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Posts posted by densetsu42

  1. Okay, at first it appeared that the 4gb patch had taken care of this entirely, but upon further review it seems it only extends the amount of time i can play without the issue returning. My new fix is to, immediately after exiting an interior, hit ctrl+alt+del, click task manager (this is windows 8.1) and the task manager will instantly minimize, skyrim screen goes black for about 5 seconds, everything comes back kind of bright for a sec like the shaders hat been reset or something and it works great til the next time i come outside. Much faster than restarting the game. Btw, using gtx 650ti, amd quad-core, 8gb ram, realvision b full and 255 esp/esms activated
  2. Had this identical, very specific-seeming issue. Load the game in an exterior, whiterun in this case, getting 30fps. I consider that playable. Dip into belethor's place, everything looks fantastic, 50fps. Head back out, 8 fps. Not playable. Then i remember something i used to use for morrowind.. If you have this issue on a 64-bit OS, try the 4gb patch to allow the 32-bit skyrim executable to use twice as much ram as it thinks it should need. Just point the patch's exe toward tesv.exe. cleared it up right away


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