I am not too conserned with the vehicles being mobile as after centuries of sitting there they arent likely to want to move anyway! Lt_Havoc - Thank you for the pictures they give me some great ideas, I am considering using a the modern tanks as a base but encanced weaponry, The MBT for example should be equiped with a HE Laser and turret guns. again my main objective is to find someone who is able to create the 3d models and import them into GECK as static models for now, maybe at a later date make them mobile or at least destructable! bben46- Thanky you for the pictures ot the Nike base remains, that is most impressive and gives me some great ideas for the layout I would like to keep the interior layout as realistic as possible but would probably rely on using a mixture of DCTA textures and Vault. The tanks are going to be the fun bit, Primarily I would like them as static but in future modifications i would hope to introduce quests to reactivate the Nike bases for the Outcasts, and retrieve the construction plans to the tanks for the Brotherhood, so they can re create a MBT... But all this hinges on somone with the ability and kindness to make the 3D models and meshes usable in Geck!! WastelandAssassin- If you could be able to find the link to that mod I would be incredibly gratefull, If i have a base to work off it could save a lot of hassle! and thank you on the Good Luck, I think its gonna be needed!!