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Posts posted by Osuirof

  1. This in a looongshot, but maybe some will "come around" these parts in preparation for a nostalgic X-Mass Witcher marathon.

    1. Where are the loot tables for characters, and placeables? No, ones in "globals\loot tables" don't work.
    2. Where is the code, that controls what, and how many mutagens you get?
    3. Is there a way to have item attributes, like "trap_avoid_chance", or "damage_throw_combo" to appear in GUI?
  2. 1.


    This mod should be compatible with game version 1.07 as long as the original files do not change in any of the future software updates. For example, the addition, modification, or removal of any information from the original files.

    2. Wouldn't it be easier, to just mod the vanilla files yourself, instead of using waaaay outdated mod?

  3. 1. What file, and where, contains the info about containers\merchants loot\inventory?

    2. I would like to figure out which container is which, and what loot list it uses.

    For example, I would like to know, what loot list the containers in Borsodi's Vault use.
    Tried to figure it out looking at loot lists, and comparing with what I get ingame, but it didn't work :(

    3. Is there a way to place a new container, merchant\whatever?

  4. From my own research:

    • ModKit + kitchen - did uncook files, but trying to make mod with doesn't work,
    • W3Edit - works like a charm,
    • WolvenKit - "Pack and install" option is wonky, and it produces many more files than "W3Edit", though it lets you "tinker" with already "cooked" mods + additional options not found in W3Edit,
    • xTcModkit - is supposed to "unblob" mods, returns only errors.
  5. Is there a way to make ^it work? If yes, then what needs to be edited, because I don't see anything of interest in skills, abilities, or def_item_ingredients.xml entries.

    Yes, you can edit the values of non-synergy bonuses, but for some reasons, synergy doesn't work with monster\unique mutagens, only with vanilla ones (lesser, greater, etc.)


    I'm talking about the "color synergy" bonuses, when you put same color mutagens and skills "together".

  6. 1. In W3Edit\Wolven Kit open:


    2. Locate:

    Lynx Pants 5
    NGP Lynx Pants 5

    3. Change for both pants:

    variant equip_template

    lines, to what you want it to look on Geralt.

    In your case, after the change lines should look like this:

    equip_template ="l_01_mg__common_heavy_lvl4"
    <variants> <variant equip_template="l_01a_mg__common_heavy_lvl4" category="boots"></variant>
    • content0 - content12 - vanilla files

      Why? Probably was easier for developers to work with 13 pieces, instead of one.

    • DLC 10 - Wolf School Gear
    • BOB - Blood and Wine
    • EP1 - Hearts of Stone

    Files from newer additions, generally don't replace old ones - they're additions, not replacements.

    The ones that does replace, do it as in other games - newer replacements, override older bases.

  7. That means if I want changes to come into effect in a mod, I have to cook the changed .xml back into the xml.bundle?

    You cook them back, but into a mod bundle, not the original bundle.

    But like I've said, maybe you can just "shove" a "raw" .xml file, and it will work as supposed. Don't know, I didn't try.


    ...it's not possible to make a mod where I change information that is given in a .xml file?

    If you mean, if you can change the original ones, without the need to create a mod, then I don't think so. Official modding "guide", somewhat states that steps it lists. Third party tools, also don't allow you to make\save changes to original files.

  8. ...am I right in that this .xml files can be edited by me simply using a text-editor, after they have been uncooked...

    Yes. Just like the .ws files. Just use something better than the Windows built-in Notepad.


    ...(although they are still being displayed as .xml files)?

    They are xml files, so they have an .xml extension. Nothing strange about that.


    ...if I want the changes to go into effect, I will simply put the geralt_stats.xml into the "Mods" Folder

    1. .xml files are not the same as .ws files. .xml are like "static" data sheets for, the .ws scripts to "dynamically" process.

    2. As far as I know, the only files that you can edit "raw", meaning, without the need to "uncook", and "cook" it back, are those .ws scripts you're so fond of.

    Though, I never put "raw" .xml file into a mod, to test it for sure, and I din't play with textures, dialogs, and other files.


  9. .xml's are also "text files", just more "user friendly". You get them by uncooking game files, either manually, or with some mod creator\editor like W3Edit.

    In uncooked state, vanilla ones are located in:


    And there are many other filetypes. It all depends on what are you modding.

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