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  1. I thought I had seen a lot of weird bugs in my time modding Bethesda games, but this bad boy takes the cake. Basically, I'm being teleported a cell or two away from where I am. This is a repeatable glitch and happens between springvale and megaton. When teleporting, sometimes the game crashes, sometimes it completes and I end up the other side of Megaton. Take a look for yourselves here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vpwA68Kxas IF the teleport is successful, the third person camera and anims go a bit batshit too. You can see it in the first video, but you can also see it in the second one here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0No8Sb9des Load order here: https://pastebin.com/jd2YxSyp Has anybody ever seen anything like this weird as f*#@ glitch?
  2. I have a question that is semi-related to the use of holotapes/other aid items. This isn't restricted to settings items, but they certainly form the largest bulk of them. Basically, similar to the naming convention standard, is it reasonable to ask that either control/settings items be marked as quest items? This prevents unwanted transfer/removal. This: a) prevents scripted forced removal (as far as I'm aware). b) prevents accidental player-actioned removal (i.e. when I get scatter brained and drop my bullet time consumable into the workshop), and c) simplifies trade/swap interfaces by removing clutter In the instance where a person does NOT wish to mark a setting/aid item as a quest item, there might be an ADDITIONAL setting from the settings holotape/consumable that marks/unmarks the item as a quest item. Therefore, the item in question is added at game start (which may be more tolerant than the pipboy check for any future alt start mods). The settings/aid item is marked as a quest item from hereon in, with the option to then unmark it/remark it from use. This gives players the OPTION to still "lose it" if they want to, but allows them the choice. If I can come up with a generic quest/script template to do this, would people be interested in adding this in?I suspect the bullet time consumable would benefit from this, as would gopher's survival quicksave item.
  3. The render window shows what seems to be a recommended memory limit in it's titlebar. Currently I'm at something like 270% or something ridonkulous like that, but the cell is fully optimized - roombounds, portals, etc. Performance in game is also good (although I have a fairly hefty gfx card), but it's very stable. Also, because there are options, not everything in the cell is enabled - some rooms only give you one of two options for the interior decoration. Lastly, the actual furnishings of the cell are complete - the only objects left to insert are generally primitives or xmarkers. Can anyone with more experience than I at editing interiors advise me if I should be worried/not worried? TY
  4. Hey guys, I've developed a sequence of ISMs that allow me to: 1.) FADEOUT - Fade from normal to black (animated, 3 sec duration) 2.) FADEHOLD - Black screen applied until FADEIN is called. (no animation) 3.) FADEIN - Fade from black to normal (animated, 3 sec duration) This is all so the player can start a scripted sequence of events, sit in relative darkness which simulates the passage of time, and then have it fade back to normal once the script is all finished. The problem is that the FADEOUT and FADEIN ISMs seem to fade to or from *white*, and I can't work out why. I know it's probably something really stupid, but could someone help me at all? Here is a gallery showing the ISM data The three ISMs are grouped in chronological order from left to right. The beginstate image shows the FIRST keyframes for each ISM, the Endstate image shows the LAST. This is so you can see what I'm fading from/to. If it helps, here is the script used to control the ISMs: Scriptname SessineRLMoveWorkGearScript extends ObjectReference GlobalVariable property GameHour auto {The global for the current time in the game.} ObjectReference Property WorkbenchInitRef auto {Object reference for the initial workbench.} ObjectReference Property CraftingSuppliesInitRef auto {Object reference for the initial crafting supplies.} ObjectReference Property CartStaticRef auto {Object reference for the handcart static.} ObjectReference Property CartActivatorRef auto {Object reference for the handcart activator.} ObjectReference Property ScaffoldMainRef auto {Object reference for the main scaffold.} ObjectReference Property WorkbenchMainRef auto {Object reference for the main workbench.} ObjectReference Property CraftingSuppliesMainRef auto {Object reference for the main crafting supplies.} Message Property MoveWorkGearMessage01 auto {Message to be displayed on activate.} Message Property MoveWorkGearMessage02 auto {Message to be displayed on completion.} MiscObject property FirewoodItem auto {MiscItem reference for Firewood.} ImageSpaceModifier property SessineISMFadeOut auto ImageSpaceModifier property SessineISMFadeIn auto ImageSpaceModifier property SessineISMFadeHold auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) Int iButton = MoveWorkGearMessage01.show() If iButton == 0 MoveGear() ElseIf iButton == 1 return EndIf endEvent Function MoveGear() Game.DisablePlayerControls(true,false,false,false,false,false,true) Fadeout() WorkbenchInitRef.disable(true) CraftingSuppliesInitRef.disable(true) CartStaticRef.disable(true) float NewTime = GameHour.Mod(1.5) GameHour.SetValue(NewTime) ScaffoldMainRef.Enable(True) WorkbenchMainRef.Enable(True) CraftingSuppliesMainRef.Enable(True) EndMessage() EndFunction Function EndMessage() Int iButton = MoveWorkGearMessage02.show() If iButton == 0 Game.GetPlayer().additem(FirewoodItem,12,false) CartActivatorRef.disable() FadeIn() Game.EnablePlayerControls() ElseIf iButton == 1 return EndIf EndFunction Function Fadeout() SessineISMFadeOut.Apply() ;fades to black Utility.Wait(2.5) ;the fade to black actually lasts 3 seconds, but I add the hold IMS early to prevent getting a flash of regular screen SessineISMFadeHold.Apply() ;holds blackendFunction EndFunction Function FadeIn() SessineISMFadeIn.Apply() ;fades back to normal SessineISMFadeHold.Remove() ;dont forget to remove the hold blackendFunction EndFunction
  5. Anybody else having issues with the conditional logic for certain constructible objects to actually refresh the crafting menu? The logic itself is sound - if I exit the crafting menu, or say, build something else, then the menu updates and any leftover conditions disappear. But if I've got a condition saying "This shall only be available when it's parent xmarker is DISABLED" (and building the item causes the marker to be ENABLED), then the crafting menu doesn't seem to update until it's forced to.
  6. A testing build is available now. Please see the thread here for more details: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3549530-alpha-release-riverside-lodge-buildable-edition/
  7. Ladies and gents, I'm very please to present the first alpha of Riverside Lodge - Buildable Edition for your testing and enjoyment purposes. MOD LINK HERE The mod is a Hearthfire-based and Hearthfire style conversion of Lupus' Riverside Lodge mod. Final release is planned very soon (within the week) FOR THE PURPOSES OF TESTING, ALL CRAFTING RECIPES HAVE NO REQUIRED ITEMS - ONLY BUILD LOGIC DETERMINES WHAT RECIPES ARE AVAILABLE Things to Test Anything out of the ordinary. Planters, NPCs, etc.Anything else you think is important.Build logic - are the correct things enabled when their recipe is built? Are the recipes logical (e.g. you can't build a sauna workbench until after you've built the sauna)no floating s*** (debug chests notwithstanding)Known Issues To Ignore: All recipes are categorised as "exterior" under vanilla crafting menus (SkyUI 5+ users shouldn't notice this)All recipes consume nothing for the purposes of quick testingThe MAIN workbench platform (on the side of the river with the house) has an immersive way to be ENABLED, but no way to IMMERSIVELY disable. Use the debug menu instead.Numerous activators like shield racks, mannequins and soil won't work until you execute a cell transition. Either go into the house and come back out or vice versa. If the issue persists, THEN report it.To Report: Recipes do not seem to refresh at the crafting menu until after another item has been built. Recipes will therefore continue to be visible AFTER you've built them, UNTIL the crafting menu is refreshed, or exited/re-entered. I've included a misc recipe that should enable the menus to be refreshed. If someone knows how to fix this, please let me know :sad:Exterior automatic lights not working.Testing Notes On the page screenshots, you will find the location of a Main Menu option activator as a conveniently touchable rock near the sign for the property (which is located off the road from Riverwood to Whiterun). Also near there, you will find the debug chest (second screenshot) which currently contains the money required to "buy" the land by activating the sign. You can also use the Main Menu rock to force the main workstation on/off and the debug chests on/off. The original book outside the top front door of the lodge also still displays the main menu. NOTE ON TIMBER: Although you won't notice it now, because you never need it, you *desperately* require timber - this is a resource created only for this mod, and is sourced from the Timber Pile^TM Please, please, please remember to test the functionality of the pile! I am NOT going to tell you where it is via screenshot, because I want to see if I've written the instructions on it clearly enough - you will find a note in the initial construction materials delivery that *should* tell you where it is (roughly). From that, it should be hopefully self evident - if not, then I need to improve the instructions. I've included this resource mechanic as a means of ensuring the property takes time to develop, since according to Hearthfire, Rome apparently *can* be built in a day. The only reason I haven't yet used a Darkfox127-style mechanic where every recipe causes time to pass is to preserve compatibility with other mods. But it may be something I'll look into. That's it for now! Please feel free to test and report back!
  8. Great! I shall contact you as soon as I'm done with the mod. Right now, I'm just creating recipes for various items, which is simple but time consuming.
  9. Hi guys, i've been working for several weeks now on converting Riverside Lodge[1] by Lupus to a Buildable Edition, Hearthfire style. Release is still a few days off but I'll open this thread up for people to register interest in testing. HF is required. Also looking for advice on a comprehensive list of things to test - I'm working on some notes for testers and have a few ideas, but knowledge and advice from seasoned designers and testers is always appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Thank you so much Ishara, that worked perfectly. Can I please credit you as a contributor when I release this? You've helped me absolutely massively.
  11. Hello, I am producing a modders resource that works similar to the light switch script but takes into account whether the lights have actually been built yet or not. I'm trying to understand the process of calling a script function from another script, but I'm having difficulty understanding the process - I'm thoroughly mystified by the process of casting. Basically you have a script running on a persistent controller objectref (typically an XMarker) called the "controller". This is the one that contains state switching logic for the lights on, lights off, or lightsnotbuilt state. LightsNotBuilt is the entry state, and DOES NOT contain any conditions that enable the script to move out of it's state. This is to make the process of actually "building" the lights entirely event-driven. A second, smaller script acts on a miscitem when the player "builds" the lights at a house workbench. This is the CraftItem script, and enables an initially disabled objectref called "BuildMarker" and then removes itself. A function, LightsBuiltCheck contained in the Controller script checks the Enable State of the build marker, and then moves to Lights On/Lights Off as appropriate. It is this function I am trying to call when the CraftItem script fires. I'm hoping that someone might be able to assist me with the syntax of calling this function, as I've been unable to compile and call it so far. I've managed to specify the Controller script as a parent, but it doesn't appear to do anything. Additionally, given that this function is switching between states in the Controller script, can it still force a movement in states if called within another function? If not, is there a way to specify it's parent script and to force it to change states? The Controller script can be found here The CraftItem script can be found here
  12. Hello, I am producing a modders resource that works similar to the light switch script but takes into account whether the lights have actually been built yet or not. I'm trying to understand the process of calling a script function from another script, but I'm having difficulty understanding the process - I'm thoroughly mystified by the process of casting. Basically you have a script running on a persistent controller objectref (typically an XMarker) called the "controller". This is the one that contains state switching logic for the lights on, lights off, or lightsnotbuilt state. LightsNotBuilt is the entry state, and DOES NOT contain any conditions that enable the script to move out of it's state. This is to make the process of actually "building" the lights entirely event-driven. A second, smaller script acts on a miscitem when the player "builds" the lights at a house workbench. This is the CraftItem script, and enables an initially disabled objectref called "BuildMarker" and then removes itself. A function, LightsBuiltCheck contained in the Controller script checks the Enable State of the build marker, and then moves to Lights On/Lights Off as appropriate. It is this function I am trying to call when the CraftItem script fires. I'm hoping that someone might be able to assist me with the syntax of calling this function, as I've been unable to compile and call it so far. I've managed to specify the Controller script as a parent, but it doesn't appear to do anything. Additionally, given that this function is switching between states in the Controller script, can it still force a movement in states if called within another function? If not, is there a way to specify it's parent script and to force it to change states? The Controller script can be found here The CraftItem script can be found here
  13. That did it! I think. I'm sorry I doubted you guys: Scriptname BuildableAutomaticLightSwitch extends ObjectReference {Cipscis and M3rvin's Automatic Light Switch adapted for buildable lights.} float Property LightsOffTime = 6.0 auto {The time at which lights should be turned off} float Property LightsOnTime = 18.0 auto {The time at which lights should be turned on} ObjectReference Property MarkerLightsOn auto {The marker controlling the "lights on" object references} ObjectReference Property MarkerLightsOff auto {The marker controlling the "lights off" object references} ObjectReference Property BuildMarker auto {The marker controlling the "lights off" object references} float Function GetCurrentHourOfDay() global {Returns the current time of day in hours since midnight} float Time = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() Time -= Math.Floor(Time) ; Remove "previous in-game days passed" bit Time *= 24 ; Convert from fraction of a day to number of hours Return Time EndFunction Function RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(float GameTime) {Registers for a single UpdateGameTime event at the next occurrence of the specified GameTime (in hours since midnight)} float CurrentTime = GetCurrentHourOfDay() If (GameTime < CurrentTime) GameTime += 24 EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(GameTime - CurrentTime) EndFunction Function LightsBuiltCheck() {Checks to see if BuildMarker object ref is enabled, and if it is, cycles between the "LightsOn"/"LightsOff" states. If it is disabled, it will go to the LightsNotBuilt State.} If (BuildMarker.IsEnabled()) If (GetCurrentHourOfDay() > LightsOffTime) GoToState("LightsOff") Else GoToState("LightsOn") EndIf Else GoToState("LightsNotBuilt") EndIf EndFunction Event OnInit() LightsBuiltCheck() EndEvent State LightsOff Event OnBeginState() MarkerLightsOn.Disable(True) MarkerLightsOff.Enable(True) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOnTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() GoToState("LightsOn") EndEvent EndState State LightsOn Event OnBeginState() MarkerLightsOff.Disable(True) MarkerLightsOn.Enable(True) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOffTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() GoToState("LightsOff") EndEvent EndState State LightsNotBuilt Event OnBeginState() MarkerLightsOn.Disable(True) MarkerLightsOff.Disable(True) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOnTime) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOffTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() LightsBuiltCheck() EndEvent EndState
  14. Damn, still no luck. In addition to the issues Ishara pointed out, I also fixed the IsDisabled check to an IsEnabled check. The script looks like this now (see below) However, despite compiling and linking it up successfully to the markers, I can't seem to override the enable behaviour of the MarkerLightsOn/LightsOff. Despite me manually enabling/disabling the BuildMarker using the console and waiting till the time change thresholds. Any ideas? Scriptname BuildableAutomaticLightSwitch extends ObjectReference {Cipscis and M3rvin's Automatic Light Switch adapted for buildable lights.} float Property LightsOffTime = 6.0 auto {The time at which lights should be turned off} float Property LightsOnTime = 18.0 auto {The time at which lights should be turned on} ObjectReference Property MarkerLightsOn auto {The marker controlling the "lights on" object references} ObjectReference Property MarkerLightsOff auto {The marker controlling the "lights off" object references} ObjectReference Property BuildMarker auto {The marker controlling the "lights off" object references} float Function GetCurrentHourOfDay() global {Returns the current time of day in hours since midnight} float Time = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime() Time -= Math.Floor(Time) ; Remove "previous in-game days passed" bit Time *= 24 ; Convert from fraction of a day to number of hours Return Time EndFunction Function RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(float GameTime) {Registers for a single UpdateGameTime event at the next occurrence of the specified GameTime (in hours since midnight)} float CurrentTime = GetCurrentHourOfDay() If (GameTime < CurrentTime) GameTime += 24 EndIf RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTime(GameTime - CurrentTime) EndFunction Function LightsBuiltCheck() {Checks to see if BuildMarker object ref is enabled, and if it is, cycles between the "LightsOn"/"LightsOff" states. If it is disabled, it will go to the LightsNotBuilt State.} If (BuildMarker.IsEnabled()) If (GetCurrentHourOfDay() > LightsOffTime) GoToState("LightsOff") Else GoToState("LightsOn") EndIf Else GoToState("LightsNotBuilt") EndIf EndFunction Event OnInit() LightsBuiltCheck() EndEvent State LightsOff Event OnBeginState() Disable(MarkerLightsOn) Enable(MarkerLightsOff) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOnTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() GoToState("LightsOn") EndEvent EndState State LightsOn Event OnBeginState() Disable(MarkerLightsOff) Enable(MarkerLightsOn) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOffTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() GoToState("LightsOff") EndEvent EndState State LightsNotBuilt Event OnBeginState() Disable(MarkerLightsOff) Disable(MarkerLightsOn) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOnTime) RegisterForSingleUpdateGameTimeAt(LightsOffTime) EndEvent Event OnUpdateGameTime() LightsBuiltCheck() EndEvent EndState
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