orc in Leyawiin Tavern: I'll show you where you can put that fancy sword!

    Me: Right, I'm can't u see i'm trying to sleep; take it somewhere else like Blackwood Co.


    Guard: Stop, you have violated the law!

    Me: I have 100% chameleon on u twit. *punches guard in face* then places bounty on beggar

    Guard to beggar: Die, theif. *kills beggar*


    I love insulting Altmer, it's awesome!


    Altmer: I don't recall using teleportation, and yet there I was. Alone. Naked.

    Me: WTF?, get out of ma bed!

    Altmer: It just stood there, holding its tail and whispering. What did it say?

    Me: *cough, hooker, cough*


    Altmer: The sun and moons transform day to night, but what transforms the mind?

    Me: Ya, mum *punches Altmer in face*


    Ma'qui: It is good the people wear clothing. M'aiq wears clothing. Who would want to see M'aiq naked? Sick, sick people. Very sad.

    Me: Except, that Imperial Watch guy

    Random Imperial Watch guy joins conversaion: Talk tough to me. I love tough guys.

    Me: WTF?

    M'aqi says nothing

    Random Imperial Watch guy: Really, now. You're such a charmer.

    Me: * Runs away, leaving M'aiq with Random Watch guy* Poor M'aiq


    And I have a lot more, but I don't think I can say anymore.

  10. Thanks BBen, even though I didn't ask the question. I had the same problem only with my Tes Construction Set.


    Hey thanks, yeah it worked.


    anyway the mod I used was the Ayleid Sacturary mod, that re-texures the ayleid ruins. So I need to now find a mod the inclueds both the normal ruins and the un-ruined look.

  11. Well, I can do the exterior, depending on the location, what style of architechure i.e Kvatch and size.


    I am not skilled at scripting, or packages, but I can do pathgrids and basic landscaping.


    So it's a yes from me, I can work off a basic layout of the exterior from a map drawn in paint. keep it simple and send through e-mail.

  12. I have already covered the basic landscape of the central island, which is the nations capital, but it requires more detail in places, scripts, npc's, interior cells, some caves, factions and creatures.


    But at the moment, it is just myself working on this between school, assignments and work. So I could use a bit of help.


    I have drawn up the maps of key buildings, such as the Palace and the Capital.

  13. Hi, This mod is still in the early stages, the world, which is contained within this mod, is based from a map that I have drawn; located below.


    If you can see any of the detail, each of the seven of the eight provinces is about the size of each reigon in cyrodiil.

    So it would be a great help if yuo have any talets in modding particually scripting, quests, dialouge, interior and exterior cell development and landscaping. Because I can send information, maps and diagrams to people who wish to help and the mod itself via e-mail.

  14. Hi, I'm looking for any new Ayleid blocks so to speak, similar to the CP Blocks.


    Because I have been working on a mod for three months and I have been using the CP pieces; but I'm looking for more variey, such as the architechure pieces, just in Ayleid style.


    It would be greatly appesiated.


    Thanks :)

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