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ChuckFlash's Achievements
Can anyone make something that slows the Quick Menu, to allow time to choose a action ? At least allow players to adjust the speed it disappears. Better yet turn it into a menu bar that can be toggled on and off. As is, it's way too fast, not allowing time to navigate and choose a action. A speed slider would do wonders, as not all players are the Flash. I am chuckflash as in Bright not Fast :geek:
Don't feed the TROLLS Trying to redirect this topic to be about piracy, lends nothing positive to the discussion. I just want an easy way to get mods that are working with the latest version, without having to wade through all the older mods, that may not work. If after going through all the current and updated mods, I want an old mod, then and only then, I can search the archives for it. This is about saving time and efficiency, NOT anything else.
[Mod Creator Request] Add Game Version and Lua
ChuckFlash posted a topic in No Man's Sky's Mod Ideas
It's all in the title. Please add the Game Version the mod is made for, and a Lua file for the mod. This will go such a long way, in cutting down the time it takes building a working mod list. Since most mods are made to make Game Play efficient, please make adding mods efficient as well. Thanks to All Yall Creators out there, making games Fun to play again. -
ALL mods should state what Game version they are made for. And Nexus should be able to List Mods by Game version. This would not only help speed up my search for mods, but also help to cut down the time it takes, to build my Game mod list. I don't need to see every mod made, since the game first released, just show me what works with my current version.
The Mods List on Nexus should be Version Specific for Every Game, so that when searching for mods, the FIRST thing you do is PICK the Game version you have. Then only mods that work for that version should be listed, including Collections. As is now I spend time trying to find mods that work with my version of a game, out of the Ton of mods made since the first release of the game. Then I have to spend more time testing each mod, to see if it works or not. And if there are more than a few, I am thrown into a Grind of wack a mod. I really like to use mods, and appreciate the creators time and talent. But all Mods should state the Game Version they are made for, because creators taking time for this little step, saves users boo koo Hours of fiddling, when they would rather be playing. AND isn't that what mods are for in the first place ?
I understand, the Rights of Creators, have to be upheld. That said I think this is a perfect opportunity for Nexus to show their support for Mod Creators. I think that Nexus should have a MOD BOUNTY Program set up, much like the Security side of programing. So that Nexus could be the interface between Game Companies and the Mod Creators. Where Mod Creators could get paid for their work, and have it put into a game. I see this as being a Win for Nexus, Game Companies and the Mod Creators getting paid and recognition for their time, a Win for the Game company with improved Ideas, Bug fix, Game updates, and Community relations, and a Win for all the Players getting better Play, which fits in with the "Collection" scheme.
As a Player I have been waiting for something like "Collections" for years. And I can see both sides, for and against this move, but the negatives are over "Rights", not over the idea of Collection Packs. I think the popular mod creators have seen this need, and is why many of them have made mod-packs themselves. I think Nexus has been put on a seesaw, trying to balance a fair resolution, between both mod creators and players. But this always happens with progress. Much like when the automobile took over from the horse and buggy, there is a lot of friction in the beginning, that will change and be ironed out over time. There is a reason Nexus has become the site for Mods, and that reason is how they have dealt with ALL the community over all. Sure they have made mistakes, same as everyone, but given time, they always come around. So I think the community should give this Great Idea, time to hatch, and settle in. I believe we will all be better off, in the end. Many Thanks to Nexus, to the Great Creators, and the Amazing Community of Players. :yes:
Request-ADVISORS COUNCIL IN GAME Same as I posted on the X4 Forum I SEE X4 AS A EMPIRE BUILDER, with the player rising and becoming Emperor. And as X4 moves closer to becoming a living Universe, the need for auto systems grow. As in real life, all leaders, have had a council of Advisors, who guide, and help the leader control his Empire, as he can't be everywhere at once. And after all the Leader need not be required to mop a floor, or fix a leak, Unless he wants to. At a Point in the Game, the Player needs to Acquire a Council of Advisors, much like the Boron, seen as a Science Adviser, they should also be Operation Supervisors. One for each area of the Game, such as: Military, Mining, Trading, Construction, Engineering, Personnel, Station, Fleet, Tera-forming, ect. They may also acquire and have sub-managers who work under them. These Advisors would have levels of skill, like all NPC's, and improve with experience and training. They would advise the player with ALERTS, in their area of control, consisting of several choices, allowing the player to choose which action to take when needed. Not all choices would be the best, based on their level of current skill, but the player remains in ultimate control of the direction he decides to take. As the Advisors grow in skill level, the player can allow them more control, with fewer alerts to the player needed. The level of alerts can always be set by the player, for his preferred level of management in the game. This would allow players to set the depth of micro management they like, not only across the entire game, but also in the area they wish to go deeper into, while turning down the others, without losing their control. Bottom line is, Options allowing Freedom of Choice for All the Players, to get the most Fun from a game, should be the Ultimate Goal. EXTRA ADDED HERE: I would like a New UI panel for "Council" be added on the left side of the screen. Where one click would take you to the Council's page. This page would have a Global setting sub, allowing over all settings to be made. This page would also provide a easy menu to each individual Advisors page, where you can view both a log of past actions taken, current actions, and possible alerts for future actions. ALSO have each Advisors Level of Authority, set and tweaked by the player. All in All, I would like to see ALL mods incorporated into this one Panel, making it easy for all players, new or long time, to play the game at whatever depth they choose. I want to Thank ALL the mod creators, for their Fantastic work, and hope they will come together to make this request possible.
Atom Dead City, final release out now. Has been updated to v.1.105 Still waiting for Nexus, or anyone to catch up and add this game.
Does anyone have a fix for the Quick Time Events in this game ? Please help me save my Keyboard and give me a link, Thanks
You may want to try this program that lets you speak commands, which does the key press for you. It allows combinations of keys which makes it far easier to play games. VoiceAttack (http://voiceattack.com)
Hey diddle diddle stop and fiddle, that's the name of the game. With no Character Levels or End Goals, whats the point ? Since game companies are devoid of thinking now days, they just add micro managed time sinks, loot crates, and nonsense. Push with a Lot of PR BS, and see if it sticks, Cause it is about the MONEY not about the Game. Now I am waiting for some genius to Add a Outhouse, which when you poop, your weight goes down and you can carry more. Are Players getting Dumber Or Game Publishers getting better at Brainwashing ? Guess I am getting Burned Out with all the Crap being Pushed these days.
Would like to see Atom rpg mods and save games added to nexus. Now there are mods on steam for this game, hope people will upload them to nexus. Anyone with a V1.08 save game ? Please post, Thanks
Here is some more info about this problem An observation with extensions(for those who have to put mods in documents) https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=181&t=405273