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Everything posted by Ymerej

  1. Downloaded and installed this mod today. I have been looking at Oblivion modding, but thought I would go back to Morrowind for a change, and perhaps because I found it a better game. But can't run it. Says that your file requires an older version of Morrowind (I have Seems odd to me. It says the same for the other mods I downloaded, Ren's hair, Aléanne's clothes. Other problem, and perhaps reason for above, is that I have French version. Should that have any effect on purely visual mods? Help please.
  2. Very basic I am afraid. I have been looking at modding with TES CS for Oblivion with version 1.2.24. - Do I use the same version for Morrowind? - If so do I have to install it again in the Morrowind file? - If not, what version is needed and where do I download it? Also are there any mods that work in both games? - I see Ren's hairstyles have a MW version.
  3. Yeah. I see this thread is dead and buried, but I have a complaint. Why do the age groups listed stop at 40? Who makes these idiot assumptions that gamers have to be so young? I was in my 60's when I first got hooked on Player Manager with the old Amiga 500. Now just finished my second lap of your 40 years. Recently returned to Oblivion when I discovered the mods.....beats on-line gaming into a cocked hat. I have cancelled WoW and Lotro and several free games. Try adding a few more age steps at 10 year intervals - you might even find a 90+ ;)
  4. Disappointing. I have been looking at companion mods. I have sorted out the teeth only head, the pink skin, the bald head, the clothing related to 'relax' or 'battle' mode, but I still find one or two with black/navy faces - in this case Brinn and Claire, both of whom I would like to try. Disappointing to find no real solution here - though I haven't tried the Double Face thing yet. Been wondering what that was for. It is not really important. There are plenty of companions around, but it is a niggle. Currently trying out two teams using staff from the Bab shop and the Apache Goddess store. Useful to have goods and training on tap. They may eventually not be any good in a real fight, but they sure are decorative.
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