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About serious2venom

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  1. Well as the title explains all what I'm promoting is that there should be training fields in each hold with dummies and targets that actually level you up, but for them to actually level you up you need to pay 50 gold for a day to be able to use the dummies and targets. same goes for the already established training fields. there should be a manager next to the dummies that you pay to train on them.
  2. So the problem is as follows: when ever I leave or enter an interior, say for example entering a tavern or leaving a tavern. my enb turns a lot darker but gets fixed when I click both shift and enter and it's really irritating, anyone know a fix for this problem ?
  3. Well I did what you said and yes there was a patch for WMK and RHIronsights :facepalm: , but I did your steps after reinstalling the game also this time I haven't installed Unofficial fallout patch, and the bug is gone. I dont know if the unofficial patch is the culprit because it may have been the ironsights and wmk for all I know. Thank you very much for the help! :happy:
  4. https://ibb.co/nQB1wG It seems to happen when I turn off then turn on the archive invalidation, but I'm really not sure whats the cause it's really bugging me, did anyone experience this? Is there a fix for this? Here is my load order Fallout3.esm Anchorage.esm BrokenSteel.esm PointLookout.esm Zeta.esm ThePitt.esm Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm norepairneededv2.esp RH_IRONSIGHTS.esm 2Perks Per Level.esp Ammo Box Respawn.esp medkit and toolbox respawn.esp AnimatedFanV2f3.esp Containers Respawn.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp F3ProjectRealityMkI.esp Flora Overhaul.esp FreePlayAfterMQ_V05.esp CoD Health Regeneration.esp 2day interior resets.esp Max Level 99.esp More Ammo.esp More Ammo (Explosive).esp MoreCamps.esp MoreMapMarkers.esp more_raider_exterior.esp more_raider_interior.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_AnchoragePlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_VanillaPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_ZetaPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Pitt_NewRifleSights.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PittPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_PL_NewItems.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_BrokenSteelPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_Basic_PointLookoutPlugin.esp RH_IronSights_RemoveReticule.esp T3T_MiscItemIcons.esp UPP - Beverage Perks.esp UPP - Experience Perks.esp UPP - Pack 1.esp UPP - Pack 2.esp UPP - Quest Perks.esp WastelandMastery.esp WeaponModKits.esp WeaponModKits - BrokenSteel.esp WeaponModKits - Zeta.esp WeaponModKits - OperationAnchorage.esp WeaponModKits - PointLookout.esp WeaponModKits - ThePitt.esp Nojunkaidgrenadsminesitemweight.esp QuickStart.esp CrowdedCities_v2.esp
  5. Yeah I know, but it's progress. I mean this mod idea is something, it will sure add purpose for the dragonborn existance.
  6. Alright, I dont know if it is just me but I think this is for sure a killer idea, it might even make the province of skyrim a bit more alive. Here is what came across my mind, what about a police department in skyrim, ofcourse it is not going to be called a police department, it would be more like the justice league from the DC universe. The mod goes as follows: You as the hero of Tamriel who saved it from eternal doom by the world eater alduin, this is already starting to feel like a comic book plot, an origin story. So as the dragonborn -Dovahkiin- you're sick of the lack of sicurity the empire offers for travlers and you have noticed that the roads of skyrim are not as safe as the empire intended it to be, the theives that confront you in your travels are there to prove your point, so you decide to start a guild just like the empire's goal you want peace and justice this guild can be named anything like for example the guild of justice or something like that and you can start by upgrading your guild's base from a wooden cabin into an underground sanctuary where you execute and imprison outlaws, as guild leader you can also send out invites and by time you get more reqruits, also as guild leader you hand out orders to your members to patrol certain roads and once they return they bring back reports of who they saved and who they captured, the bandits captured spwan in your HQ's cells, also you can get radiant personal requests from jarls and leaders for you to solve personally and you can get radiant rewards from time to time by famous known npcs for keeping skyrim safe. You get the idea by now I hope. I hope you like my idea and I hope it gets executed, I need this in my playthrough please :geek: :sweat: MANY THANKS FOR WHO EVER CONSIDERS THIS <3 <3
  7. So I was thinking about this idea for a while ... What if there is a school outside whiterun that has all types of master trainers, but to apply for this school you will have to pay first. Each trainer would be in their own office where you can go and meet them so that you can train, and also it would be nice to include a few student roaming around the school.
  8. So I just found out about this awesome game the my friend told me about, called Hard Time by MDickie. It is a prison simulator which is despite of its terrible graphics, a pretty amazing game. What I'm trying to say here is that with the right talent of modding this game could be played in the creation engine by making a pre-war prison with named inmates and wardens that from time to time can give you tasks and tips or you could give your own tasks. Also the some of the inmates could be in some different factions or "gangs" that you can join and gain from them. Basically it's a prison life simulator that you can teleport to by using the pip-boy or a time travel machine or whatever. Please make this happen :ermm: (What you will be making here is an entire new game so it doesn't have to be lore-friendly). :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  9. Like the mod Skyrim Unbound, I wish for a mod that would just erase the main quest and every other thing that indicates you as a vault dweller or your son Shaun. Basically lets your roleplay as any character you want... also muting the player and zooming the dialogue camera into the face of the character you're talking with locking it that way ... plz :confused:
  10. I would just like to end the minutemen as a whole ... like just shoot him in concord and all who support him. Mama murphy, and all the others just kill'em pew pew done ... no more minutemen And also as you kill him you fail all his quests and be done with it
  11. The titles says it all I basically request a mod like the immersive armors and immersive weapons mod in skyrim where alot of new content was added into the game through the levelled loot list .... you know something like that. I have seen alot of standalone weapons that can be obtained by spawning them via console, and I'm afraid thats it ... I really dont wanna lose hope on mods like that I mean like immersive weapons and armors
  12. Well I will be honest, the one thing that I feared most of fallout 4 before its launch is that it would abandon its RPG origin and become a generic crafting game, this might just be me for I hate crafting games, looking for resources materials and such.. now in past bethesda games such as eso skyrim and fallout 3 you didnt have to do that at all you could have enjoyed every bit of the game with out having to craft a single item ... i will just go a head and tell you my idea to solve this problem. Why not replace the ingredients with a specific amount of caps for each item the higher the efficiency the higher is the price but that doesnt mean it has to be 45000000 or any unbelievable price if you know what i mean .. well thats all I really hope it gets done so I can really start enjoying this game and embrace it's litte few rpg elements that was left and if there is a mod that resembles my request or at least comes close to the idea please do inform me
  13. I really really really dislike what Bethesda did with fallout 4's environment .. since when is an apocalyptic world so colorful while it should be grey and faded and people with makeshift armors .. not some well made military grade armor.. so that's what I'm asking for. I just want to feel as if I am in world that has been destroyed by a nuclear war not an apocalyptic utopia. Please make this happen :happy: :nuke:
  14. So basically I was just browsing through nexus mods as I always do, but this time I had something in mind that I was looking for. I would love to see a mod that replaces all vanilla armors and weapons with historically accurate clone such as if you were to make a daedric armor you can make it still have it's usual black and red theme, also with the glass armor, maybe you can make it shiny glass chainmail or something. And if you were to make weapons perhaps keeping their vanilla themes while making them more realistic such as adding a much more realistic guard also a realistic grip and a sharp blade. If you're a modder and you're considering this mod, please do so I would be much obliged, and thank you :blush:
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