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Everything posted by soyhannibalsmith

  1. Is there a box that is the perfect size to be able to put it at the end of the conveyor belts to (in my case) drop the manufactured ammunition? There is nothing more satisfactory than seeing how the ammunition is manufactured and the boxes are gathered in large numbers xDDD Please if anyone knows something to tell me, I refuse to use the bathtubs for that purpose.
  2. I'm using this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44230 and I would like to be able to change the running speed of the robots, can someone tell me how that could be modified? Thanks
  3. It occurred to me to make machine gun positions for the settlements based on the machine-gun animation of the vertibirds, to which you can assign your settlers or use them yourself. If there are people who have managed to use the machine-gun animation in vehicle mods, why not use it to create powerful machine gun posts for the settlements? :devil: :dance:
  4. let's say I want to modify some textures, or some sound file in a mod, I was trying to modify some textures in NifSkope but I don't know how to save those textures in the plugin ck file of the mod I have done some homework, I have downloaded-CK-BA2 extractor-NifSkope-Blender-FO4edit I may be doing nonsense but hey I just started on this,If someone can tell me what software to use to modify each of the elements, I appreciate it. Thanks and greetings to all Who knows, hopefully a one day I can upload a great modification for the enjoyment of the whole community
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