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  1. EDIT: VolkerA4 has a WIP centered camera mod under: Unified Camera - Third Person Tweaks its early but honestly functions pretty good! p.s. idk if we can post mod links in threads without permission of said modder ////////////////////////////////////// this is a stretch but: when your perspective swap button/key is held, your camera centers on your character and allows for a vanity cam. is there a way a modder could view these values changing in real time and possibly pinpoint the location of the camera position within the game files?
  2. i feel it's going to take a while due to starfield using an updated version of the engine. i tried the same camera commands in the ini. my camera was stuck inside the model and my input direction were re bound counter clockwise, forward was left lol
  3. NOT A FIX: i found a reddit post attempting to use Fallout ini camera edits to center the 3rd person camera: ( https://www.reddit.com/r/starfieldmods/comments/169yskm/adjusting_camera_ini/ ). I have tested this and confirmed out of the box it does break the camera, but maybe this is a stepping stone? I also found this site listing all starfield ini compatible lines: ( https://stepmodifications.org/forum/topic/19019-starfield-default-values-for-all-known-valid-ini-settings/ ) if you wish to avoid that link, these ini lines caught my attention: [Camera] bApplyCameraNodeAnimations=0 fOverShoulderCombatAddY=0.0 fOverShoulderCombatPosX=0.0 fOverShoulderCombatPosZ=0.0 fOverShoulderPosX=0.0 fOverShoulderPosZ=0.0 fOverShoulderMeleeCombatAddY=0.0 fOverShoulderMeleeCombatPosX=0.0 fOverShoulderMeleeCombatPosZ=0.0 bTestLeftSideCameras=0 f1st3rdSwitchDelay=0.25 hopefully this can get modders in the right direction
  4. +1 and bump should be a default thing for any third person capable shooter. hell, death stranding has shoulder swap!
  5. Have you heard of reWASD? it's a purchase but you can multi bind AND shut off parts of the controller from the game to then add pc bindings
  6. I'm not sure how close the engines are but i had something like this mod awhile back: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11768 i've embarrassingly tried the lines for starfield in several ini's with no luck. would this be possible as a mod? edit: a centered camera in general not just for holstered weapons
  7. Due to my disability i have trouble using normal mice. a friend of mine suggested i try a drawing tablet instead which has done wonders for my general accuracy. i decided to try fallout again recently and discovered the wacom can control everything from the main menu to the pipboy but i can't move the camera at all. are there any mods or fixes for this?
  8. I've tried my hand at re-textures back in NV but couldn't get the hang of it. if anyone has the time i'd really appreciate: black shirt red plaid jeans/black pocket flaps, black shoes/chucks, all still dirty like the original and/or gunner/swamp green shirt, brown jeans/gunner green pocket flaps, black shoes\chucks also all dirty either or both would be fantastic, thanks in advance!
  9. Gilsa, did you add these exact lines to the .ini or something else? i'm fed up with waiting, tried tinkering myself, but realized the only thing the lines did for me was full bright my face :confused:
  10. Well the only file that needs to be adjusted is the Fallout 4.ini main file. I messed around with these settings yesterday on Fallout 4 and discovered that they don't slide the camera, they swing it. AddY determines forward and back position in a sliding mannerPosX rotates the camera around the player horizontallyPosZ tilts the camera around the player verticallyThe game may have some new settings that need to be adjusted, if that's the case than it should be a simple ini tweak. Otherwise, it'll have to be modded. I'm going to poke around as much as I can, I'm not really a modder but I'm pretty desperate to get this one. May your poking bear centered camera fruit
  11. nope, still haven't turned up with anything close
  12. oh, thank you Oubliette, guess i can start googling under that while i wait for a modder..... side note: i tried doing this myself in the kit, i managed to turn skyrim purple....and textured with eyes
  13. first off, I was wondering if clothing parts could be combined, and if so could anyone add the black hand robe pants to the mourners cloths? Thanks in advance
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