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Everything posted by VanZerg

  1. Hi all, i had an mod wich changes the werewolf. The werewolf became bigger ears and sharper teeth. The modder was inspirated by an movie. i lost the mod because i have to reinstall my OS. Did anyone knows wich mod i mean? thx for results. mfg
  2. I have seen the movie "reign of fire" (a verry cool movie with dragons :-) ) At the end of the movie a man jumps with a axe from a high point to beat the dragon. It would be nice when the sprint attack with the twohanded weapon were like this, i mean a jump during the attack would nice. Have somebody an idea ho this works? I mean not a kill move , a normal attack, thx for request. bye ps: faxulapotzagoch
  3. Hi all, i want to create an Dungeon with Dragons in it. But the Dragons dont have to fly because they fly trough the wall :-) so i have to change the script for that Dragon but i wont change the script for all Dragons. Just for those wich are in the Dungeons. My question: How can i change the ki script for those dragons? with CK or what? Thx for help. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bVtGlUaW-tA/TFMMjUmj6ZI/AAAAAAAAL7o/3kHFEcvxO9Q/s1600/24.jpg
  4. Thx for your tip. With the creation kit it works. :thumbsup: I have now falmers without armors and weapons. Now i want to change the voice. I know to replace the standard soundfiles but i need the name of the original sounds from falmer to replace them. Is there an list for that? i will replace the falmers voice with that from the movie "the descent" thx
  5. Hi, i want to make an mod with Falmers without Weapons, Armors and Spells. They should be like the monsters in the Movie "the descent" I try it with the NPC-Editor but there is no change. Changing Human NPC is no problem for me but the Falmer wont work. How can i take the inventory and spells from then. It would be nice when the dont wear clothes like in the movie. http://kalafudra.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/thedescent2.jpg please for answers ps: sorry for my bad english
  6. Nice, but this wont work. I try it but there is no change with this mod. I downloaded and installed this with nexusmodmanager and nothinng happpens. But thanks for your post, whent it works it woulld be perferct for roleplay gaming, thx. :-)
  7. Hi Im sorry for my bad english, but i hope you will understand me. I have an Idea for an Mod but no knowledge to do it. I think it would be realistic if i could se all the weapons ive got in the inventory shown at the player-figure. I think its not cool when the weapons disappear when i unequip them. I want to see 2 onehand weapons, 1 twohanded weapon , the arrows , the bow and the schild at the same time. This would be limited the weapons to equip, but this is okay. When anyone have an idea to make this mod, this would be nice. thank you.
  8. Hello , i have a Problem with the Enclave Commander Mod. The Marker has an Strange Texture. In the Video of the mod is an nice Emblem but in my game there is an bad green Texture What is the problem?
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