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Everything posted by MarkJDK

  1. Just saw a video where Todd talks about the Skyrim character customization, he says it has "less control" compared Oblivion. That makes me worried.. since, for me the characters looks is something I want to mod, unless they give us the possibility in modding editor perhaps.
  2. Thanks sacredtrojanblade for your reply. I will take a look into it as soon as I get some free time. Thanks again for the help! ;)
  3. Is there any tutorial teaching how to create a hair for Dragon Age: Origins? Not the 3D mesh itself, but the part of exporting it from the modeling program to the point of put into the game. A friend of mine was able to export a hair but somehow the grass got the texture of the hair... Thanks in advance!
  4. Can't thank you enough! :thumbsup: I got it working by doing as you said, put the modified .uti in the same folder as the .erf; Though I had to disable the mod, force a load, save again, and reload with the mod enabled. And the changes to the armors and weapons were there. Unfortunately the script to this mod is very bad optimized, if you load the game it will add 4 of the items to your inventory. If you put them in a storage chest for example, and load again, you will receive more 4 of them. Do you happen to know if there is a way to modify the script? I learned from this tutorial (http://social.bioware.com/5339/blog/576/) how it is done. And seems that this mod does not properly set flags to be saved along with the save, meaning it does not check if the items are already distributed in the event of loading without them being in the player's inventory. Kudos for you, for being so helpful and kind! ;) EDIT: I managed to replace the script with my own by creating a new one in the toolset, compiling it and exporting it. Then all I did was import the new ones inside the .erf that had those scripts (modules/data/<uid>.erf); I will not forget to send your cookie! But you know.. the people at the post office have a thing for cookies, so if you don't receive it, you know what happened! :teehee:
  5. DarkeWolf, thank you for taking your time to help me out! I got the .uti files from the .erf files inside the AddIns folder. So I opened them with the toolset, edited the PropertyIDs and PropertyPowers to those I want. But I am confused, I just have to put the modified uti file in the override folder? Because I tried, loaded the game and the attributes had not changed. Even tried to seel & buy back, disable the mod save and enable again, used the additem script too, but no dice. You mentioned "I recommend using the uti file as a resource for the filenames and such, and then go to create a new item using the original as your information resource." I have to create like another .erf file to replace the original? For example, I would need to import all the content I exported from the original erf, do my changes, and save it back. How I do that? :/ Sorry, I am completely new to Toolset, I have found some tutorials on how to make custom armor and stuff, but nothing that helps me to modify. I will try that mod you mentioned, seems interesting and pretty useful, though I really want to learn how to do this...
  6. Recently I downloaded this set of armor: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1066 Once I got it into the game I noticed that it's properties were a bit too much overpowered in my taste. Being a toolset noobie that I am, I am here to ask if it is possible to change it? Also, the armor is automatically added to the player's inventory. I am familiar to C-oriented language and would like, if possible, to change the script. I saw script files are identified with a .ncs extension, though I found none in the modder's resouce available Neither by opening the .erf with ErfEditor.
  7. That's nice, though I love the Fade. :whistling: It's better simply to don't bother, since this happens only at this quest. Or if you want to play without this "issue", just remove/rename the morph you made; Thanks. ;)
  8. Hey, recently I decided to play again my game and I am at the Broken Circle and I just acquired the Spirit Form. However, there is an issue with the creature's mesh: http://a.imageshack.us/img841/4041/screenshot2010081500512.jpg What is even weird is that I tried to remove all mods I have, everything. And it still had that issue. Perhaps it's just a glitch that got stuck? :confused: Does anyone saw/had this before? --------------------- Just found the problem. While ago I modified the head morph on my save to direct to one I build with the toolset. The morph was the problem. I don't suppose there is any mod to "fix" this, is there?
  9. Guys, can you point me at Robert's Male Body nexus page? It seems it's at a new version and I got a older one. (Found) Also, I've been looking for a mod related to emcumbrance, I've seen it somewhere, it affects like, if you get too much stuff you are still able to take more and more, but there are some penaltyes to run speed. Any leads?
  10. You mean a way to increase the grids avoiding those kind of glitches? I don't think there's any, I've gived up of increasing mine to any other value because it made the water look so weird that it was driving me insane, as for things not loading properly the only "work-around" is to raise the memory, and prevent the game to purge textures, that way the game will try to load as much as it can and put together, of course, raising iPreloadSizeLimit means take more memory. As far as I'm concerned there isn't no way to avoid those glitches. I also love how things look with a higher iGridsToLoad, instead I stick with the old and famous anisotropic filtering.
  11. Maybe you should actually ask in that thread you keep linking too or alternately be patient and don't repost the request so soon. If someone knows and reads this thread, they will respond. ;) Haha yeah.. sorry bout that. It's like I got register in billions of forums, that I know this one for being the best source of mods, and it is. I will. But if anyone know, don't be shy to say :D Thanks! Mark.
  12. Guys help me to find this ones: http://forums.starfoxweb.com/index.php?top...msg6789#msg6789
  13. Have you tried Male Body Replacer V4 Khajiit Texture Fix. It seems for many people with Khajiit texture problems solved after these.
  14. I wonder what makes the saves from those people corrupted. Maybe the game is overloaded with memory nad when try to save it does not compile the save well? I've never got a corrupted save, just once, but it was from a mod that changes weather, then i simply installed the mod again cleared the weather and saved, and all came okay. Maybe a mod that "clear" the memory often is a good way? Like "Streamline".. I DO use it, and also, when I open the console to do something or start noticing lag in the game i use the PCB command, then CTRL+DEL (Makes a purge of unused memory [part of Streamline]).
  15. hey guys, i'm looking for a mod that make the shadowmere horse with flames, i've already seem this mod but forget it's name :/
  16. Huys is there a mod that fixes the body when in 1st person you change the FOV (Field of View)? Look: Default FOV FOV 85 FOV 95 Notice that part of the arms disappears. This only happens with robes Like a mod that render the body in 1st person.
  17. guys also, i remember a time i got a mod that removes the "glow" when you are equipped with enchanted items, any thoughts?
  18. Man.. that corean site, i can even try to translate it, impossible to get in. Hope someone can do this :/ I really want this hair! it's awesome! :P
  19. Guys help me to find this hair please :D! http://tesnexus.com/downloads/images/14999-1-1210339872.jpg
  20. i was wondering why AA isn't compatible with screenshots? o.O personnaly i love the aspect of the game when AA is activated, and i can't even take a shot because PrintScr is blocked, also programs in background working.
  21. maybe someone can help me with this: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=116443 It's a .DDS file and a .NIF I'm tryng to do, but everytime I make it looks "uv-colors" :P
  22. someone know which Hair mod is that showing in this picture: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/fms/Image.php?id=59620 i rly like and did not found it ;/
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