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About CKsquid

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  1. Ok, say if i want to place a gun and some ammo in a crate in the schoolhouse How would i go about doing this?
  2. Could you guys send me links to the best clothing addition please male and female thanks
  3. Can you remember the cheat room in fallout 3, the one with all the letterboxes and the hobo? So is there one for new vegas? If so. whats the code? If not, WHYYYYY :(
  4. Ok i've seen plenty of mods that turn your character nude but what about everybody else in the world they still clothed :( Any mods out there for that? Any nude companions also :P
  5. If you dont know what hit detection is then you cant help me, sorry :(
  6. Has anyone made a hit detection fix so gun fights are more well possible?
  7. Has anyone made a hit detection fix so gun fights are more well possible?
  8. can someone tell me the differance between Damage and damage per shot Which is more important?
  9. would anyone be kind enough to make the M40A3 just like the one from COD4 please. I loved that gun and would love to use it in New vegas It should be very/pretty powerfull Plus can someone tell me the differance between Damage and damage per shot Which is more important?
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