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About neko1kitty

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  1. I made a custom race using roberts male body replacer and I put the mesh and hand meshes in meshes/characters/myrace/_male . I edited the body and hand meshes in nifskope to find the new textures that I edited(textures\characters\myrace\male\upperbodymale.dds) , and I set up the body in geck following the way roberts is set up for vanilla races. Everything looks ok in geck but in the game the hands look wonky , and if I change from my new race to a vanilla race only the pipboy hand remains messed up.
  2. I have a hat version of the hair, it's the same mesh but with parts of it shrunken and I have .egm files for both the versions but I doesn't work fully, I tested it with a beret and the roving trader hat and it shows but when I used the rattan cowboy hat my character was bald, so making a BSA file would fix this? Also thank you nivea it means a lot coming from you, I enjoy a lot of your mods. EDIT : luthienanarion you were right , I tried what you said and now the hair works correctly , the .egm files weren't working before I make a BSA archive and now everything works how it should, I only have to edit the hat mesh a bit more because there still is a bit of clipping here and there and I have to lessen the shininess of the hair and I'm done.
  3. I made a new hair for males in blender but the texture isn't working properly in geck and the game. Here is how it looks in blender: http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj255/neko1kitty/blender.jpg And in geck: http://i274.photobucket.com/albums/jj255/neko1kitty/geck-Copy.jpg Can anyone tell me what exactly went wrong? To get the hair in the game I used the mesh file hairbase.nif in nifskope and i replaced the mesh with the one I made and then followed the tutorial Porting hairs to fallout Edit:I solved the problem apparently if I import an .obj in nifskope the UV gets messed up so I converted the .obj to .3ds and repeated the steps and now it works.
  4. I made a little hair mesh in blender then I exported it as an .obj file.When I import it in nifskope to replace another hair mesh only half the mesh appears.Any suggestions as to what is causing this are welcome.
  5. Has anybody figured out how to fix the glitch that prevents you to hire Old Ben after the wang dang atomic tango quest ?
  6. What I said in the first post worked for me and I have no more sound issues. Associate the ogg files with windows media player or try that patch.
  7. I also had the delayed sound, the lack of npc voice and the problem at doc Mitchell's house here's what I did: Firstly I disassociated winamp from ogg files then I downloaded the silent hill homecoming patch v11 from here http://enbdev.com/download_en.htm and I put the vars_pc.cfg file in the data folder and the rest in the fallout new vegas folder where the exe is.I thought of this because this patch was used by players when Bioshock 2 had extreme lagging problems with the menus, maps etc.I don't know if this patch or the disassociation helped but the patch title appeared in-game so that's maybe it.
  8. There used to be a mod that let you wear multiple headgear called accessorized helmets, can someone tell me where to find it or if there is another mod that does the same thing?
  9. I am interested in testing episode 1.I am excited about this new part, I loved the first one and I hope that this part 2 will expand further the quest "Around your neck" or maybe some consequences from it.
  10. Could you make at least a guy who's bi for all of the girls that play as men? It's only fair, and I'm looking forward to the new PC hairstyles.
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