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Posts posted by malisc140

  1. I want to just passively work on my Worldspace. Before I get too involved, I want to know if I will run into trouble if my Worldspace doesn't meet the cell size requirements?


    Such as, if I make the worldspace organically in creation kit, will I run into issues if it's not a big square or rectangle? I'm talking errors, not bad looking/empty terrain. I want to make sure I don't do a lot of work and have the LOD fail because of a limitation I didn't realize I needed to follow.



  2. I really want to do a project like this! I started a land awhile back as an experiment but the complex steps to make it all work together was so difficult to get right. Like getting the LOD to work right. I would love to generate lots and lots of open spaces and towns, and just make it available for an open canvas for people to add to.

  3. You can do that entirely using the console and getting used to a few commands. You will need to hit ~ when the moment hits. Just hit that key. As long as you have the moment right, then...


    TFC 1 (stops time basically and lets you move around)

    FOV # (will simulate wide of telephoto lenses)

    sucsm # (Changes the speed of your camera. Allows you to accurately compose a frozen moment. Try numbers like 1, or 0.1, etc)

    tm (will hide all of your in game menus, so when you return from the console, it will be nothing but the image to screenshot)


    use the disable and enable command to hide things if you need to.


    May have forgotten a few, but that's the most important stuff.


    I made all of my images using various console commands to simulate photography (which I do)



  4. What attracted to me check out Skyrim again was when I heard or read someone say the lore is actually very metaphysical. The concept of Sithis is some pretty cool out there stuff. The state of existence and non-existence, all sorts of good stuff.


    From my perspective, Sithis isn't evil.

  5. Can't you actually force a console command to give you skill points, which will then calculate how much you progress you made towards leveling up?


    I believe it's the AdvSkill command.




    So you would do like 1 point for heavy armor, 1 point for a weapon. Level up naturally. 1 point for armor, 1 weapon, 1 lockpicking, level up. Then just stop at 10, or whatever you prefer.


    Unless there's a flaw I'm forgetting in doing it this way.

  6. For the first time ever I made a female character to play the Dark Brotherhood quest line. I wanted to potentially have a follower with some kind of interesting back story for another quest line.


    I found an awesome set of armor for the character, with a cool accessory armor mod.



    Hedge Mage Armor




    Bandolier - Bags and Pouches - This adds the book and pouches at the back of her belt.




  7. I wish I could help out with some of these graphics mods. I know lighting really well, but I have no idea how to edit anything related to this stuff. All I could do is consult :-\

  8. Bump



    I'd like to direct you to a Nexus member named Gopher, who has a YouTube channel and two series having to do with Skyrim Mods, this one will get you started







    I'm sorry to change the subject but am I the only one that saw hamsters giving each other a high five in the thumbnail of that youtube link?


    like this

  9. Intro.

    I fell in love with making maps back in the days of the Half-Life 1 era. I got back into Skyrim recently and decided to try making maps. I'm actually really enjoying it. I've been slowly chugging along learning the Creation Kit as best I can. I'm actually working on a project for myself now, instead of just trying stuff to see what works. I'm doing this simply because I like it. I do have an idea of a somewhat simple master quest line. I'm purposely making something somewhat small because it makes me more likely to finish it, and also give me the opportunity to learn all "stages" of making a polished map. If I get this done and want to start something bigger, I'll have more experience basically.




    My question for any of you, is if I actually finish this, would it be useful for the mod community? It might actually make me more motivated to complete it (lol). At the moment I don't intend on adding any NPCs, but a few small empty villages, a lighthouse, some underground stuff, and maybe some kind of docks. I like the idea of making something with just animals roaming around, and having a "curiously empty town" that outsiders are scared to visit because they don't know what happened to everyone. No dead bodies, or anything. They're just gone. I don't want to give away any spoilers in case this turns into a mod worth anybody downloading lol. Then you could use realistic needs and diseases and actually just be alone in the woods and hunt, at least until you find something related to the vanished residents.




    Sorry they're not good. I'm just learning about LOD right now.


    So here's a misleading picture from above. It actually has a lot of detail on the ground level. The terrain is ready for a "detail pass" to fine tune textures as I place trees and such.



    Buildings near the lighthouse to show some scale.



    Here is a rough painting of my vision. There's virtually no buildings except the lighthouse, and the tree placement and density is basically just there to look good for the picture.

    This was only supposed to be quick painting, but I sort of zoned out and a few hours went by and the quick painting got more and more detail. lol!




    So that's my little project. Think could be worth putting on the nexus site if I make significant progress?

  10. In my opinion, unless you script your specific NPC to be like "omg chicks!" or "omg dudes!" with dialog or whatever indicating they prefer something, it should be "standard modding procedure" to allow either side.


    Because, if you didn't time to flesh out the character, then that openness is for the player to decide.

  11. I love seeing the DOF in game but the using the dead-center crosshair for what's "in focus" doesn't always add to the immersion. Are there any depth of field mods that use proximity to the player's view to decide what to focus on?


    It doesn't seem like anybody has made any mods for DOF that use extra logic, but I just thought I would ask if anybody has seen anything.

  12. Hi. I was wondering if it's possible to do these things with a Skyrim mod. It would be wicked cool to learn where to start with tutorials if you think this could happen.



    A mod to change the properties of light in a dungeon on the spot. This would be great to be able to control omni, shadow-casting, and spot lights each individually, or each group type of light.

    I would want to change the color, intensity, brightness, and even size of spot lights. I would even settle for just being able to change only some of the options. The interface to do this could be very clunky, as long as it "works"


    Is it possible to control the properties of light in the game, or are you stuck with how its rendered at the start?


    Is it possible to change the location of lights in the game on the spot? This idea is less important, but would be cool if possible.

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