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Status Updates posted by oldnotweak

  1. well thats fine :D im not a demanding friend :)
  2. i was just on chat and noticed you taking yesterday so i decided to say hi :D always lookin for more friends XD
  3. hello there little miss :D
  4. *just stands there*
  5. the mysterious stranger beckons for more friends XD
  6. you avoidin me girl?!
  7. lol its funny cause up until recently i didnt know this comment thing was down here i guess i just forgot about it
  8. unlikely but thanks anyways :)
  9. I think... no nevermind.
    1. oldnotweak


      Wow i just now remembered!....wait!.....DANGIT!
  10. who are you talking to?!
    1. GrueMaster


      The quiet voices in my head, of course! :D
    2. oldnotweak


      o sorry for yelling then xD
    3. GrueMaster


      Oh, no, it's quite alright. They were just asking if there's room in my head for a few more. *crazy eyes* :)
  11. only one friend how sad XD
  12. welcome to the wonderful world of... what realm is this again?
  13. whatever you do dont trip
  14. your page is full of inequity!
  15. How dare you Rice!
  16. you mean this little avatar icon thing? i made it and then had to shrink it down to fit on here lol
  17. i think my last comment didnt go in :( im working on a mod so you wont think of me as a parasite anymore my idea is to make certain trees climable so you can hide from baddies and use the limbs as a vantage point to return fire
  18. whats this?
    1. CheeseyBall


      It's a status update! :D
    2. Brittn


      sssshhhhh CheeseyBall!!! Were trying to keep this a secret from him! He cant find out or all hell will break loose. o.o
    3. oldnotweak


      **suddenly looks concerned**
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