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  1. I've been trying to play a new game of NV and I'm having massive CTD problems that I think seem to be related to mods that alter the way perks work, specifically the mod PerkEveryLevel and Project Nevada - Rebalance. It seems that whenever I have one of these mods enabled I crash on loading the game after like level 3 or so. I can load older games that I've played without these mods just fine. But all my new games instantly CTD when I try to load them. I've disabled PerkEveryLevel in favor of the project nevada mod, but now my game appears to be hosed. But I'm really not sure thats exactly the problem. Here's my load order: FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm Project Nevada - Core.esm Project Nevada - Equipment.esm Lings.esm UHNV.esp Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp Project Nevada - Rebalance.esp My Cloth Collection NV.esp t3bbarmor.esp NVWillow.esp Nevada Skies.esp shilohds-desert succubus core.esp Total active plugins: 15 Total plugins: 16 Is there any way to get my game back working? Thanks
  2. Hey everyone, I see lots of crashing threads and here's another. I made a new game, just got to level 4. Things were going great then I fast traveled to a drive in theater and saved for the night and now I can't load that game without a CTD. I also can't load the autosave or a manual save I made for this character either. I only have 4 mods installed, and haven't installed any new ones since starting this new game. My older saves from a previous game load up fine, so I'm thinking my mod loadout isn't the issue. Things I've done in this game were siding with the powder gangers and killing lots of NCR, but that's it. Could those quests or actions have jacked up my game data? Thanks
  3. They were indeed a biatch! I jump up on the cliffs and shot them from long distance with my fully-repaired hunting rifle using iron sights and LOTS of Psycho. It took about 25 shots or more to drop one of these monsters, even with lots of crits. Then I later jumped up on the ramps for the quarry machinery and sniped the den mother and alpha male. One of them got close once and it took 4 plasma grens and lots of 9mm to kill him. I did it around lvl 13 or so, with crap gear pretty much.
  4. You can run a lot of those mods with compatibility patches. I'm running FOOK2, FWE, MMM at the same time. I won't lie and say it was easy, but if you do it methodically you can get it working.
  5. Hmm interesting, do you need to have them both in the same directory on the same hd? Where do you put MasterUpdate? NM, I figured it out! You do need to copy it into the original directory/disk. Thanks
  6. On this topic again, anyone use FO3Edit or MasterUpdate on their clone directories? I think it has problems too with the multiple copies.
  7. That ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa was the culprit, I hadn't copied it as well~ Now it's working fine, time to go crazy with mods =)
  8. Does anyone do this? That is to say, copy their cleanly installed Fallout 3 directory (all 4-5 gigs) into new ones, to then be modded individually to try out different sets of mods that are incompatible? For example FOOK 2.0 and FWE. Both are awesome, but have difficulties. Or extreme weather mods...like the nuclear winter. Lots of possibilities and you wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of removing those kind of mods if you didn't like them, just delete the directory and go back to your reference build. I've been experimenting with it, and it does work but I've run into problems where archiveinvalidation invalidated! only works for the primary install, not the copied one. Which means problems with mods not working...you have to manually create the archiveinvalidation.txt file yourself which is a pain if you want to run heavy mods. Should mention that you can't install fallout 3 twice, the dvd will try to uninstall, it's like the registry only wants to see it once. And the archiveinvalidation invalidated! app cues off the primary install. This sounds complicated...lol. If anyone's got it working, I'd love to hear how. =)
  9. Does anyone have such a file? =) I'd be grateful. Just looking for a blank worldspace with lights and atmospheric settings and maybe some heighmapping and texturing. I tried myself but I could not figure out the geck. Thank you
  10. Reposted from beth boards... Hello wastelanders, I made a new machinima on youtube, featuring many mods. It's basically a heavy metal music video, with a full stage and crowd and everything. Hope you enjoy! Magnum DethForce: Live in Rivet City (YouTube HD) Magnum DethForce: Live in Rivet City (YouTube standard rez)
  11. I don't know how they could top FO3, it's just so badass. In many ways the best game I've ever played. I'm more interested in seeing what all the modders crank out. :thanks: If I could see anything from them I'd like to see crazier sci fi stuff, like psychic powers and cyborgs, mechs etc.
  12. Hey anyone play GTA 4? I gotta say this game is pretty excellent with online play in free mode setting. A giant sandbox for you to do whatever you want. I see people online now with mods and cheats of all types, which I dont need the cheats, but some of those mods look really cool. Being an oblivion and fallout mod fiend, I'm wondering if anyone here knows about these?
  13. Ok, I know once upon a time while playing I found a Misfits T-shirt in rivet city. You know, the grinning white skull on a black tee. I figured this was added with FOOK, but I've scoured the item code list and I can't find it. Does anyone know where to get this shirt from? Thanks
  14. Thank you! These all look like they'll keep me busy for a while. =)
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