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Status Replies posted by oldnotweak

  1. I think... no nevermind.
    1. oldnotweak


      Wow i just now remembered!....wait!.....DANGIT!
  2. "It's time for this dream to end, and so too must the dreamers within it. For over thirty years they (the cult) have lied to their own souls. For thirty years, they denied their fate. But now is the end of days, and I am the reaper."
  3. I hate breaking nails...
    1. oldnotweak


      i break nails all the time i just get a wedge and a hammer... o wait thats splitting nails!


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. No. They're all gonna LAUGH at you!
    1. oldnotweak


      sweet! :) now get back to work! theres more mods to be made! o hey how about a pot belly stove for my mod?!


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. No. They're all gonna LAUGH at you!
  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to ya friendos!
  7. Well very soon we can welcome the year 2012. A new year with new chances, and new dreams and wishes. I hope everyone has a nice newyear. and remember use fireworks the RIGHT way. dont wanne begin 2012 being crippled right ?
    1. oldnotweak


      my year is looking to be the best one yet :)
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. Well happy Xmas and happy holidays to everyone. and i hope everyone finds his/her luck apon 2012. seen the crisis i think its safe to say everyone needs luck. Just believe in yourelf. and do anything to make your dreams come true.
    1. oldnotweak


      wow that luck sure helped, thank you angel :)
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Still don't know why people I approved don't show up in my friend list... (><)
    1. oldnotweak


      i have mine set to just allow anyone to be my friend


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. Berf. The latest in words I want to catch on.
  11. Why do the smallest problems cause the most trouble?
    1. oldnotweak


      because the big problems demand attention and get solved quickly but small problems are put off or forgotten until they become something terrible.
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. Okay, so..I'll get Skyrim for my birthday.
  13. My birthday is coming up(:
    1. oldnotweak


      so you got skyrim right?
  14. There is one status updates to display.
  15. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini comes out tomorrow <333 Imma be a bookworm for a while, guys. :D
  16. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini comes out tomorrow <333 Imma be a bookworm for a while, guys. :D
    1. oldnotweak


      no im lex luthor. and im sick of that damnable xray vision these superheroes like kayla are always using! foil my plot will ya?!..... **mumbles as he walks off**
    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  17. SKYRIM!!!!!! Woot!!
    1. oldnotweak


      **wonders how he ended up here of all places**
    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  18. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini comes out tomorrow <333 Imma be a bookworm for a while, guys. :D
    1. oldnotweak


      **pokes kayla in the eyes** no x-ray vision on dictionaries!
    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

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