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Everything posted by sircaine

  1. Okay. So there is no interest for this kind of mod. Good to know :-)
  2. Hey guys, I made a new face and a new body for keira metz. Anime style or something. Let me know if you guys want a this mod [if the feedback is big enough I will make this a mod.] Click on the images for good quality. http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/1cx2000censoriux2z5e48g.jpg http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/8ce5mtg2ykno.jpg
  3. I know this thread is old but the shading issue is still occuring: here I have all LODs, the weights are fine now but the shading is still ruining everything. Im really frustrated.
  4. Oh okay yes I know modding seems very frustrating at some points. Have you already asked on the forum of cdprojectred?
  5. I'm not sure, but: You could just change the path of the diffuse map in the xml file for the eye mesh of geralt and link it to your unique tga.
  6. Hello community, I altered Yens head mesh (for testing purposes). The weights are fine and I have set exactly the same material for export but I still get this weird shading in game: http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/witcher320160eluhov8ts0.jpg Anybody ideas or tips for exporting fbx files? I have not altered the xml files. So there must a problem with the fbx export :-(
  7. Hello community, I'm trying to play around with meshes and yea I have a problem. I can't import the exported fbx files into 3ds max, it says error and is closing. So I have to import the fbx files to C4d. And I'm not very familiar with c4d so ugh here comes the real struggle: EDIT: I managed to bring the new mesh in game. But I have some weird shaing issues etc. Can someone help me or take a look on the fbx file? http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/help2rhoiag6ds3.jpg http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/help3j7dsmynix6.jpg I attached a few pics to show the mesh I made and how it's supposed to look. The fbx files can be downloaded here
  8. This thread is pretty cool guys :tongue: I have just one silly question. Is b_01_hd__dirt_d02.tga/xbm the body tetxure for roach or where is the body texture? I don't want to replace the general brown texture :smile: Only roachs.
  9. Hello hello, anyone knows how to pack multiple textures together? Like when I change Geralts eye texture heavily, I have to edit the normal map too. How can I pack these two files together? In one mod folder. It's simply 'ugly' to have a mod...part1 and a mod...part2 folder :)
  10. Same problem here. No mod exept the sweetfx thing I have installed has worked yet. Neither the debug console or anything else. Not even by installing mods with the NMM. Srsly this is not fair. What is wrong?
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