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Posts posted by pgir001

  1. Is this a possibility?

    I found this old out of date thread:



    But couldn't find anything more recent. There are many additions since this thread and some that have been removed. I very much enjoy the added variety of custom voiced followers and/or NPCs if for no other reason than it adds more content to the game instead of the same repeated voice actors used for every person in Skyrim.


    I'd like to request a new category be added for voiced mods, Otherwise, what are the chances of getting a comprehensive up to date thread (Stiky post?) that has a list of Voice Acted mods?

  2. I've tried a few google searches, but I can't find anything like what I'm looking for. I am looking for a mod that will allow an active magic effect to be temporarily applied to a weapon. Something that works similarly to the Enhancement Shaman's weapon imbue in World of Warcraft. The closest mod I have found is an Elemental Bound Weapons mod, but that's not quite what I am looking for. I'm looking for the ability to apply the effects to any equipped weapon, and it's a temporary effect based on charges or time.


    Does one exist?

  3. I've posted a follower:


    I wanted to have the player be able to summon the follower to them self when they wanted the follower's help. I created a spell book using the following script from CK Wiki's Examples page.



    I have the spell working fine on my system, but users are telling me it's not working. From what I can tell, it's related to the object properties. As it is, the spell casts the MGEF on the caster using a target self delivery and then pulls the follower reference to the player.. As I said, it works on my computer making this difficult to troubleshoot.


    Either way, my solution has left this as an incomplete fix. Assuming that by putting the follower in her own space before being summoned fixes the summoning spell, there becomes an issue if the follower is dismissed. She just stays in that spot where she was discharged and won't go anywhere.


    What I was thinking is if someone could help me re-script this follower so that SHE is the one who casts the teleport spell on herself using the condition of being in the current follower faction to cast it.


    My spell would only change her faction to current follower. When that happens she will teleport to the player if she is more that "X" distance away. And then again when not in the current follower faction, she will teleport back to her hidden room.

  4. I've spent some time looking, but cannot seem to find anything similar. I am looking to create a spell that will adapt to the casting conditions and potentially alternate between Magic Effects.


    The following is a very basic example of the mechanic I am looking for. Let's say I want to create a spell that will cast a fire bolt (Aimed Delivery) if my cross-hair is not pointing at the ground. However, If while casting, I look down, and target the ground (Target Area Delivery) and the casting circumstances meet the criteria, the spell will automatically change to summon a Flame Atronach. What I don't want is both being cast at the same time.


    Can this even be done?


    Thank you, I appreciate any insight on this.

  5. 1st, I'm not a published modder. Aside from a few endorsements, I've not really contributed to this community. I recognize and acknowledge this. I will rectify that though. I have made a few edits and tweaks to the game and other's mods for my own use, but I have yet to create something I find has enough value to post here.


    That said, I've done some soul searching and have some very mixed feelings on this whole issue. Especially around the whole moral and ethical issue of who's work is it really? Putting that aside, there are some mods that have truly enhanced my Skyrim experience. If those authors are requesting an opportunity to receive money for their work, then I feel I should give it. I have decided that I will donate to certain authors who's mods I have determined I cannot play without. But this leaves me with 2 questions about "Paid for Mods".


    1. How will this impact my overall Skyrim experience?

    Meaning, I play with a couple hundred mods. No individual mod accounts for my experience. To that end, if I had to pay a-la-cart for them or even a fraction of them, to maintain my Skyrim experience would become terribly expensive. While I am ready willing and able to pay for the use of mods, I simply could not afford to have played Skyrim to the extent I have up to now based on what Valve had set up if that ended up being how this whole thing went. This has nothing to do with what the authors deserve. I'd have simply stopped playing a long time ago, once the cost of the mods exceeded the value that playing Skyrim brought to me. I would tend to believe that I am not alone in this. So where does that leave the authors? Would "paid for Mods" create their own self limiting choke hold?


    2. What kind of system could I reasonably contribute into, that would actually serve to promote better mods by rewarding the authors and yet not limiting the users by significantly increasing the cost to use many mods at a time?


  6. Durnehviir went to the Ideal Masters to learn Necromancy. His form of Necromancy didn't stem from The Ancient Dragon Language, Not fully anyway. But from the same sources as everyone else's. He, of course, modified it to suit his own methods. I'd like a mod where he teaches the player his methods. He can continue to teach the player new words after Soul Tear by either summoning him or by visiting his perch in the Soul Cairn (he can use a Thu'um on that wall like Paarturnax does, or just teach it). However, where this differs from other Words of Power is that no other dragons really knew Durnehviir's Words so Dragon Souls won't be enough to activate them. So some other means to uncover their meanings are needed. For example. Durnheviir can teach the player Undead Summoning, but the player can't just spend 3 Dragon Souls and get it. Yes, the souls are needed to power the word, but the meaning must be unlocked similarly to how Durnehviir originally learned it. In this case, it's easy enough to say the player needs to find all 3 spells in the Soul Cairn. And the 3 words together would summon all 3 at once. I also think that this form of Necromancy should be tied to the Conjuration Tree since it's not entirely of the Dragons. So certain perks and skill levels will also affect the outcome of his Thu'ums.


    Other ideas for more Thu'ums.


    A Shadow Cloak - A magic affect somewhat similar to Boethia's mail armor effect but maybe a health transfer instead of poison and including a mage armor effect as well.


    Bound Daggers - They can apply necrosis.....Damage over time as well as be perked for Soul Trapping in Conjuration. Thinking a different model of bound weapon. Something black.


    Undead Summoning - AS explained above. Maybe the Twin Souls perk could allow it to be used twice. Although 6 minions might be a little OP. I was thinking something like requiring unspent dragon souls are needed in reserve to maintain multiple summons. So if the player only has 4 unspent Dragon Souls, then only 4 minions are manageable. Maybe maxed at 6? This could apply to Soul Tear as well.


    Soul Recall - Any mob successfully soul trapped by Soul Tear has it's "pattern" remembered. Thus, if the player trapps a bandit, he can summon an undead bandit.


    Life Leech - Something like the Vampire Lord's Drain Life.

  7. I'll apologize in advance if I missed it, but I did search for this topic and didn't find an answer:


    Is there a way to cross reference Delivery Types? I want to make a spell that is set up as "aimed" at another target, but simultaneously, I want it to apply a temporary magic effect to the caster.


    I only seem to be able to do this with spells that have the same delivery type.

  8. EDIT:

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I put this in the wrong forum.


    I've been working in the CK for a while now, but only just to tweak settings and NPCs to alter basic values. I've never actually created a true mod. So, I thought I'd start with something small and simple. If only it were so. My goal is to make some shouts more usable. I've always been put off by the uselessness of this particular shout and thought would be a pretty straight forward task. It isn't so easy.


    I came up with what I thought was a simple idea that made good use of the shout which was that it could also be used to summon an Ash Guardian. I had limited success, but not enough to be usable. I ended up making it work how you summon Durnehviir, but in doing that, it made it very difficult to use the shout's other 2 words since I had to aim at the ground to trigger it. The problem I have is with the delivery. The Shout is set to be aimed. The Ash Guardian seems to need the Magic Effect to be set to a Target Area. Is there any way to make a Summon Creature Spell usable with an Aimed Delivery?


    An alternative. would be to be able to turn a hostile Ash Guardian to friendly. But I don't know enough about the scripting to do this

  9. I was thinking along the same lines. I want to try the mod "Disband the Thieve's Guild" but it seems a bit odd to play the Champion of Justice" in Riften....except for that one little incident in the Orphanage.


    I was thinking it would start like this:

    The player arrives at Aventus' home but he's not there. He's already been collected by the authorities and will be shipped back to the Orphanage. However, Because he's already performed the Black Sacrament, Another assassin has already killed Grelod at the Orphanage (Assume Aventus is in Transit during this, so he's neither at his home, nor is he at the orphanage yet.) The assassin has gone back to Aventus' house to report she's dead. But that's where the player finds the assassin and is attacked. After defeating the assassin, player finds a note saying The kids' been sent back to the orphanage, and once outside, the rumors can be heard that Grelod has been murdered, it's just that the player didn't do it. Now this is where the regular story would pick up. The player gets' the note that says "We know"..etc...etc I am sure that within Astrid's vioce files, a bit of reasonable editing could be done where the player is locked in the shack with Astrid and the 3 victims, her dialog could reflect that she's not so upset over the loss of an incompetent assassin, but does want "compensation" for the loss. A kill for a kill. And thus it starts.

  10. 1st off, I'll apologize if this has been suggested before, I did a quick search and didn't see anything like this. I also realize this would be easier said than done, but.....


    What I would like to see is a fully custom voiced follower mod complete with a back story, quests, AI and the player's quest awareness. One based on a Daughter of Coldharbor. To anyone who could undertake such a project. I'd love to see one that is what Serana should have been but isn't. A true Daughter of Coldharbor, not an Icemage with mommy and daddy issues, who raises the closest dead skeever. (See the Mod "Queen of the Damned") That mod addresses Serana's vampiric nature in combat, but not the woman who is Serana. Don't get me wrong, Serana is my favorite Bethesda follower. But there is something missing with her. Right from the start it felt wrong. Busting into a tomb, killing a dozen or so of her kind to find her and the 1st thing is to escort her and her Elder Scroll to her family? The "even though we are enemies, let's be friends" launch to Dawnguard wasn't really believable. She should have attacked the player and tried to get away if it wasn't for some reason she and the player were forced into a temporary truce. Serana is missing that Daedric side to her nature. She's still way to "human".


    The follower should be dark and hardcore. She should have a wicked side. One who's personal struggle isn't about her "mommy and daddy" baggage, but rather a struggle with her own being. Who She is vs. what She is. If it wasn't for her being the Daughter of Coldharbor, she'd have been a decent girl growing up in a normal family. She should be with the player because he's the only one powerful enough to "tame" her. But even then, it shouldn't come easy. Her personality should be a character who'd just as soon chew your throat (and does with bandits) out as cover your back.

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