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  1. back, and available! Who's making progress?
  2. Yeah, some of those scenes would be really cool - maybe viewed as a memory from someone's perspective, or something. I can get behind that. I hope I'm not shredding dreams or anything. >.< in any event, though, we should work on having something . . . tangible, I think, at first. It looks like my computer here isn't clever enough to play Oblivion fast enough to actually test anything I build presently, but it's enough to run the construction set so I'll fiddle with the buildings some more, add another couple of interiors, etc. do we want an inn for the modern Oldtown? Broken Spoke Tavern & Inn? Windmill Inn? Best Western? I'll let you know if I come up with some kind of clever name.
  3. Huh, personally I've always been a fan of the half-life-style "don't ever take control away from the player, don't ever let the player leave the character's head" style of play, and I think it might feel incongruous with the rest of Oblivion (which almost never has cutscenes) to add them here. That's just my two cents, though, and if you wanna put it in the mod, go for it. :)
  4. Heyy, sorry I've been MIA, visiting home recently. I'll try to install Oblivion on this computer and see what I can do . . .
  5. click-drag around path grid points - above or below ground press "f" key watch points move to actually useful locations on the ground there is a god. (After making some landmasses I realized that the AI's pathgrids got all screwed up, and I was happy to learn there was a speedy fix.)
  6. oh, lol, no, I just meant without armor or clothing. Oblivion-nude, not real-nude. You're right about the people, too. We can work with the animal thing if we need to when we get there.
  7. also, had an idea for a trap room which some people may or may not like. The goal was to have the player emerge (door locking behind them) in a pit full of people who are nude, aimless, mindless, and all holding swords. When you talk to them, they don't say anything. After about ten seconds of wandering around among them, someone from up above fires an arrow at one of them that is enchanted with 100 magnitude Frenzy for 60 seconds and 100 magnitude Rally for 60 seconds.
  8. Damn, Crowhaven has a quest-related function already . . . http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Origin_of_the_Gray_Prince This might make it difficult/impossible to use it for our storyline, since anything we might want to do with it would be taking the place of another quest. it could be possible, I suppose, to insert another fort nearby . . . I also have another idea. I'm not sure if it's going to be obvious to the population of "old" Oldtown a) that the player isn't from their time period, or b) that they can't actually LEAVE the immediate vicinity of Oldtown. If the NPCs of oldtown DON'T know this, for the most part, I have an idea for what I think could be some really fun quests. I think it could be great if somebody in "old" Oldtown asks the player, sort of out of hand, to go get a relatively common item from Anvil, not knowing that the player can't actually go to "old" anvil. Thus, the player has to visit modern anvil to retrieve the item, which is now almost impossible to find - this could be some kind of special clock or engine for a machinist, perhaps.
  9. Yeah, I don't want it to be identical, but if we want to put in Crowhaven - which I REALLY think we should - then since it's on a mountain we should make it be the same height mountain, probs . . .
  10. K, that helps, thanks. :) I'm a little concerned about making a mountain that's the same height as what exists in the game already . . . but I guess that's something I can break my head over later.
  11. Bad news: It looks like duplicating an exterior cell is impossible; there's a button for it but clicking it doesn't make a new cell. What I was really hoping for was a cell that didn't have any coordinates, that you could modify how you chose but only reach by using a portal (such as a door). This doesn't appear to be how it functions. The implications are twofold: 1. I need to recreate, by hand, the terrain around "modern oldtown" for "past oldtown." 2. I need someplace to PUT past oldtown; maybe in one of the unused cells on the map, if that's possible. I don't know how to access said cells, if so. If anyone figures out a way around any of this, let me know. The idea of remaking all that landscape from scratch, even if it doesn't have to be perfect, gives me the screaming heebie-jeebies. Trying to exactly replicate, or even closely replicate, any piece of land in that editor is a nightmare.
  12. if you're looking for any kind of profile on people in modern oldtown, here's a possibility? Claude Vance: Lives in a little shack in the town. Kind of a deadbeat who spends most of his surplus money on booze. Every week, though, he likes to have a couple people come over to his place to drink and tell stories, and he writes down anything funny he hears. He has some knowledge about the lore of the town, but is more interested in the outside world. I like the idea that if you tell him things about the past oldtown he won't believe you, but he'll love the stories so much he'll ask you to bring back more, and might in exchange give stories - that he thinks are tall tales - about oldtown that are actually relevant and useful tips in the past. I dunno, change whatever, but that seemed like maybe an idea?
  13. I support this initiative. I also think it could be cool to have other clockwork devices/weapons included to the degree that they can be. Right now we're looking at about 2-3 poor houses, one big farmhouse that could be an inn, and 2-3 other farmhouses in the "modern" oldtown. Another question, though: how much bigger will "old" oldtown be? If it needs to be HUGE I might need to make some significant landscape changes now, before I start finalizing buildings. we can see, though. I've started working on one of the interiors. I basically copy-pasted one of the interiors from a shack in the IC Waterfront and moved some furniture and lights around. I don't want every room in this mod, even in "modern" oldtown, just being a copy-paste of an existing room, so hopefully I'll get a little faster at arranging rooms in the future. I'm going to play around with seeing if I can make a copy of these wilderness cells I've converted into modern Oldtown. If those copies can be accessed by going through a door without much trouble, that'd be helpful. Like I said, I'll play with it. As always, any models people can give me I can start implementing. If anyone wants to work on a dilapidated windmill (was someone doing that already), that'd be awesome.
  14. All right. It occurs to me we would want foundries/forges for the "old" oldtown. I can start doing mock-ups of that whenever. Additionally I can make interiors for the modern oldtown starting now, particularly if you can give me any sense of the sort of people living in the village; I had poor farmers or fishermen in mind, maybe even people who work in anvil or elsewhere but are too poor for houses there.
  15. It seems like this is something of a small steampunk town, which is weird, because steampunk denotes industrialization and thus we have to assume this is imported technology, I would think? Regardless I think that having technologically-enhanced humans might work, though it seems like maybe it would be too small a village to support more than a few of those . . . Unless we want a whole underground colony of them which could be really, really nifty. If anyone gets more work done on that windmill model and can let me have it at some point I can put it in, easy. Additionally: how many houses/buildings do we want in the modern "oldtown?" Additionally additionally: I was in a city (Ft. Collins, CO) recently that had a part of the city named "oldtown," so I retract my comment about there being no good reason to name a place that. It could be that that was the name it took after Anvil became more populated, or maybe even that they were once a continuous city and Oldtown became separated from Anvil as the wilderness crept in and Oldtown became less prosperous.
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