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About tawatabak

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    Fallout 4
  • Favourite Game
    fallout new vegas with tale of two wastelands mod

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  1. hey guys, after a long time,about 5years, ive decided to play fo4 again. i got pretty much into building, again. this time i wanna be an opeerator. what i need is new settlements 4 my nuka gangs to raid. (so i do not need to raid minutemen settlements). hope you awesome people have some nice suggestions 4 me!
  2. tried it but still doesnt always work cause of settlement hapyness bug
  3. is there a mod out there that prevents loosing the control over a settlement when they are low on happyness? if not, would somebody be willing to take their time to create such a mod if its possible
  4. could somebody create a mod to unlock the boston airport settlement as soon as we get there no need to meet danse, no need of the prydwin in the commonwealth
  5. could someone make a mod which unlocks the bunker hill settlement for the minute men as soon as you get there it really bothers me, that we only get it lategame
  6. that would be awesome edit dont know if you have fallout 3, but would be cool if you could do a ttw version aswell, but that might be to much to ask for
  7. i recently found Moribund World https://bethesda.net/de/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/2051778 and it looks beautiful i really love it, but when i visited nuka world and far harbor i was really disapointed that this mod doesnt apply there the modauthor AdrianMoro doesnt seem to mod fallout 4 at all anymore and doesnt seem to be interested in making the dlc's look just as awesome so my request would be that someone, who knows how this kind of mods work, makes a patch for nuka world and far harbor and apply the same visuals and effects
  8. yeah i tried that one aswell but its full of bugs
  9. as most of you know there are some pretty funny speechchecks, if u have a low intelligence in the game, but most of us dont like playing a low intelligence charakter. so what i am requesting is a perk or trait, which enables all those speechchecks without the need of being a stupid idiot. that way we could have a new way of playing the game. call it "idiot disguise" or whatever you think it fits i know this seems like alot of work for such a minor tweak, but it would be a really fun addition to the game i apologize for the bad english, cause its not my native languade your tawatabak
  10. the operator and disciples are my favourite faction, but you cant finish the main quest with them so i go with the institute cause they are the only real hope for the commonwealth
  11. i just stopped to use any settlemenst building mods and only build vanilla now, cause every mod that added building objects conflicted somewhere , with me loosing whole categories like wood or the raider stuff was missing and/ or many objects just didnt had navmesh and as good as it looked settlers just didnt use it, really frustrating
  12. just wanted to point out the horse armor and the pray suit are free on the creation club right now
  13. this mod sounds really awesome i really wish you luck hope you get the job done
  14. remove transfer settlements or any other mod with outdated dll files in the f4se folder F4se works just fine , but the mods that use it need to be updated
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