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About Gwaddan

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    Fallout 3, Oblivion, MTG planeswalker
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    Legend of Dragoon

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  1. If you are interested there is a clothing mod for the vash clothing. SPB_Red_Typhoon_v1_0-22454 I think its by A-type? and for oblivion but if permission could be gained it could be converted to fallout
  2. I am not too conserned with the vehicles being mobile as after centuries of sitting there they arent likely to want to move anyway! Lt_Havoc - Thank you for the pictures they give me some great ideas, I am considering using a the modern tanks as a base but encanced weaponry, The MBT for example should be equiped with a HE Laser and turret guns. again my main objective is to find someone who is able to create the 3d models and import them into GECK as static models for now, maybe at a later date make them mobile or at least destructable! bben46- Thanky you for the pictures ot the Nike base remains, that is most impressive and gives me some great ideas for the layout I would like to keep the interior layout as realistic as possible but would probably rely on using a mixture of DCTA textures and Vault. The tanks are going to be the fun bit, Primarily I would like them as static but in future modifications i would hope to introduce quests to reactivate the Nike bases for the Outcasts, and retrieve the construction plans to the tanks for the Brotherhood, so they can re create a MBT... But all this hinges on somone with the ability and kindness to make the 3D models and meshes usable in Geck!! WastelandAssassin- If you could be able to find the link to that mod I would be incredibly gratefull, If i have a base to work off it could save a lot of hassle! and thank you on the Good Luck, I think its gonna be needed!!
  3. Did anyone else wonder Where was all the Capitol’s defences when the bombs fell? What happened to the Anti Air defences to stop China’s Fighter bombers? Where are the Pill Boxes (as seen in Operation Anchorage), and most importantly Where is the American army’s Tanks (as referred to in Operation Anchorage). Surely the protectrons, Sentry Bots and MR Gutsy’s wouldn’t have been a match for the Chimeras, and other Chinese Vehicles. This leads me onto my Mod idea, There have been s few posts of similar mods; http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=91503&st=0&p=720781&hl=Surface%20to%20air%20missile%20&fromsearch=1entry720781 My Idea is such; Adding SAM batteries in strategic locations around the wastes based on the 1950’s Zeus SAM. And possible fire bases to protect the Capital from enemy planes. Placement of Operation Anchorage style Pill boxes to the Armouries Each equipped with Sentry guns to reflect a bit more realism. (even USAF/RAF Lakenheath just down the road from me has pill boxes for defence. And now the big one, Mobile Armour. The Chinese had Chimeras, So I had the idea of static models of M-42 Duster as a basic Self propelled AAA, M60 as a MBT and finally the M106 Self propelled artillery. The rub is that It is a tall order to prepare the 3D meshes and get them as usable items in game. (my 3d modeling skills are a joke and NifSkope doesn’t work on my system. If anyone is interested in this project please give me a call (you can contact me through the forums or Nexus)
  4. Here you go this is the link for FOMM http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=640
  5. I would recomend using FOMM, its a lot more reliable than the fallout version, as for tutorials your best bet is Fallout Wiki and simply playing around with geck!
  6. I did have a lot of trouble with my mod ;http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7554 Particularly with the quest segment, I got around it by testing each component individualy, Perhaps if you started with the vault layout to start with, without any items or navmeshes etc
  7. It could possibly be your version of geck is damaged or there are some conflicting mods, I would re install Geck and see how that helps to start with, then using FOMM disable all mods then try it again
  8. Hiya, I hope somebody here can please help with this problem I have involving the Pip boy. I recently installed a few mods; Scorpion Queen by bronson Asharas formal clothing by Ashara HY_direwolf_type3 HY_wastewar and one player house But after I installed these mods for some reason the Pip boy is rotated so it faces upwards meaniny I cannot see the menu or interact with it. http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j93/Maladis/NewBitmapImage2.jpg Thank you in advance for any help you can offer
  9. Appologies Incorrect forum
  10. I'll give it a try, Thanks Buddy! the laptop is having trouble booting up so if it actually loads i should be able to rip the data from it to back up, otherwise I will probably guive my pals at acer a call and see if they can sort it out.
  11. Ack! thanks to Acer reliability all my wip mods are on hold or even worse possibly gone forever. The laptop has died on me before I had a chance to back up my work...Not one of my better days!
  12. Have released the first mod the AR-92X Longbow http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7554 Still have a few bugs to work out like with some other mods crashing upon using fast travel a second time. Am unsure of where the bug lies as the only real edits are new notes and holos, keys and containers, nothing stock has been changed.
  13. And Chloe was gonna be the boss character for vault 55, Kirika as the escapee and possible companion. Oh yes, Zeon are many! Seig Zeon!
  14. What system are you running? If you go to documents\Appdata\local\microsoft\GFWlive\Downloads your dlc should be there. Try cutting and pasting to your main Fallout 3\DATA directory. After that run Fallout Mod manager and try re aranging the load order to; File Mod index Fallout3.esm 01 Anchorage.esm 02 ThePitt.esm 03 BrokenSteel.esm 04 PointLookout.esm 05 Then it should work, Also you could check that you have archive invalidation (the toggle invalidation button 4th from bottom)
  15. Hey Zeonic Glory, The Gwadan is ready with Mega Partacle cannons on standby, Lol! :P Love the Kirika avatar Evilneko! very good choice! ironicly also thats the character I am going to include in my mod.
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