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Posts posted by DingoTheHuman

  1. Hey there! As many have said here already, I have been lurking on Nexus for a few years now, grabbing mods for mostly Skyrim and Fallout. I love this community, and I wanted to finally throw my hat into the ring and help out the content creators. I am an aspiring voice actor, willing to work for completely free, just for the experience. My best roles are outlined in my demo:




    I can be the deep-voiced, commanding leader. I can be the raspy, evil sounding villain (or perhaps the softer sympathetic villain). I can be the eccentric, high-energy dweeb. I am always willing to try out new ranges and voices too, so feel free to shoot me your ideas! I would love to give anything a shot. PM me or email me at [email protected] if you're interested in signing me up for your project. Have a good one!

  2. Hey there! New on the VO scene, just testing the water to see if it might be something I enjoy. I have a rather deep voice, but with a pretty large range I can hit the uppity-cheerful voices too if needed. I think I'd be best for that deep/commanding voice of the Nord gentleman, but I also realize I'm pretty late to the party, so I suspect all roles are fulled by now. Let me know if you're still interested, and I can set up some test lines for each of the roles and you can see which you think I'd be better for.

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