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Everything posted by XcoqpouleX

  1. Humm. I just tried the Mystic elf race from Rens Beauty Pack and the same thing is happening. Can't see the hairs,
  2. *Sigh* Well, my problem is that the hairs, from Moonshadow Elves mod, I configurated in Construction Set is not working. When I'm choosing my race the basic hairs work but not the one I put like in the instruction of the mod. The custom hairs is just not showing, my character is bald. I read that ts can be because of the fact that some of beauty packs can interfered each other so I tried without other .esp but it is doing the same thing. Answer please and sorry for my bad english.
  3. EDIT: Thanks a lot! =P It works now... It was just because of my game version. xD
  4. AH! I think I found it! My game is at v. 1.0...... =S. I'll patch it now and give the result. Thats a stupid issue.... =P
  5. I installed all the requirements and nothing changed. The problem is still there. Another idea please?
  6. Only Robert Male is missing, I will try this out. But I think that I would be able to see it in the choices even if I don't have the proper modeling mod, no?
  7. Hummm..... I'm pissed... =P I spent like hours to find a solution to my problem but I found absolutely nothing. So, my problem is that I add Moonshadow Elves new race mod but when i'm getting ingame the race is not in the choices. I followed the instructions but nothing, I really don't know what my mistake is. From that, I wanted to try another race, I tried Tabaxi Cat race or something like that, it is doing the same thing. Please help. I'm running on Win7 and I installed Moonshadow Elves with the Omod way. Sorry for my bad english and I just wanted you to know that i'm a little new with mods.
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