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About DariusMoranda

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    Testing mods for Oblivion
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    Isn\'t it obvious ?

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  1. I'm doing good. :D Hope you're having a fantastic holiday. Happy New Year!!! Yay!
  2. Срећан Божић
  3. Doing good, started yesterday with Skyrim. :) What's new ?
  4. Hey! How've you been? Haven't talked to you in awhile. Hope all is well.
  5. Yes, Finns showed that they are capable and good fighters by repelling the Red Army in Talvisota, strong, loyal, protective and disciplined. All thanks to Mannerheim, he was a great commander, though, everything he knew, he learned in Russia in his younger days.. His defending line was impressive indeed, a bit exaggerated in his words and the words of the press back in the day, but an impressive counter strategy and tactics using little resources, nonetheless. And thanks to Voroshilov's incapability, you could vow all those victories in the first half of the war. But Voroshilov was replaced. And Mannerheim line was crushed. And you lost it, eventually. And you lost along with your nazi allies at the gates of Stalingrad. That's war. We all pick different sides and we all have different opinions, which is quite natural for us humans. We can't change the history, we can't erase what happened in the past... But we can change ourselves. 'Forgive, but don't forget' . That's better then 'Never trust a russian', if you agree. Enemies are everywhere, by the way, from all directions, it depends of your own position and an interest of your enemy. It's not closely tied with a nationality, trust me on that. Be proud of your heroes, they deserve it. But never take pride up and high too much, it tends to become hate sometimes. Greetings from a half serbian/half russian guy. Stay cool, Moranda
  6. I am hungry for some modding action.
  7. Matter of opinion. If someone should shoot and kill a rapist, caught in the act, I see that as a "good thing". I would kill a rapist, because I find it as necessity, I would kill him in order to save someones life and sanity. But I don't find it good, when I take someone's life. I'd feel like an 80's action movie addict with a cocky attitude. A matter of opinion.
  8. I've read all the answers on the examples which I gave earlier. Aurelius explained it good and I think everyone should read what he wrote on my questions. These examples are actually a small psychology test, which I ran into somewhere in the past. Anyways, I will give a few lectures about this subject, only as my opinion, based on the wisdom I gathered through my experiences and I will do it, because I think I am enough competent to do that. 1. First of all, if you pull a gun out of your pocket, be ready to shoot and kill. Don't draw it to wound someone or to shoot in the air. If you do that stuff, you are a disgrace for the sword that you picked and you are not worth of one. 2. Killing people as an act of revenge doesn't make it bad because it is revenge, it makes it bad because it won't change the past and it will be just one more weight for your shoulders to carry to the rest of your life. 3. People who are badly wounded and ask you to ease their pain should be listened. Dying is a very painful and bizzare process, a man is fighting for his last breath, in a great fear. If you find yourself in such situation, do it, but do try to not to perform it directly. Better to say something or to point your finger in other other direction, which would distract the person, so that person won't know what will happen next. And do this only if you are asked to do it. 4. If you are a soldier, it is quite normal to kill people. If the war comes to you, you must defend your , love, family and land from the enemy. Though, going into another country and killing people because they are bad in the eyes of your lords is not good. No one has rights to interfere in others business. Let them to deal with it on their own. 5. Killing a man who puts you and your family in a life danger is a necessity. Kill him immediately. When you finish it, approach to the body, close his eyes and call the police to report everything. 6. Don't try to play rough with a gun wielding robber in a store if you are not experienced fighter. You are putting lives in danger if you try to play a hero. Maybe he is faster then you, so you could be the one to go down, instead of him. Try to talk it out first until someone calls the police while you have him busy, maybe a man isn't a deranged criminal, maybe he doesn't have anything to fed his family, maybe he is in an affect state of mind, some prison would do good for him. If you can't talk it out, then he is a dangerous person and you should listen to the instructions. If he shows himself as a maniac who will kill you all after he finish with robbing the store, act swiftly and try to pick a good moment for it. Put him down. 7. If you are called up for a fair fight by a stronger , violent man, and you have a weapon and he doesn't- throw your weapon far away, put up your guard and fight. Play fair even if you know that you will lose and get yourself in a long time in hospital. You won't be emberrassed. By throwing your weapon in front of him and saying that you will fight, you will prove yourself that you are a true warrior. It's nothing to be ashamed of if you lose a fight for honor. 8. Killing a man in the name of promotion, material or sexual interest, jealousy or anything similar is a deed of a sociopath or someone who has a deep psychiatric problem. If you have thoughts like this and you are fully aware of yourself, report yourself to the police and doctors immediately. 9. If you and your company is in danger from a gang of thugs, and you see that it could go lethal, pull your gun out and shoot them all, not in the knees, not in the stomach. In the heart area or head, asap. Then face the consequences of justice, afterwards. 10. If a psychopath killed your loved one, or loved ones, and he got punished for it, but you don't see it enough, don't go to his home to shoot his loved ones. They are not guilty for his crimes. Only beasts can whip a whole family or someones love. Don't be one. 11. Don't go and get a job as an executor. You don't need that in your life. If you are already in the army or law enforcement and you must perform as a shooter of someone convicted on court martial, then do it. If you a a farmer and currently out of job and the firing squad is the only job around, try some other place or die in hunger, just don't be the executor. The point is- We, humans, can act based on our instinct or our sanity. In both cases, we perform or calculate before the performance, but the result is the same. We kill or not. If we do, we find it as necessity. That is a natural act of a human. If we do it for fun, we aren't humans. In both cases, killing people is a bad thing and it is not ok. Why? Yes, it is natural to permanently remove a threat to your family. But the very act is the most darkest, gruesome and bizzare thing which you ever have experienced. To extinguish someone's life, to see how he's been separating himself from his soul is an act will be an open wound til the rest of your life. Shorter- Killing a man can be a necessity, but never to be declared as an ok thing to do. Moranda
  9. Serbian here. I am half serbian, half russian. I am proud of the history of my country, our warriors and our beautiful females, our food and drinks, our sport and culture. The list is almost endless. And yes Aurelius, Serbs indeed stopped the Ottomans, but not in 1593. Ottomans got their final stopage in 1699 by the Habsburg Empire, since then they never came back to their former glory. Then Serbs and Bulgarians pushed them out completely from Balkan in the First Balkan War in the beginning of the 20th century. I am proud on that, too. Good fortune to everyone. Moranda
  10. Just dropping to say hello to you, kind lady.

    Hope all is well on your side.

    Stay cool. ;)

  11. I have a very short answer to that. Some people are cruel to animals, because they don't have guts to be the same way with humans. Speaking of animals, I raised a wild rabbit and she is 9 years old now. Her name is Mesec (spelled 'Mesetz'), which means 'Moon' in serbian language. The name rhymed with 'zec' (spelled 'zetz), which means 'rabbit' in serbian, so I found it funny and nice to give her that name. Here she is. Good that I started with Flickr recently, as I can't upload anymore photos on here, due to image share limit. Animals makes a man happy. It was the time when I worked more then now on rather dangerous jobs and this precious creature was the only one to be joyful to see me, when I come back home from work. I owe her my life. And those who are cruel to animals, doesn't deserve a place on this planet, not to mention to grew a family of their own. Moranda
  12. An iron fist, on both sides, who has a mutual goal-to stop the drug wars and people getting killed on daily basis. Moranda
  13. It really depends of a personal opinion. For some it is, for others it isn't alright. It is much deeper then the people think and see it is. It's not the question only about morality, it is more of a psychological nature. Let's take a couple of examples, shall we? 1. You're coming back home from work, where you find your family tied up by an armed burglar. He has an assault rifle in his hands and he fores you down to the floor. The burglar makes it clear that he will kill all of you after he finishes with robbing your home. You remember that you have a gun in a drawer in a counter right next to the spot where you are being held as a hostage. The burglar turns his back on you and your family to fins some more rope to tie you up. The drawer is open, he didn't see that gun inside. What will you do? 2. You came out from a bar with your girl, went down to the dark alley where the parking lot is, and all of a sudden, 6 guys comes right at you, spitting, insulting and touching your girl in an inappropriate way. They are a bunch of low morality street thugs, possibly some gang members and they are armed with cold weaponry, a couple of knives and some steel chains. They seem tensed and they want to make you a problem, but you don't know are they in a kill mood or in a torture mood. You have a gun under your coat for protection. What will you do? 3. You are working for a huge company for 10 years and it is your turn to get promoted and to move to another city. You worked hard for all those years, and luxury of the new working place is at the top of your fingertips. More money, more comfort for your family members, 2 new cars, a big house and a dreamlike neighborhood. But there is a guy who is a son of the company's owner. He didn't have to work all those years, yet, he jumped in front of you to take your place. And he will get it, you know it, everyone is talking about it. As you went for a lunch break outside at the terrace, you see that guy right at the edge, being unaware that someone is behind him there. It's pretty tall building, you are standing at the 30th floor. 'Accidents' are possible, right? What will you do? 4. You are a soldier. A man in a foreign, distant country is accused for all sorts of crime. All the news are talking about it, all the papers are writing about him, some sources are pulling out some proofs of his crimes, etc. But you feel it all shady, something doesn't seem to be right. You are being sent to hunt the man down. You fight your way through the hell of war, back and forth, then you pierce with your unit and enter his home. He is right there, and all of his family is sitting next to him, sons, daughters, wife and grandchildren. You have an order to shoot him on sight. The order that you must fulfill includes his children and wife. Only the grandchildren have to survive. Your best buddy next to you will rat you out to your sarge, if you don't do it. He is pushing you to do it. If not- court marshal is waiting for you. You look at the man and his family, right in the eyes and you must pick quickly. What will you do? 5. You are running through the streets, there is a total collapse of the law enforcement in your city, strikes everywhere. Anarchy rules your world now. There are armed people everywhere, no food, lack of water and hospitals are empty. You find a poor man, innocent man, shot in the liver area, black blood is coming out of his stomach. He has exactly one hour or little less to live and he will die in a great pain and fear. You are feeling sorry for that old man. He begs you to help him, to relief his pain, because there is no hope for him. You have a gun on yourself. What will you do? 6. You come into a store to buy a pack of ciggies , where you see a criminal with a shotgun, holding the clerks as hostages. You are right next to him and he threatens to you that he will shoot if you move. Then he focuses again to the clerks. You have a knife and he doesn't sees you good. What will you do? 7. You were asked for a fair fight, a fist fight by a very strong man, violent man. You can't escape it, everyone is watching you and they expect you to fight with him. You are in front of a club and he is preparing himself to attack you. He threatens to you that he will break every bone you have and that he will put you in a hospital for at least 6 months. You know that he is serious and that he done that before, so he is able to perform such an act. No one wants to call the cops and you don't have a cellphone. He is faster then you, so he will catch you if you try to run. But you have a big army knife on you. What will you do? 8. Some maniac killed your fiance, 2 days before the wedding, it happened 3-4 years ago. he was released by the authorities in a lack of evidence and lack of justice. All that mess left a scar on your heart and mind, you still can't sleep good after all that time that passed. You miss your fiance like crazy. You can't stop thinking about your fiance's death and being helpless in the hands of a terrible murderer. As you walk down the park to relax a bit, you see that guy, sitting at the bench, reading newspapers. You see a baseball bat nearby at the ground, some guys are hitting a round or two for fun. What will you do? 9. The same maniac killed your fiance 2 days before the wedding, it happened 3-4 years ago. The law gave him justice for his act of crime, by sending him to a life sentence in prison. He never show remorse for what he did and his own girl came to defend him at the court as well. She is a junky and he is a drunkard, they are really bad couple, violent and hateful. After a couple of years, you walk down the park and you see his girl, who laughed at you in the courtroom, sitting on a bench, being high. She doesn't recognize you. You have a gun. What will you do? 10. You have no proper education, therefore you don't have much chance to get a decent job. Your wife just gave a birth to a son/daughter. You can't support them enough for even the basic stuff, such as food. And you are in a great debt to the bank and loan sharks, as well. You live in a small town, where there is no jobs for you. Though, the local prison is hiring people for a firing squads, to perform death penalties. It's the only job you have found, there is non around except that one. The money is good. Would you apply? Moranda
  14. Pozdrav iz Pennsylvanije moj prijatelj.
  15. I am thrilled to see a big project like this for Oblivion! I haven't been here for quite a while and this is sure a refreshment to see. Screens are awesome and the trailer caught my attention immediately, the story is very interesting.. I wish you the best with your mod, it has a big potential, use it at the maximum and you'll combat with the legendary mods on here, I have no doubts in that. :thumbsup: Moranda
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