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Everything posted by tony1892
Hello everyone. I was wondering if a skilled modder could make a mod that includes all the artifacts in Tamerialic Lore and a Museum kind of like the one in Tribunal. Also I would love it if someone made all variations of the Ordinator armor for Skyrim. Thank You for your time.
What does it mean to have l Lite on both of your drives? Sorry I'm new to all of this.
Thank you for the reply Renn! I'd prefer to go a little bit above what I need for the gpu so I will Buy the gtx 670 I will most definitely buy the psu as well I was completely lost in that area! What do you think about the case and are their specific DVD drives that need to go with it
Hello everyone I am posting here today because I would like help building my first gaming PC. Now what I expect from the components I choose to build this PC with are for them to be able to run Past, Present, & future games on High - Max settings, To be able to run high resolution mods, and mods that affect the entire world space without a major fps drop. I have a pretty big budget for this but I would still like to keep the final price at max 1500 dollars if possible. Below are just some components I have selected from Newegg.com Once again I am taking all advice especially to help me optimize my shopping list. OS~ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116986 Monitor~http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236052 Keyboard & Mouse~http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823126188 Case~ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811129021 Processor~ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072 Mother Board~http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121442 SSHD (unsure whether or not it is the same as HDD) ~http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822148591 **Note that I have not selected a DVD/Blu-Ray Drive mainly because I don't know how to fit them into the case I have selected. I also don't have a PSU as well because I don't know how to select one.
apparently werewolves have been confirmed
tony1892 replied to tony1892's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Okay my apologies. -
Discuss while I search for the link and evidence.
I have a quad core 4gigs of ram 500gb hdd so do you think it will run higher?
How would an HD 45000 series graphic card work with Skyrim ha debating if I should even upgrade now.
Thank you for the reply! But I think locational damage is plausible...hmm maybe something like a realtime vats? But what I meant by regeneration over time was like it takes days to heal from a serious injury example: My characters health goes into the red so the max health that can be regenerated or gained back after using a potionlet's say would be 20 percent while on the battle field. But every time I rest 24 hours in a bed o can regenerate up to 25% of health per day in bed. So that's four days of healing. Do you understand what I mean?
Well due to my lack of programming skills I was wondering if someone would be kind enough to make a mod where there is -Locational Damage -Realistic Damage -No health regeneration -Where you can Sprint for much longer period of time -Where we heal over time -Where we need to eat and Drink -More to be added shortly But I guess this can be called a hardcore mode ha.
Kotor 1 & 2, Mass Effect series, Final Fantasy X, Tales of Symphonia, Dragon Age, Fable....etc
Hey thanks guys I really appreciate the help! Also the second link does not show up as anything. I mean I could go a little bit higher on the graphics card as long as this could get me through yhe rest of this generation and the start of the next with minimum upgrades I will be fine with it.
Yeah I have a monitor. But i dont know how to shop for parts.
I was wondering if I would be able to build a good pc for 900 dollars or less.
Im the 5000th reply :D lol EDIT by LHammonds: Technically, this is post #5,002 so if you are seeing 5,000, then there must be 2 hidden posts in this thread. :thumbsup:
The Mythic Broads!! Lmfao
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bRTAHRjTQ4 Lmao enjoy!!!
For me this is a question of morality. Which ever side benefits the good of Skyrim will be the one I choose.
Thats true but for the most part ithink things are different this time around.
That means we can wear spider armor to!
http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2011/09/01/skyrim-preview/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rockpapershotgun%2Fsteam+%28Rock%2C+Paper%2C+Shotgun%3A+Steam+RSS%29 :D
Im sure if your Smithing skill is low enough you'll fail all the time.
Toney asked: Will there be Daedric Shrine quests? This question opened a can of worms. Matt said that they have intentionally avoided confirming or denying this. He said that they have NOT really talked about it yet. Since the press demo we played had an Easter Egg of a Daedric reference in it, he sighed and said that since we were aware and asked him on the spot, he’ll go ahead and tell us: YES! There is involvement with “The Prince” and challenges along the way that should satisfy the Daedric fans. xBUMMx wanted: Clarification on the hand-to-hand matter, lethal or not? Murder Death Kill, people aren’t just getting knocked out by fists, you can beat them to death in this one. Ploppy asked about armor degradation being a possibility or gone for good… Matt said it is a POSSIBILITY, but not a probability. The focus in this area is on Smithing as a skill. You’ll be able to modify items. I’ll elaborate on Smithing soon* Matt had 2 good questions: When given the opportunity, will we be given the chance to turn down being the Guildmaster? The answer is No. Will being Guildmaster be more rewarding than in Oblivion? Yes, previously you were done with an area of play once you become a Guildmaster, but in Skyrim you will be able to continue with specific guild gameplay after becoming the head of a guild. Corby asked: Will dragons be able to utilize every shout that the player can? Short answer: No. Long answer: The shouts are the language of the dragons. Many dragons for many years have used many different shouts. It is possible to assume that every shout has been used in the past by a dragon, however during the game, the dragons only use certain shouts that make sense for the situations. They are incredibly intelligent AI creatures that use what is appropriate. Some shouts don’t make sense for dragons to use in this game and won’t be used. WE get to learn and use them though. Not all of the shouts are released yet, they are keeping some secret for now… Brett asked: Can you summon more than ONE creature (at once) with Conjuration? Conjuration has it’s own skill tree. You start off only able to summon ONE. Eventually you WILL be able summon up to TWO Atronachs or Reanimated Zombies though. Khalid asked: Where can we safely store our loot? In our personal houses. The General asked: Can we dye our armor or clothing? The answer: No. Luke asked: Does Skyrim boast an array of underwater content… Also, how many species of underwater critters are there? Yes, you will be able to explore and interact with an underwater environment. There are “fish and stuff” you can find. There are ingredients to collect and although the underwater section is a small part of the game, you can knock your self out exploring if you like. Matt likes the barnacles. Ray Johnson, you want to know about the pickpocketing skill? Prepare yourself because I took care of you and I expect your mind to be blown… The entire pickpocketing skill tree list (Seriously): Light Fingers (0/5)- Pickpocketing bonus of 20% – Item weight and value reduce pickpocketing odds… Night Thief- Pickpocketing sleeping people almost always works… Poisoned- Place poisons in other people’s pockets silently to harm or kill… Cutpurse- Pickpocketing gold is 50% easier… Extra Pockets- Carrying capacity is increased by 100… Keymaster- Pickpocketing keys always works… Misdirections- You can pickpocket equipped weapons… Perfect Touch- You can pickpocket equipped items… Steve asked: From what we’ve seen, dragons behave like animals, but will they use tactics and strategy with the terrain and dragon shouts? Short: Yes. Long: Dragons ARE an intelligent race. They provide a nice challenge to the player and it is rewarding to successfully kill them. Dragons use the shouts that suit them and interact with (and are affected by) the situations and environments they are in at the time. Hey “ThatNeonSquirrel” (SQUIRREL!!)… Can we enchant arrows? You can enchant bows, which affect the arrows shot from them, so even though you can’t enchant the individual arrows, you should have the enchanted range attack that most people want. I hope that’s ok. Pete and the Bethesda team are sorry they can’t respond to everything, it’s crunch time for them. Jadis232 asked can we use finisher moves wielding MAGIC like we can with melee weapons… No, we don’t have special magic finisher moves, but you can combo using magic to deal damage and finishing with a weapon. Ward… Any love for the lefties?! Much love for the lefties! We at NerdTrek love nerds, we love weirdos, we really love nerdy weirdos!! You CAN wield a weapon in your left hand and a shield in your right, but the opposite is default as usual. I’m sure you’ll be able to figure out the lefty wielding on 11-11-11, but you must be deliberate in your choice. *Smithing elaboration: you’re getting the entire Smithing skill tree: Steel Smithing Create Steel armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Arcane Blacksmith Improve magical weapons and armor. Dwarven Smithing Create Dwarven armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Elven Smithing Create Elven armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Orcish Smithing Create Orcish armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Advanced Armors Create scaled and plate armor at forges. Improve by double. Glass Smithing Create glass armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Daedric Smithing Create Daedric armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Ebony Smithing Create Ebony armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. Dragon Smithing Create Dragon armor and weapons at forges. Improve by double. You can collect dragon bone and other parts to make really powerful armor and weapons using this skill, it sounds amazing. Matt was pumped about it and I trust his judgment. Rexx, the team does not have plans to release a Skyrim soundtrack, however I told them “Rexx will buy one if you release it,” not to mention many other people that will buy it. It should be easy to put together some music and upload it to iTunes AT LEAST, so I asked them to. The guys were extremely polite and said they would consider it. Cross your fingers! Sarah Donner, come with me if you want to… know the answer to your questions… Applying upgrades, as in smithing weapons and armor to be improved will not change the appearance. Enchanting them will make them glow but you’re not looking at customization of appearance. Why did they remove spell-making? Because… The team worked really hard on creating unique spells. The magic system has been completely revamped and MUCH improved. They want us to focus on our immersion into the world of Skyrim. Matt is confident that you will have a great time using magic in this game. your question's about marriage ended up yielding some fantastic feedback! There are hundreds of people that you CAN marry, if they want to marry you. They can become your companion. Having a companion offers awesome perks. Your wife can fight by your side, helping you attack or defend. She can carry stuff for you increasing your inventory capacity. She can cook for you once a day increasing your health. There are many “Lovers’ bonuses” available. Possibly the BEST thing: you can delegate tasks and send your followers to do things for you, such as attack, collect food, buy weapons, and more… Unfortunately for you there are no “brown-chicken brown-cow” relationship animations. Sabre asked: Will the persuasion system be revamped? Answer: ”Elements of it will be better.” Michael asked. Can we play instruments for money?! No, but you can go to a tavern and pay for a NPC to play an instrument for you. Further, you can tip them to play special requested songs for you! I seriously doubt it’s in the game, but I expect characters to be hanging out in the back of a tavern while someone yells “Free Bird!” (shoot, I’ll do it from my couch, even if my wife asks me why I’m yelling “Free Bird!” at Skyrim for what must seem like no reason to her…) Ricardo asks: Will we be able to sail or at least board ships? Nope. How about being able to use portable bedrolls to sleep in the wilderness? You can sleep in the woods but there are no portable bedrolls. Part of the game’s experience is finding a bed to get fully rested. Sleeping like a camping trip is possible, but it will yield less benefits compared to sleeping at home and/or in bed. Possibly with your in-game spouse? Khalid Yassin asks: Will there be . . . Bananas? No joke, the Devs gave it some serious consideration. The team debated many foods, however the age old topic of appropriate climate and environment kept coming up… It is way too cold in Skyrim to grow something tropical like a banana. Some Devs would really want to include a food item and others would fiercely debate how unrealistic it would be to include that piece of food. The attention to detail is phenomenal.